
Start from the beginning

Jane kicks the whisperer off of her weapon, making their body drop to the ground and blood pour out of the open gash wound in their head. Jane looks over seeing one final whisperer and swings her weapon in intimidation but the final Whisperer gets on her knees to surrender. Daryl rips off her mask, to reveal a girl begging for her life. "Please... Please don't kill me" The girl begs as Jane looks down at the mask Daryl is holding in his hands. Daryl tosses the mask to Michonne and Jane looks over at the girl, "How many of you are there?" Jane asks as she holds her weapon tightly in her hands. "Please... you killed them all. It's just me now" The girl declares and Michonne puts her katana to the girls neck.

"I don't believe you" Michonne says as tears run down the girls face. More walked begin to show up. "We gotta go" Yumiko calls out as she gets her bow and arrow ready. "Yeah, why don't we just take her with us?" Silas asks as he looks to Daryl and Michonne. "I agree. Ain't not time so we'll just take her with us" Daryl says and Jane sighs, nodding her head.

The group arrives at Hilltop with Jesus' body and the captive girl, causing the whole community to react in disbelief. "Mommy... what happened to Jesus?" Roslyn asks as she runs up to Jane. Jane bends down to Roslyn's level and pulls her in for a hug. "He's gone" Jane confesses softly as she places a soft kiss on top of Roslyn's forehead. Jane knew she had to be honest to Roslyn about this stuff even though she is just a kid. She's a kid in a really messed up world where things go wrong any second of any day and Jane knew that and soon Roslyn would too.

Michonne, Tara, Jane and Daryl interrogate the girl. "How many of you are there?" Jane asks as she crosses her arms over her chest. "I already told you—". "How many more of you are there!" Michonne shouts, interrupting the girl. "They're all dead. My families dead so please just stop" The girl cries and Jane scoffs. "You can answer our questions first. Then we'll stop" Jane states. "Yeah, like your name. Start with your name" Tara demands as she bends down to the girls level. "I told you, I don't have one. None of us do. None of us did" The girl says, quickly changing her answer. "Bullshit" Jane mumbles. "That's not how it works". "How did it work?" Michonne asks as the girl shakes her head and says that her group were just good people trying to survive. Michonne asks if her people know about Hilltop but the girl begs to be left alone.

"Whatever" Jane says as she opens the cell door and walks out of the cellar along with the rest of the group. "I don't trust a word coming out of her mouth" Michonne states and Jane nods in agreement. "Me either but we gotta get something out of her" Jane states and Daryl nods, "We will".

"We try again in the morning" Tara says and Michonne sighs and tells Daryl, Jane and Tara she's heading back to Alexandria. "Okay..." Jane whispers as she looks to Michonne. "That group you brought in can stay" Jane declares and Michonne nods her head as she places a hand on Jane's shoulder. "Thank you" Michonne says and Jane nods her head towards Michonne. "Of course" Jane says before her and Tara walk away leaving Michonne and Daryl alone for a few. "She say anything?" Silas asks as he walks over to Jane and Tara. "She said things but I don't believe any of it" Jane declares before Tara walks away leaving the two of them alone.

"We're gonna try and talk to her tomorrow, see if she gives us any valid information then" Jane informs as she shrugs her shoulders. "You're a good leader" Silas compliments and Jane sighs, "I try" Jane says as she locks eyes with Silas. "I heard about what happened... to your um— husband and sister" Silas confesses as he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Oh?" Jane questions as her eyebrows furrow. "I heard you talking to Ashton that night— I- I was coming to talk to you and heard what you guys were talking about. I know it's weird and I didn't mean to eavesdrop but yeah—" Silas rants and Jane laughs at his how nervous he is.

"You we're coming to talk to me?" Jane asks, not caring about the fact Silas heard what she confessed to Ashton that night. She liked the fact that he was coming to talk to her, especially that late at night. "Yeah... I was" Silas replies as he gets lost in Jane's eyes. "Good to know" Jane says before she looks away seeing Magna in the distance helping out other Hilltop members. "I'll see you around, Silas" Jane says before she turns her attention to Silas. "Of course" Silas says before Jane waves him goodbye and walks away from him before he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Hours later, a funeral is held for Jesus and everyone takes turns hammering the nails in his coffin. Daryl looks in sadness, before rushing back to the jail cells. Jane notices and pushes past Tara before rushing to see what Daryl is doing. "Who are you?" Daryl asks as he gets to the girls cell. "Daryl— We said we would—". "Answer the question" Daryl demands before he opens the cell door and walks closer to the girl. "You wanna die?" Daryl asks and Jane widens her eyes. "Daryl, let's go" Jane demands but Daryl stays right where he is at.

"Daryl, What's your problem?!" Henry shouts from over in his cell. "Henry, I got this!" Jane shouts, silencing Henry. "People up there just buried a good
man. And they are ready to string you up right now. All I got to do is drag your ass up them steps" Daryl states trying to scare the girl into giving him information. "We said we would deal with this tomorrow" Jane advises as Daryl snaps his head towards her. "You want her to live?!". "No! Her people killed Jesus and I know she's lying about all of her people being dead but we have think about this!" Jane argues as Daryl breathes heavily while he balls his fist up looking back to the girl huddled in the corner.

"I already told you—" The girl stammers before Daryl slams her against the bars. "Daryl!" Jane shouts angrily. "How many?!" Daryl asks, "10! There were 10 of us!" She shouts, obliging to his orders. Daryl asks if she comes from a place with walls and the girl tells him that places like Hilltop never last and her mom told her they needed the dead to stay safe. Daryl then raises his knife to her, demanding to know why her people killed his and she says they were always going to, that's what they do.

"Daryl, let's go. Now" Jane begs as Daryl looks over at Jane then back over at the girl quickly. "It's just me and my mother" The girl says as her breathing becomes uneven. "Liar!" Daryl shouts before dragging her towards the exit. She begs for her life and he lets her cower back in her cell. "My god Daryl!" Jane shouts angrily before locking the girls cell back up and locking eyes with the girl seeing her fear. "I got information out of her which is more than what you and Tara would you" Daryl states and Jane scoffs before pushing Daryl away and leaving the cellar.


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thoughts on silas and jane?

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