Chapter 38

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Sunoo Pov

After our little secession Niki patted my butt signaling for me to get off his lap. I got off and he stood up, "can we go look for food now?" I asked Niki and he nodded. We interlocked hands and left the bathroom to roamed around the carnival. After a couple minutes we came across a stand that was thankfully unlocked. "Babe what do you want? They have cookies, dumplings, ramen, white rice, fried rice, or a cake pop.", "is it possible to have all?" I asked and Niki chuckled we stuffed our arms with the snacks and walked around looking for a place to sleep.

I found the perfect spot when we crossed by a stage. We immediately ran over to the stage and sat down to eat. As we were eating we started having a conversation, I was thankful that Niki hasn't made any too dirty of jokes to ruin my appetite. "Ay baby, isn't this floor too hard for you?" Niki asked after i had just finished my food. "Haven't we had this conversation before?" I asked as I got up to throw away the trash. "Maybe we have but people can change" Niki said, "and you're not one of them, I'm convinced you're gonna be dirty minded forever." Niki chuckled and said, "that might be true but i can still change, for instance right now we're dating, but in a while we'll be married." His smile and the moon sparkling in his eyes made my heart skip a beat, and his comment was making me blush. "I suppose you're right" i said while blushing. "Hey Niki we should go check out the back stage to see if they have any warm material to use as blankets.

We headed backstage and we didn't find much, but we did find a small fluffy jacket and. bear costume. "There's no way I'm wearing that" Niki said and pointed to the bear consume in disgust. "We'll have it your way and freeze because imma keep myself warm." I said and Niki rolled his eyes putting on the jacket. It was kinda small on him because he's tall but he still pulled it off. I was in the bear costume and I can't lie, I was extremely embarrassed to be in this sweaty old and crusty looking costume but desperate times call for desperate measures. "Babe, I think we should stay in here for the night since it has air conditioning." I nodded and for most of the night we just lied on a cramped couch that was super uncomfortable scrolling through our phones. Nikis phone rang and he said it was from Jay, he answered and Jay started yelling saying, "YAH! Why didn't you tell us they closed at 8:30?! We can't even break in if we tried! I can't believe you too, I'm disappointed that we really thought nothing could go wrong. But regardless we'll have to work with what we got. Workers will probably start coming in an hour early to get ready so you guys should find a place to hide near the entrance. Once you start to hear more people just exit so no one is suspicious of you guys being there. Got it?!" "Yes sir!" Niki said and Jay hung up.

"Whelp, it's getting really late, and we have to wake up early, we should go to sleep baby." Niki said and I agreed. "Thanks for coming out with me, you looked cute today, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that psycho." Niki said seemingly tired.  "No, thank you for taking me out and spoiling me when you really didn't have to. Although we got stuck in a carnival I really enjoyed my day with you." I said, "that's good baby.. now be a good boy and go to sleep for me." Niki sounded so cute when we was tired. Before I knew it I feel asleep backstage, I'm an uncomfortable position, with Niki, stuck overnight in a bear suit at a carnival. This was definitely an experience.

I woke up to Nikis alarm going off, it was a 7:30 the carnival was opening in an hour. (I'm eating my cookie, lmao all the other readers are gonna be confused.) We both got up and I got out of the bear costume, and Niki took of the jacket. We placed everything back to its original spot and cleaned all of our traces. We headed towards the front of the carnival and looked around for a place to hide. The only spot we found a Porta potty. "Do we have to Niki.." i asked, "do you wanna get caught?" Niki replied and I sighed. We got inside and it smelled horrible I wanted to throw up but I know that won't only add to the smell.

"Wanna make out?" I heard Niki said, "NIKI WERE IN A DAMN PORTA POTTY THAT SMELLS LIKE ROTTEN RATS DIED IN HERE AND SOMEONES 4 YEAR OLD COUSIN ACCIDENTALLY POOPED OUT DEATH!" I yelled, "I'll take that as a no then." I was in shock that he would even ask this in a Porta potty that smelled like we were on deaths road. "Ya think?!" I said, "Yah! Don't get sassy with me or I'll make you regret it in this Porta potty!" Niki said. "Fine" i said and crossed my arms with a salty look on my face.

About thirty minutes have passed and Niki says; "oh baby! I forgot to tell you that I bought you a skirt! I thought you would look really cute in it!" "A what now?" I said "a skirt" he replied, "Riki, where should I even wear a skirt to and why would I need one?" I asked. "Ya! It's only for my eyes no one else's, you won't be wearing it out. Plus maybe I want you clothed in something cute and not fully naked." Niki said, "what?!" I yelled, he giggled and said don't worry about it. I can't believe this kid.

Another 30 minutes pass and Jay hyung called. "Hey we're here, it seems like a good crowd of people are here so you should come out." I was so stoked to get out of here I rushed out so fast and hurried to the car.

"JAY HYUNG YOURE SUCH A SAVIOR! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!" I screamed, "Niki! What did we tell you about teasing the poor boy to death!" Jay said, "I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING!" Niki yelled defensively. "Anyways, who's house should I drop you off at?" Jay asked. "Mine since Sunoos gift is there." Niki said and I was blushing. Not just because of the skirt but because it would be my first time at Nikis house. "What surprise?" Jay asked and Niki just said it was a secret. The car ride continued and my eye kids were getting heavy. I ended up falling asleep for a nap in the car, and let me just say, i never want to go inside another porta potty again!

A/N: hey guys! I would write more but I'm getting tired. LMK how you like it. Also I kinda wanna do a Q and A but idk, I'll do it if you guys want me to and if you do leave comments of questions you have. Bye lovelies see you in the next chapter <3

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