Chapter 7

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3rd Pov
It was about 30 minutes until Ni-Ki was done with his shift, he walked out in the casual clothes that he had worn before work. (he wears a uniform for work) He walked out in a chocolate brown and cream plaid button-up which he kept unbuttoned. It was complemented by a white shirt with a red and blue design on it and some comfortable white pants to complete the look.

(Photo for reference)He walked up to Sunoo who was on his phone wearing a white suit shirt with an army green sweatshirt over it with cream pants and white socks, with his white air forces

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(Photo for reference)
He walked up to Sunoo who was on his phone wearing a white suit shirt with an army green sweatshirt over it with cream pants and white socks, with his white air forces.

(Photo for reference)He walked up to Sunoo who was on his phone wearing a white suit shirt with an army green sweatshirt over it with cream pants and white socks, with his white air forces

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"Hey Sunoo ready to go?" Niki stated with excitement. When Sunoo looked up he couldn't stop staring in awe, he was in a daze, his mouth was wide open and he felt like time had frozen. He thought Niki looked good on Instagram and in person but he couldn't get over his fresh and handsome looks. Niki just looked at him with a confused face and bent down to Sunoos level and waved his hand in front of his face. "Earth to Sunoo you there?" Niki kept saying along with "Sunoo you alright?" and "Hey Sunoo did something happen, why are you frozen?" Eventually, Niki gave up and came up with an idea, he leaned into Sunoos ear and whispered, "hey cutie  it's best if we get going now if we want to hang out longer." Niki was in desperation hoping the boy would snap out of whatever state he was in.

"H-huh?What was that Niki?"Sunoo asked with a visible shade of blush on his cheeks. Niki let out a sigh of relief "sorry I didn't know what to do because you were practically frozen." Niki replied to Sunoo hoping he would understand the cause of his actions.  "O-oh sorry about that" Sunoo said immediately standing up scratching the back of his head. Niki stood up as well and pointed to a mini ride he thought Sunoo would like. "Have you been on that one?" he asked Sunoo  "yeah but I wouldn't mind riding it again with you" Sunoo said with a bring smile.

Niki Pov

Aw, he looks so excited but I want to give him an experience he won't forget. "Well, I don't know I want to make this special for you so maybe I should go win you something so you can remember it and take it home with you." He started to look flustered and his ears were red for some reason but he's been a bit weird since I met him so I shrugged it off. He kept trying to offer to pay, but as helpful as that might've been in my situation I couldn't do that to him. "No it's ok I'll pay, " I said not backing down from my offer. "No no I'll get it, you'll be giving the prize to me anyways so I may as well pay." The cutie said to me in a very pleading way. In the end, I won the argument and got to use my money, I had a discount anyways since I was a worker so it didn't affect me much.

As we started walking over to the games I took hold of his hand and intertwined our fingers. His hands were so soft and small and fit into my hand perfectly, it was as if they were made to fit each other. I started rubbing his knuckles and massaging his hand a bit, they were like my new obsession I liked holding them for some reason but I decided to put my thoughts in the back of my head and just enjoy the moment.

Stuck in This Carnival with You|Sunki|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt