I put the lingerie back on, blushing slightly at the fact that he wants to see me in this, and then slipped the dress on.

It only barely covered the garter, and I took one final look at myself in the mirror before nodding.

Just then, there was a soft knock against the bedroom door, and the door opened just after.

I turned to face him with a smile, brushing my hair back and fidgeting with my dress to make sure it was situated properly.

When I saw him, my breath caught and heat crawled up my face.

He was wearing a dark maroon suit, a bit more modern looking than his usual attire. It looked primly pressed, and tailored to his exact measurements.

Underneath the suit was a black silk dress shirt, and instead of a bow tie, a matte black necktie.

Pinned to the lapel of his suit was what looked like an onyx stone in a marquise cut, polished and glittering. Attached to that was a delicate chain that led to a smaller onyx gem that was pinned to the pocket of his suit jacket.

Overall, he just looked stylish and sexy.

When he saw me, the relaxed grin on his face widened and he took in my entire appearance. Slowly he walked towards me, and I stood with my hands behind my back, smiling softly.

"Wow..." he breathed out, bringing his hand up to my cheek, "aren't you just a vision..." he said, his tone completely awestruck.

I blushed and shook my head, "you're one to talk...why are we getting all fancy for? Not like anyone but us is gonna see us," I chuckled and he hummed, pushing some of my hair over my shoulder.

"I figured something normal like this...a simple date...may be good for you. So, tonight, my fair lady, you and I are going to be dining in the finest restaurant..." he held his arm out for me, and I took it.

Giggling I looked up at him as we began to walk, "is it called...the living room?" I asked cheekily, and he shrugged, smirking as he looked away.

"Perhaps...I heard the chef is killer," he said, glancing at me and winking.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but laugh at his horrible joke.

Narrator POV

Zip left the bathroom, unsure of what Aria was preparing for, but not necessarily caring either way.

He slithered through the shadows looking around the royal chambers. Everything was in order, and so far he hasn't really seen anything useful.

That is, until he stumbled across a black leather notebook over by the nook in the living room. It was situated where the radio demon had been sitting the other day when he'd gotten angry at the fox.

The little shadow hopped up to the table, tilting his head curiously.

Just then he felt light headed, and Xander's voice came through.

"Did you get in?" He asked, and Zip let him know that he had.

He then transmitted the image he was looking at over to his master.

"What this?" His voice spoke curiously, and Zip opened the notebook.

His little eyes widened at the many symbols written down, and cryptic spells written in an ancient language. He recognized this magic as the same type of magic his master uses.

It wasn't exactly the same, but it was the same nonetheless.

Xander hummed, "turn the page," he ordered, and Zip did so.

There, written in English, were notes.

He's hiding— where?

Weaknesses unhelpful...

Talisman needs to be broken.

The notes kept going, describing his plans and some of the sources that he's in contact with.

Xander was silent for a second before he chuckled, and then started fully laughing. Zip cringed at the loudness in his head, and closed the black journal.

"So..." Xander started...

In his lair he sat with his legs crossed, hands laced under his chin.

"He figured it out..." he said amusedly, then reached beneath his shirt and pulled out a glittering necklace, looking over the pendant.

The glowing green center of the pendent grew brighter, and he closed his fist around it, tucking it back beneath his shirt.

"Now let's see him try to get close enough to take it."

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