Chapter 26

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Well well well, here we are again another somewhat spicy chapter. If you're not comfortable with dirty jokes, scenes or your just soft i wouldn't recommend this chapter. Just know they'll be getting their matching piercings here. Okay bye besties see you at the end of the chapter <3

Sunoo Pov

Day 3 of the trip

Today the group had decided to do nothing, and Niki and I talked last night and we're going to go get the couple piercings today. We were now going to announce to the rest of the members that were getting it and we're gonna need Heeseungs car to get to the city.

"You ready to go tell them?" Niki asked and I nodded. When we made our way to the members Niki said he would tell them.

"Okay guys I would like to announce that I finally gave Sunoo the talk!" Niki stated "what?" I and the other members questioned? "Ya know the talk about the deed" he did and made an okay sign with one hand and used his pointer finger to put it through the ok sign."WHAT?!" I yelled "NIKI! He's so innocent why would you tell him!" Jungwon yelled. "Honestly I have no idea what he's talking about, this isn't even what we were supposed to tell you." I said everyone let out a sigh of relief for some reason. "Anyways Niki and I are going to get matching piercings and we're going to need the car to get to the city." "Ugh, thank goodness I'm so relieved to hear that." Heeseung said I'm still very confused on why everyone's so relieved. "Okay you guys can use the car Niki I Don't trust you driving and I'm scared Sunoo will get distracted by yelling at you if he drives. I'm too lazy to take y'all so Sunghoon should drive." Heeseung said " what? Why me?" Sunghoon asked "because I trust you" Heeseung said. "Thanks bro. You gonna come with us Jake?" Sunghoon asked, "sorry I'm feeling a little tired so I'm gonna take a nap here. Jake responded "ok, I'll be back before you know it Jakie. Cmon kiddos let's go."

On our way to the shop Sunghoon said he was gonna drop us off and that we would have to call him to pick us up. The whole car ride Niki made me sit in his lap because apparently his lap was cold. Once we got there we said our farewells to Sunghoon and made our way into the shop. It was really crowded and we had to put our names down on a list for a 2 hour wait. "Wow it's really packed in here." I said and Niki replied with "yeah but it's not packing like me" with a smirk. "Niki!" I shouted but tried not to be too loud. "What? it's true. I like how you secretly know everything I'm talking about yet you act so innocent around the others and sometimes even me." He said, and it just made me blush "s-shut up" I said " sorry no can do, but there's a way I could make you shut up and I think you'd like it." He replied leaning closer to me making my face explode with a red pigment.

"Oh look, there's only one seat. Looks like you're gonna have to sit in my lap." He said "how come you can't sit in my lap?" I asked "because I'm more dominant than you." He replied "what does that have to do with anything?" I asked "oh a lot baby boy, but you'll find out sooner or later." "H-huh? What's up with that nickname?" I asked really flushed "oh nothing, but I see you liked it" Niki said with a chuckle. If my face wasn't dark red before, now it was. "You like that baby boy?" He asked "I feel like you're referring to something else.." I said "even if I am you can't stop me, remember your place, I'm more dominant." Niki said "but I wasn't even testing your dominance." I said "do you admit I'm more dominant?" He said with a chuckle behind it. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms I started to move in his lap a bit because like I've mentioned before I'm not really used to this position.

"Ah" i heard a wince leave Nikis lips, "oh I'm sorry did I hurt you?" I asked only to not get a reply I started moving again "ah, Sunoo stop moving" Niki said "but it'll only take a couple of seconds before I can find a way to get comfortable I said while moving. Until I felt something poke me down there. "I- uhm- I- wait actually this kinda feels not too bad." I accidentally said out loud. I didn't want Niki to hear because he would start teasing me about it. "Oh do you also like this baby boy?" Niki said "Yah! Stop with your dirty jokes." I said "Sunoo baby, it's me I'll never stop with the jokes." I just rolled my eyes.

About 15 minutes go by and Niki said "Sunoo, what if I took off my pants and got a piercing down there?" I started chocking on air "choking for me already?" Niki said "Yah! Someone needs to punish you before you get out of hand." I said "too bad I'll have to punish you for the attitude you're giving." I was confused when Niki started standing up and walked us to the bathroom. "Yah, why are we in-" Niki spanked me out of no where. "What was that for!" I yelled "I told you I was gonna punish you but i also told you that one time that I liked your hotcakes." Niki said and winked. I was blushing mad crazy. All the thoughts of the McDonald's trip was starting to come back into my head. "Anyways im going back, don't make me wait too long or my lap will get cold." Niki said, I stayed in the bathroom for about 2 minutes just thinking  and then I made my way back to Niki. 

Still only one seat was available and I really didn't want to stand so I sat back in his lap. "You never answered my question from earlier." Niki said "would you be into it if I got that piercing done?" He asked agin, "No! Only I am supposed to see that!" I immediately realized what I had said after Niki started smirking. "I mean- I think it would be painful and that it's not a good idea to get it." I said "mhm, suree, I think you being possessive of that is cute." He said wrapping his arms around me waist. I just scoffed and scrolled on my phone.

As I was scrolling I came upon a bunch of different holiday movies to rent out and asked Niki what his favorite Christmas movie was. "Hmm, probably polar express." He said "and whys that?" i asked of curiosity "because the railroad makes me think of me and you" he said "huh? How?" I asked out of curiosity again. "Because one day we might try something called railing." He said with his classic smirk"What what's that?" I asked. He started to explain it to me and my eyes widened and he chuckled. "Now I know why they say curiosity killed that cat." I said and groaned "Awh, I would never kill you kitten, but I might rough you up a bit." Niki said. The fact that I understood what he meant means he's turning me dirty, just like him.

As time passed on Niki made more dirty jokes until it's was time for our piercings. As the piercing was lining up the needle to my ear Niki leaned into my other ear and whispered, "I'm sorry the needles poke isn't going to feel as good as my poke, but in a way.. that's good for me." I could tell he was smirking and my face was red red, I didn't even know I had gotten my ear pierced  until the piercer told Niki it was his turn. I waiting for him as I blushed and after he was done we went to pay. "Ah, it's so lovely that I don't have to pay for you to give yourself to me and instead I pay for things like this. want me to be your sugar daddy." Niki said "sir! When we go back I'll let you have the room and/ or bathroom for as long as you want." I said "only if you come with me." He replied I can't I was so flustered at this point.

I grabbed my phone and called Sunghoon hyung. "Hey hyung, can you come back and give us a ride?" I asked and he said he could and I said thanks. When I hung up Niki said "You shouldn't need Sunghoon for a ride when you have me." I blushed at his dominance and shook my head. "I'm not sitting on your lap when we get in the car!" I said. "We'll see about that." Niki said.

I ended up sitting in his lap.. I was kinda used to it by now and it was comfy. His dirty side is apart of his personality and it's not like I don't like it.. "fuck me for loving you so much " I whispered to myself. "Gladly" Niki said. I realized what I said and I was madly blushing. When we got back Niki asked for a shower and I said maybe later because after all these remarks I'm not even in the same mindset anymore. Gosh, he can be really dirty but I love him for it.

A/N:......... wow, even I'm shocked by my own writing

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