Chapter 27

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Sunoo Pov
When we arrived back to the Airbnb everyone was eager to see our couple piercings. "Oo oo lemme see the piercings!" Jungwon yelped. I showed everyone my ear and they all let out awes.

 I showed everyone my ear and they all let out awes

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(the piercings they got)

"OMG SO CUTE! JAY LETS GET ONE PLEASE!!" Jungwon screamed hopping tinily. "We'll see about it later Wonnie." Jay said and just kissed the top of Jungwons head while Jungwon just admired him with puppy eyes. "Ew get a room." Niki said and I snapped back saying "Niki you can't really talk." He deserved it after his pervy behavior from earlier. "Do you wanna test me after you had to learn a lesson earlier?" Niki said and I just blushed. "What do you mean by that?"Heeseung asked, "oh nothing. Sunoo and I have recently just been really addicted to this one game and  he said I wouldn't beat him at it and he doesn't like loosing and I beat him in it anyways." Niki said with a smile. How can he even come up with this shit at the top of his head? "Oh okay, maybe we should all try it sometimes." Heeseung suggested "Uhm, I don't think you would necessarily like this game and I think some people might get jealous and upset, uhm because of other peoples gear and stuff." Niki said I almost started chocking on air again because I knew Niki wasn't talking about a game but something else. "Oh okay then." Heeseung just agreed and everyone started to go back to what they were doing.

"Shall we make our way to our room?" Niki asked in a certain type of pervy tone. "Uhm, sure?" I said unsure but at the same time it's Niki, I may as well let him get this out so he'll go back to being normal soon.

When we made our way into the room our ears were sore so we didn't really want to lay on them and Niki suggested something he's suggested before. "You wanna just take a shower together?" Niki asked "Wow, you really don't give up do you?" I said, "nope, giving up just isn't who I am." He said with a grin , "you know, if I didn't know who you were and you constantly said things like this to me I'd think you're desperate." I said, Niki gasped and said "I'm not desperate! I'm just devoted to try my hardest when I'm with you." That made me blush a bit and I quickly kissed his cheek, and looked away. I could sense he was smiling and in shock at the same time. After a minute or two of silence Niki said. "So.. what's your answer to the shower?" I thought about it for a few minutes and said "sure" Niki face was in shock. "REALLY??!" He asked "yea, unless you want me to say no." I said. "No! Lemme go start the water now!"
I giggled at him and Niki rushed into the bathroom and started the water.

After we took a shower I got dressed in Nikis clothes which were a big oversized on me because of the heigh difference. "Awh you look so cute and my clothes baby." Niki said, "thanks bae" i replied and Niki just smiled. "Wanna cuddle?" Niki asked and I just nodded. We laid down on the side we didn't get pierced. "You feel warm pumpkin, I like it, you're like my little teddy bear." I blushed and just said "I'm glad." I replied , "never in the past would I have thought I would love someone as much as I love you." Niki said "and never in the past I would have thought I wanted to steal someone's last name as bad as I wanna steal yours." I replied "you're making me blush" Niki said, and I chuckled. "You know you can take my last name anytime" Niki said "are you suggesting that I propose to you?" I asked " no, I mean if you want to you can, but just tell me when you're ready for me to propose and I'll do it." Niki said. "Can you even afford a ring at this age" I asked. "So you want me to do it this year?" Niki said "no I didn't mean it like that" I said "I know sweetie, and that's why it's so cute when you get flustered by the things I say to you." Niki said and of course I blushed. "Do you wanna take a nap?" he also asked me, "Hm maybe, can you put on a show for us to watch and then we can gradually fall asleep as it goes on" I asked. "Sure baby" Niki replied and we did just that.

According to Jake we were asleep for 3 and a half hours. Although I don't know how he knows since he was sleeping when we got back. He's the one who woke us up for dinner and tonight. We had some good japchae that Heeseung apparently made. I'm not surprised because well, it's Heeseung. While I was eating I thought about our future and what if Niki and I did get married, I don't think I'm a bad cook frankly but if I have to cook with Niki in the kitchen there might be distractions and I might burn down the house. I think I'll ask Jay hyung how he does it and how to improve my skills in the kitchen. Overall I'd say today was like a 8/10 cuz of course I enjoy nikis dirty side I'm just shy sometimes. Ugh, I love Nishimura Riki so much, I'm down bad.

A/N: How was this chapter guys? J-hope you enjoyed it, I'll see you next time and as always goodbye lovelies! <3

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