Chapter 11

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Niki Pov
After a few minutes of waiting our ice cream was brought out to us, Sunoo got mint chocolate and I got cookie dough. "Mhmm, this is so good" I heard my baby say. "Can I try some please" I asked "only if I can try some of yours" he replied back. " Deal" I said as he feed me some of his ice cream, it was ok but I couldn't get over his cute actions of feeding me. "You're so cute babe" I said and started teasing him, he started blushing while hiding his face. "Just shut up and feed me please" I chuckled and replied with "Oh so you want me to feed you huh?" I had a smirk on my face as he just rolled his eyes "ya know what never mind" he said as his hand went for my spoon. "No no I'll feed you" I said as I took the spoon and held it in place for him to eat it, as soon as he was about to take a bite i moved the spoon in the other direction. I kept doing it until he gave up and crossed his arms, he had a little pout which made him look so cute. I gave in and held my hand out directly in front of his mouth, he glanced up and me for a second and then ate the ice cream.

"Hmm yours tastes really good too" I just smiled and took my first spoonful of my ice cream. Hmm this is good, I then said "so pumpkin where do you wanna go after this?" while creasing his knuckles. "I want cuddles" he say, "all of the sudden? I mean I don't even know where we could possibly cuddle." I replied, he started pouting again " I'll tell you this, how about we can meet up again and cuddle but for now we can go on the merry go round." His face lit up ad he nodded in agreement, once we finished our ice cream we headed out to go on the ride. I never forget to take his hand when we get up to go somewhere, it's like muscle memory.

Once we arrived at the merry go round, we decided to take a seat so we could be closer to each other. I put my arm around his shoulder as  he put his arms  around my torso while his head was on my shoulder. We stayed in that position for the rest of the ride while we started having small talk and asking questions to get to know each other better, I found out he had two older brother and that they were in secret relationships since his parents want them to focus on school and their career. I was kinda touched that he took the risk of having this affair with me even though he really is allowed to. I felt a feeling of admiration once I got to know all these things about him.

I realized how open I was being with him when I realized I started talking about my family, I don't have the best family to be honest but they weren't the worst either. While opening up I felt a since if comfort from my baby and it made me feel relived that someone has my back. We moved onto positive topics like animals and food after that, "Sunoo baby when will we meet up again?" I asked him with a pout and slow leaning my head on top of his. "Hmm maybe Saturday?" "But that's so far away" I said with a pout, he scoffed and said "Niki, it's not that far away" I dramatically gasped and put my hand over my heart. " why won't you give me any pet names like I'm giving you" I said with a pout at the end "alright how about big baby?" he asked,
"remove the big, and call me baby" I replied "Not gonna happen." "But whyy?" I asked being a big dramatic " because i said so" i mocked him and we started arguing , suddenly he kissed my lips and the rude came to a stop. He quickly got off and was speed walking, I was just sitting there with my mouth open trying to process what just happened. Once I wrapped my head around it I jumped up and started running after him.

"Hey wait, don't run off after you kiss me" I yelled as I caught up to him and pulled him by his wrist, I pulled him in and went for another kiss, this time it was longer and more passionate. His lips tasted like mint chocolate so I ended up licking his lips a bit, they tasted really good probably even better than the actual ice cream. My hand left his wrist and snaked around to his waist, his lips were soft and plump and I wanted to embrace him forever. Once this kiss was setting down we gave each other a few last pecks and  officially ended the kiss.

We were both catching our breath as I commented "you're lips kinda look swollen bub" he looked at me and said "hmm, I wonder why" "hey you started it not me" I said defensively. "But I only gave you a quick peck, you basically swallowed my lips." "Well if you didn't eat ice cream and maybe I wouldn't " "You offered the ice cream tho." The bickering just continued until he pulled the same move as he did earlier, I yelled at him and said " I told you not to kiss me and run off!" All i heard was his giggles from afar, "catch me and you can get all the kisses you want" "Deal!" I stared running after him and that's how the chase began.

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