Makarov Has Something To Say

Start from the beginning

"I meant d'you got the time for a walk?"

"A walk?" Levy repeated, not understanding.

She was late to her next class. She had Advanced English which meant that he did too. Did he mean walking her to class?

"Yeah," Gajeel said, his red piercing eyes staring into her soft, huge ones," My friend, Juvia, is sick. Was wonderin' if you'd come wit me."

"Oh Gajeel, I can't!" Levy ignored how her very being seemed bent on accepting his invitation. She was in enough trouble already.

"I've got Advanced English. Juvia's fine. We checked on her only a few minutes ago. So-"

Gajeel bent down and, placing his arm around her midsection, lifted her entire body effortlessly off the ground.

"Wha- Gajeel!!" Levy's face was a bright red.

She hung over his shoulder like a ragdoll.

Gajeel just turned around, glaring at the few kids who dared to stare. "Quit yer talking, Shrimp. We got places to go."

"But! Gajeel!! Put me down! Please!! This is so embarassing... GAJEEL!!!"

Gajeel just smirked, carrying Levy over one shoulder. "Quiet down, We're almost there. Ya don' wanna get late, do ya?"


Principal Makarov looked over at the group of boys he'd gathered into his office.

Natsu and Gray nudging each other. Eric with a bored expression, occasionally saying some thing to get Natsu riled up.

Jellal and Laxus stood a little to the side, looking like they didn't want to be associated with the other three.

Gajeel was not present.

He could not be found.

Makarov sighed. When could that boy ever be found?

The head master cleared his throat.

Laxus, Jellal and Eric looked up.

Natsu and Gray were still quarelling.

The head master cleared his throat again. A little louder this time.

Gray and Natsu still didn't pay him any attention.

Makarov lost his cool.


Gray and Natsu flinched to attention.

Laxus smiled and turned away getting Makarov even more riled up.


He took a calming breath and looked around the attentive faces.

"I've called you here for a reason. You all saw the defence class orientation today."

"I didn't, master." Jellal said.

"Natsu felt it." Gray snickered.

"You did too, Gray!" Natsu retorted.


The two guys snapped back to pay the head master their utmost attention.

"So I'd like to suggest that you join."

The boys stared at the principal.

"Kiddin; me." was all Eric said.

"No, no I'm not." Makarov replied. "I'll let you skip one subject and take this class."

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