Chapter 10

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Sunoo Pov

I decided to move up to Niki's side and I successfully snapped a picture of our hands. I was so excited to post them on Instagram and get back at him. We were at the top of the Ferris wheel and fireworks started going off, I was so amused by them, they were so big, bright, and pretty I couldn't stop staring at them, but I felt a pair of eyes that couldn't stop staring at me. I glanced at Niki as he slowly leaned in, he stared into my eyes for a bit, and he leaned down more until he got to my ear and whispered,
"you look pretty." I was slowly getting used to him doing things like this that I didn't have a major blush but I could still feel my ears turn red.

"May I?.. may I kiss you?" If my face wasn't already bright red, now it was. I was completely frozen I can't believe he would ask me this so randomly. I was about to nod before I started to think about it. What if I end up liking him, or we become super close friends, wouldn't it be awkward then? Also, this is my first kiss I don't want it to be a mistake or what if I'm not a good kisser. I let out a sigh and looked down, I soon heard Niki say"do you not want to? It's no pressure I should've thought about it more." I just looked up at him and replied "It's not that it's just I don't want to disappoint your expectations or make things awkward. I mean I really enjoy your company and I want to see where we go on from this point."

Niki Pov

I knew I wasn't straight, but I kept telling people that because I don't know how my parents will react, to be completely honest I don't even know what I am. I'm still kinda discovering and that's when an idea pooped in my mind. "Sunoo are you gay?" It took him a while to respond "yes" I quickly responded with, "I'm still kinda discovering, I don't want to be friends with benefits or anything because if I'm being honest every girl I've ever dated I've never interacted with them the same way I do with you. If it's ok maybe we could try something along the lines of not seeing anyone else, being affectionate like cuddles, kisses, and hugs, pet names, and going on occasional dates, we wouldn't be officially dating but if it was at a point where we started catching feelings we could. We can also keep it on the low and it would be a great way to get to know each other more."
"So basically we would act and do things as a couple but without the official title?" Sunoo responded. "Yeah that's an easier way to put it, but what do you think?" I asked

Sunoo Pov
Honestly, this was a blessing, this was my opportunity to escape my family's expectations and actually live my life and be in somewhat of a relationship. I smiled and replied, "yes, btw are you still up for that kiss?" He just chuckled and leaned in, he placed one of his hands on my cheek and the other snaked around my waist pulling me in. My lips were met with a pair of soft, moist, and plump lips that tasted like peaches. The kiss was at a slow steady pace and I could feel all sorts of butterflies in my stomach, I was really liking this kiss. The pace was soon picked up and was a bit rougher I still liked it though. After about another 20 seconds of kissing Niki pulled away, we were catching our breaths and my heart was pounding, I relocked our hands and leaned on his shoulder.

Niki Pov
I don't know what it is about him but he's always masking me feel ways that I never have, the kiss was full of euphoria and I couldn't wait to do it again."That was by far the best kiss I've ever had" I told Sunoo letting him know he did not disappoint, I didn't have to look down to tell he was blushing. I felt him wrap his free arm around my waist "I enjoyed it too" I heard him say I pat his head with my free hand and soon kissed the top of it. "Wanna take pictures?" I heard Sunoo ask I just told him we should when we get off and he agreed. Once we got off we took a lot of pictures and I got a bunch I was gonna post on Instagram. As I was about to upload I got notifications that he had posted.

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