Discontinuing/ Long break

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Guys. I'm not doing well, like so want to find the nearest cliff and jump off. I loved writing this book and you guys mean so much but I don't have any motivation and if i continue i think I'm gonna break. This book and you guys mean so much to me but right now I don't think I can do anything. I'm physically shaking, crying, Im I'm so much pain. I know people are probably going through much worse than me but I have a fragile heart and this isn't a good time in my life. If I get better I'll come back but right now or at least for a while I don't have the heart to do anything. If you guys want to message me and tell me how you feel or just need to get someone to talk to in here. I love you guys so much never forget that there is always someone who loves you. Goodbye guys💜

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