Update on Life

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Hey lovelies I've missed you guys. Throughout the time I've been gone I thought I was healing but that turns out to be not the case. I've been crying everyday for a while and my mom started to notice and is trying to get me on antidepressants. I think i might have some health issues, but i don't know for sure yet so I'll try and take care of myself. My friends are respectfully shit. They're the reason I cry every single day I have 2 friends who I'm not that close with and one that I've known for a year that have been trying to help but ultimately i still feel sad bc I only have 1-2 classes with them. Another thing is my other friends(not the ones i was just talking about) have failed to notice how I feel and have abandoned me most of the time I need them the most. I'm always by myself and I don't eat lunch but during lunch time I'm usually by myself sitting next to my gym teacher and no one likes her. I have no one to talk to and no one seems to want to talk to me. I'm becoming really lonely and since I'm an only child and it's weird talking to my mom about my feelings I just wanted to come on here and talk to you guys bc it always makes me feel better. Bye lovelies I miss you a lot and hopefully I'll feel better in the next 1-2 months, love you guys. 💜

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