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Emma watched as y/n approached the stage; this was the woman she had racked her brains trying to prevent from entering SH. Through her glasses, her eyes were ablaze with a fiery anger.

In front of the sea of cameras, y/n approached the stage confidently. Afterwards, she turned to the media and bowed politely.
"Hello, I am y/n."
"Y/n, tell us a bit about your thoughts..." the reporters encouraged.
Y/n smiled slightly and nodded as she retrieved the microphone from Bangchan,
"I trust in my decision."
"Y/n, I have a question I want to ask. From what I know, you've previously handed your portfolio to SH Entertainment, but you were rejected because of your age. How did you get them to change their mind?"
Hearing this, all the reporters were stunned.
...So it turned out, there was an inside story behind y/n joining SH...
Y/n had remained calm the entire time, but at this moment, her gaze suddenly landed on Emma.
Seolhyun also looked at Emma.
Even Minho found himself lifting his head and looking into Emma's eyes.
Emma  suddenly fell into a panic; "what was the meaning of this?"
"Y/n, can you answer this question?"
The media did not give up.
But, this question was much too difficult to answer.
So, Seolhyun grabbed the microphone from her hands and responded, "Actually, there's one more thing I want to announce to everyone today."
The reporter's turned to hee questioningly; unsure of her motives.
A moment later, she pulled out an envelope. The word 'resignation' was written on the top.
As soon as Emma saw this, her heart began to race...
"Our long-serving employee, Miss Black, has handed in her resignation today. I am extremely thankful for her years of hard work and contribution. I wish you all the best. So, here...I will officially approve of your resignation."
This was a public event, but Seolhyun approved of Emma's resignation in front of everyone.
After y/n gave her farewells, she left SH Entertainment with Bangchan. However,
Emma was unexpectedly waiting for her at the main entrance.
"Y/n, we need to talk!"
Bangchan stood in front of y/n, ready to stop the two from getting any closer as y/n gave him a reassuring look, "What is it?"
"What did you say to President Kim??"
It turned out, Emma had thrown the entire blame on her.
"Emma.., do you really think my words would be enough to sway Seolhyun?" Y/n asked calmly. "Why don't you ask yourself what you did that may have crossed her bottom line? And you think this is the worse?"
After hearing y/n's words, Emma took a few steps back in confusion. And watched as she leave.
Earlier on, when she was on the stage, she depended on her momentary courage.
However, now that the overall situation had been set, she suddenly felt scared.

"Seolhyun hasn't dealt with Minho yet!" Chan reminded y/n as he followed closely behind her. "This man has his true intentions hidden deeper than Emma and is even harder to handle."
"If she kicked Minho out as well, who would keep you in check?" Y/n asked gently.
"You seem like you aren't afraid of anything y/n." Bangchan pulled open the van door for y/n.
He really admire her calm confident nature but was curious where her courage and confidence came from.
Y/n sat inside the van with a clear look in her eyes. She replied firmly, "I'm walking the path I think is right, why should I be afraid?"
"The man you are hiding must be either so weak that he needs you to protect him, or so powerful that you have no fear. So... which one is he?"
Y/m's expression did not change. She just simply shook her head, "We agreed before, you weren't going to question my personal matters."
"Fine then, let's talk about the preparations for STO's shoot, we will be heading to Moscow in 3 days," he did not question further.
His main priority right now was to help y/n achieve her dream and become the chief supermodel of SH.
Y/n nodded, she was fairly tired.
Bangchan secretly observed y/n.
He realized she wasn't completely emotionless, at least not when she thought about her man.
"When she thought of him, her face would soften." he was curious," what man could have control over untamed y/n?" He assumed the man must be as he predicted; he must require y/n's protection.
... Of course, he had no idea, during their trip to Moscow, he would have the chance to experience this man's presence ...
Not long after,
Nayeon came out from SH.
After boarding the van, she was dancing in joy, "Sorry, sorry I made you guys wait for me. I was listening in on some gossip!" She said to them, full of mystery. "I just heard Emma went to look for President Kim seems, she can't accept what happened."
"She's just asking to be disgraced!" Bangchan responded coldly. "However, don't forget, she still has Bella. In regards to this ticking time bomb, I can't seem to be at ease."
"If she doesn't make a move, how would we know how she plans on using this chess piece?" Y/n appeared unfazed.
Of course, apart from Jungkook, no one would be able to tell what she was really thinking.
"Are you waiting for her to make a move?" Chan heard through her underlying meaning.
Y/n smiled without saying anything.
Emma was standing in Seolhyun's office; Seolhyun had her head down approving documents, while Emma.. was hesitating to speak.
"President Kim..."
"Shouldn't you be working on your handover?" Said woman asked coldly.
"I..I..don't actually want to leave SH. I.. I shouldn't have been so naive as to try and use you. I can't let go of my career, I can't destroy myself like this," Emma let go of her pride and collapsed in tears.
"You already admitted to leaving in front of the media. By begging me now, aren't you just slapping yourself in the face?"
"President Kim..., can you..can you give me one more chance?"
Hearing this, Seolhyun finally lifted her head, " Second chance??...As long as I'm around, don't even dream of making a comeback!"
Emma's entire body was trembling.
She went straight to the third floor where she ran into Minho. The two looked at each other. After holding herself back for half a second, she finally said as she brushed past him, "Get revenge for me."
Although Seolhyun had held onto Minho, he the end, he too, would end up like Emma.
"I promise, I'll get revenge for you no matter what I have to do..."
Emma  felt assured as she turned to leave.
In the evening, Chan drove y/n home.
"Although you have 3 days should report to me before you go anywhere or do anything, so I can be prepared,"  said Bangchan as he turned to look at y/n. "As for gossip, you've always shielded yourself well from it, so I won't say any more."
"Y/n nodded with her eyes closed. "Also, send Nayeon the flight number, I'll board the flight myself."
"Why?" Chan looked at y/n questioningly before he appeared to have figured something out, "Do you want to bring someone else? No way y/n. you are working. The probability of having photos taken is too high..."
Y/n opened her eyes to look at him without a word.
"Are you guys really that inseparable?"
"Yep, inseparable," y/n replied with a slight smile.
"What exactly do you see in that man? If he really cares about you, how could he watch you get in trouble so many times and not help out?" Chan couldn't quite understand her persistence.
Y/n smiled as usual while Nayeon rolled her eyes in the backseat.
He watched as she disappeared through the luxurious gates of Gangnam Regency.
Although y/n explained things clearly, Bangchan still felt a man that depended on a woman was bad news.
SH was now in a mess, so his main priority was to return to the office first to help Seolhyun clean things up.

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