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Ok, engene I'm sure we all know the news about Sunoo and the bullying he has gotten for no reason. Not only Sunoo but the rest of Enhypen are being looked down on because of a couple of jokes. In my opinion, I honestly think they were joking because they're close enough to joke like that with each other and I think they know their boundaries. They legit didn't mean any harm with the comments towards Sunoo they love him dearly and Sunoo had stated how much Enhypen takes care of him. I'm really triggered right now because of the fat shaming because WTF, he is not overweight whatsoever and if he was who gives a shit he has an amazing personality and is very charming. ALSO! I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT THE MEDICAL CONDITION HE HAS, FOR ALL WE KNOW HE COULD BE TAKING MEDS THAT MIGHT AFFECT HIS WEIGHT. He's probably already having a hard time as it is between school and work not to mention he's not even 18. That's already enough stress on him so please stop with the shaming. The Korean beauty standards are WAY too high but that doesn't matter because Sunoo is already an amazing and perfect human being what do you guys get out of bringing him down? NOTHING stop projecting your insecurities onto other people and take care of yourself. Also, Jungwon himself has lost weight a while ago so I highly doubt that he would bring Sunoo down when he had his own experience. I swear if this turns into another Jimin situation I will not forgive y'all. Sunoo always speaks so fondly of the member and what some people don't understand is that there is a thing called MISTRANSLATION which happens a lot. I get it's ironic how this is a Sunki fanfic but all that aside Ni-ki really looks up to Sunoo and we know how he loves to tease him. I can't even imagine how Sunoo feels right now, it breaks my heart seeing this go down he's a human. We're all human, we make mistakes but we also learn from them. If Enhypen truly was fat-shaming Sunoo that is absolutely unacceptable and I would not defend them whatsoever, but they can learn. The oldest member is 19 and the youngest is 15!! They're still learning and growing but I'm sure they're already learning from this and know to be more cautious. Still, this isn't an excuse to be sending DEATH THREATS to Niki! Please, fellow engene it's our job to not only protect but give love, and care to our idols. Sure sometimes we do have to keep our idols in check but in this situation, we should all be supporting them. Another thing Please spread the message and help our boys 🥺

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