Chapter 24

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Sunoo Pov

Jay hyung had cooked dinner for us tonight it was some tteokbokki, ramyeon, and sausage. It was really good and I would rate it a 10/10. "Thanks for the dinner Jay hyung," I said and excused myself to head to my room. 

Once I got in the room I laid decided I was gonna take a shower. I got a towel, facecloth, and my pajamas out and headed to the bathroom. I made sure to lock the door and started the shower water. Once the water was to my liking I got in and was in there for about 25 minutes. After I was done I came out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my clothes and did some skincare. Once I was done I walked back into the room and saw Niki on the bed.

"When did you get here Niki?" I asked and got no response. Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong?  Or did something happen to make him upset? "Niki? are you okay? Did I do something wrong?" Still no response I pouted but I decided I wasn't gonna give up. I went over to him and started making silly faces and I saw a tiny smile which made me a bit relieved. I started shaking him saying "hellooooooo why won't you talk to me, answer me Mr. Nikimura Riki." he just stuck his tongue out and rolled his eyes at me. I let out a gasp and put my hand over my chest acting offended.   "Yah! Respect your hyung" I said still getting no response I let out an annoyed sigh and was about to give up until I thought of something. "Babe, talk to me," I said and Niki looked and me and started to lean in. He put his hand around the side of my neck and
started leaning on me as my back landed on the bed. Our lips met and this was one of my favorite kisses.

His first lips were soft and warm and our bodies were pressed together the whole time. His other hand moved up and down my hips as my lips touched his soft moist pink ones. They tasted like brown sugar and honey and I couldn't get enough. Of course, Niki had to lick my lips again. He licked and kissed my lips until he accidentally pressed a bit too hard on a small cut I had on my lip and made me wince. As I winced he put his tongue in my mouth and this wasn't a feeling I was too familiar with. This type of kiss is the type to give me millions of butterflies inside my stomach. It's the type of loss to make my heartbeat at a pace considered to be over a speed limit. This is the kiss that made me feel sparks of electricity between our lips. This kiss made me feel warm and nervous inside but also made me want more. Our tongues were tangled in each others until Niki took his tongue out and gave me one last kiss and pulled away. "That's all I wanted to hear baby," Niki said trying to catch his breath. Him telling me that and considering we have a very heated kiss made me blush. "Let's go to bed baby, we've got an early start tomorrow," Niki said. I nodded and got under the covers and we cuddled.

Start of Day 1 of the trip

It was 6:30 a.m. and everyone was pretty cranky considering we had to wake up this early and it was our vacation. We all got dressed in our warm apparel and got in the got. We started making our way to the Ski resort and we had to go through security and show our tickets which took about 45 minutes. "Ugh I'm hungry," Jungwon said, "it's okay you have Jay," Sunghoon said. Jungwon, Jake, and I all looked confused. Why would Jungwon eat his own boyfriend? He loves him, plus that would be cannibalism. "I- uhm think he means Jay can cook for Jungwon guys." Heeseung said "Ohhhhh" Jake and I said and Jungwon just nodded. "How about we switch the conversation," Jay suggested. "Good idea" Heeseung replied. We all started a convo as we were making our way down to the ski instructor since none of us knew how to safely ski. Once we got to the instructor he introduced himself.

"Hi there I'm Nabil Huening and I'll be your ski instructor." "Hi, Nabil, "we all said. "He started explaining what to do and what positions to get in if you wanna stop or go faster. He also explained what to do if we fall and what we should try to do and what to stay away from as beginners. We got on the simulation to start trying how to ski and practice. Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, and surprisingly Jay all landed and did well. It was now my turn and I actually did well! I thought I was gonna fall and face plant and embarrass myself but that didn't happen. Niki and Jungwon had their turns and did well too. We all went back around like 4 times and then we decided to try the ski routes. Nabil suggested that we should stay in pairs so it was obvious that Sunki, Jakehoon, and Jaywon would pair up. "I'm going witch Jakehoon, they're the most mature out of all of you guys," Heeseung said. "You're not wrong," Sunghoon said and we all went our separate ways. Niki and I tried holding hands while skiing and we ended up falling down. "Ow, that hurt my butt," I said "Awh, maybe let's not do that again. Do you want me to make your butt feel better?" Niki asked, "Uhm, no sir I'm good." I said and we started to ski down again.

Perspective on Heejakehoon

Heeseung being the ace that he is was doing an excellent job skiing, Jake wasn't doing too bad and Sunghoon was slaying away with his figure skater background.

Perspective on Jaywon

Jaywon wasn't doing too bad, but their laziness got the best of them and they decided to take a chairlift to get to the end of the course.

Back to Sunoo Pov

Niki and I were about to make it to the end of the course in about 10 seconds when we got there we Aw everyone else waiting. "I'm not surprised that you three are here but how did Jaywon beat us?!" Niki asked. "They beat us too, these two decided to take the chairlift which is exactly what we have to take to get back to the main area," Jake said. I just facepalmed but I wasn't even surprised. "Well, guys let's get a move on," Sunghoon said. We started to make our way to the line of the chairlift line. As we were on our way Niki took my hand and we interlocked fingers. It made me blush a bit and when we got on it could only fit 5 people so Jakehoon decided to go on the one after us. The ride was about 7 minutes and once we got there Jake suggested we should go tubing.

We walked for about 3 minutes and when we got there the line was super long it was about an hour before we got up here. When we went tubing it was really fun and I wouldn't say it was worth the wait but it was a good memory. We had decided it was enough time spent at the ski resort because it was not 4:03 p.m. we got back to the car and drove to the Airbnb. when we got back Jakehoon took Layla out, Heeseung went to go make coffee and Jaywon were playing with snow. "Ugh, I feel so sticky and gross I think I'm gonna take a shower." Niki said, "yeah me too." I replied, "are you saying you wanna take a shower with me?" Niki asked "Yah Niki! I never said that I just said I need to take one." I replied and hit him playfully, "oh, but if you did it would save the water bill," Niki said. I hit him a tiny bit harder and he just laughed "I'm just teasing buttercup, lay down in the bed for a bit, and then you can shower k?" He said. I just nodded and we made our way to the room together.

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