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SH Entertainment.
CEO's office.
This was the first time BangChan experienced such an atmosphere.
Seolhyun was using her CEO identity to interrogate her 'irresponsible' manager, "If they wanted to replace Eric, what did it have to do with you? Why were you the one to recommend a replacement? you better give me a good explanation BangChan."
"First y/n was put in a difficult position in Moscow. This time she was humiliated by that Eric. I have a question for you too. so tell me President kim ,as the CEO of y/n's management agency, don't you think you haven't put in enough effort to protect your artist?"
"BangChan, watch your attitude!!" She slammed her hands on the table and growled angrily. "I am the CEO, in this building, you do not have the right to point fingers at me!."
"It must be because y/n isn't obedient." Chan continued to speak the truth, completely ignoring her outburst,"For our President Kim, signing a disobedient model must be difficult for to stomach."
Hearing his words and tone her expression suddenly became a bit uneasy.
"You guys created this mess, why should the agency clean up after you? Does y/n have any brains or not? She is dealing with a famous actor who has a strong family background. How could she offend him?"
After hearing her words, Bangchan laughed bitterly, "You were the one who wanted to use Eric for hype, and y)n.refused. You Singed y)n and used her to deal with Emma. And now that y/n is not blindly following your order, you r just going to throw her aside? This is your true colour? "
"Bangchan, watch your mouth! don't cross your limit!!" Seolhyun suddenly warned with a dangerous and dark expression.
However, all Bangchan did was stand up from the sofa and shove one hand in his pocket, " What? You getting ready to destroy me or y/n?"
Seolhyun looked at him furiously but couldn't say anything.
"In regards to this incident, I will provide the agency with a satisfactory explanation. But, you Seolhyun, the way you've acted has forced me to make a decision you should be afraid of." After speaking, BangChan turned around to leave the office.
However, she tried to hold him.
"What do you mean by this?"
He did not turn around as he said calmly,
"From now on..I'm no longer on your side."
Seolhyun expression changed as her face paled.
She tried to hold him back again, but Bangchan had already wandered far off into the distance.


Online, Eric's fans were going crazy bringing up old news about y/n, attacking her from all sides and flooding her feed with insults.
Even after all this, they didn't feel it was enough.
They even wrote up a fake article about y/n getting into an accident and cursing that her whole family was being sent to the crematorium.

...Fans of female celebrities had always been relatively reasonable.
Fans of male celebrities, were a lot different...

Seeing these extreme discussions, y/n was too afraid to show them to Jungkook; she didn't want him to worrybl; she knew he won't stop if he saw these.
So, she acted like nothing was wrong in front of him. She even secretly contacted Mark and told him not to tell anything about this to Jungkook.


Jungkook knew everything but did not mention anything to y/n either; thinking she'll be upset and worried. He even contacted Nayeon to make sure y/n don't see any comments and articles.

The attacks against y/n online did not cease, making Eric extremely satisfied.
Netizens were completely stirred up and he gained a large number of sympathizers.

at this time,
LM decided to do a live broadcast to explain the entire situation.
"The whole incident started on the day of the shoot when Eric Mun did not make an appearance even though we waited for a long time. We also did not receive any prior notifications of him taking leave.
Hence, LM's representative called his manager to confirm they were aware of the schedule. However, the manager expressed that Eric wanted to take revenge on y/n for rejecting his invite to have dinner and made extremely ridiculous requests....He wanted y/n to bow down to him before he'd agree to come for the shoot.
Eric's actions have severely impacted LM, the director and y/n. He has no professionalism whatsoever.
So, after the unanimous consent of the entire photography crew, the director decided to replace him and selected a suitable replacement. The person y/n's manager recommended wasn't the only person being considered, we also had many other alternatives. But, because he suited our criteria, the director ended up picking him.
It had nothing to do with Y/n.
We suggest The actor Eric Mun should stop manipulating the public and stop using business to seek his personal revenge. He also shouldn't palm his faults onto someone else. I hope he can reflect on himself first."
So. Here, now..I would like to wish Mr. Eric Mun all the very best!"

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