
Start from the beginning

Rick's army advances to the ambush spot. Whistling begins just as it did on the night Glenn and Abraham died. Everyone puts up their weapons and point them in every direction as the whistling echo's in their ears. "Well, damn, Rick, look at that. Pegged again. Pegged so very hard" Negan states as he reaches Rick via walkie. "I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush" Negan states and Jane closes her eyes taking a breather knowing that she can't let the Savior's win this war. "How about you step out and face us?" Rick shouts out loud. "Oh, I am everywhere, Rick. Some more bullhorns, more walkies. Pick a direction to run. See how you do. Make it fun for all of us. Guess what else I did. I brought you some of your old friends" Negan taunts and Jane grips her rifle tightly in her hand as she looks in every direction, waiting for Negan.

"You remember your old buddy Eugene? Well, he is the person that made today possible. Same goes for Dwighty boy here. Incase you were wondering, he didn't team you on purpose. No, he is just a gutless nothin that sucks at life, and now he gets to stand up here and watch you all die, and he's gonna live with that" Negan rants and Jane rolls her eyes annoyed at his voice and ready to kill him already. "Gabriel, he's got to go too. We are cleaning house today, Rick. And then... there's you. It never had to be a fight. You just had to accept how things are. So... here we go. Congratulations, Rick" Negan says before the walkie cuts off and Jane looks around at her people confused as the silence fills the air.

"Three! Two..." Negan shouts and suddenly Negan and the Saviors appear on the crest of a nearby hill in a massive line and open fire, but their guns malfunction. The guns explode in their hands, killing many Saviors and injuring much of those who survived, including Negan. "Kill them all!" Jane shouts and Rick and the rest of the army charges to battle with their weapons up and immediately opening firing. Jane sees Negan getting away and begins chasing after him. "He's getting away!" Jane shouts as Maggie follows her and begin shooting any live Savior's they see.

Maggie, Jane, Michonne, Siddiq, Ezekiel and many more people run up on another group of Savior's who aren't holding their weapons. "Don't shoot. Please. We're done. It's over" The women states and Jane bites her lip wanting to kill them all immediately. "Jane—" Maggie stops and stands in front of Jane's rifle. "They're on there knees" Maggie states and Jane shakes her head slowly as she looks into Maggie's eyes. "Please" Maggie begs and Jane sighs before she puts her rifle down and looks at the Savior's surrendering.

The army and along with multiple other Savior's follow the shooting and see Rick and Negan at a tree fighting hand to hand, where a framed stained glass window hangs from and it's obvious Negan has gained the upper hand. Jane starts to stride towards the fight but Michonne and Maggie grab ahold of her before she can get closer. "Let me go!" Jane shouts and snatches her body away from them. "Rick can do this" Michonne states and Jane scoffs, "He's loosing! I can end this right now with one bullet!" Jane argues and Maggie snatches Jane's rifle out of her hands. "Maggie—". "I'm not letting you do this because you and I know Rick can do this. Rick will kill him" Maggie declares and Jane locks eyes with Maggie, slightly disappointed she wouldn't let her kill Negan.

Rick asks Negan to grant him ten seconds to describe the future Carl envisioned and Negan acquiesces but Rick suddenly slits Negan's throat with a shard of glass. Jane watches in glory as Negan falls to the ground clutching at his bleeding neck. Jane lets out a breath of relief, the first one se has since that horrific night. Glenn... Joslyn... Abraham and Carl were avenged. All of them. So she thought.

"Save him" Rick orders and Jane's happiness fades away. "What?" Jane questions as Siddiq rushes to Negan saving him. "No! No!" Jane screams as she lunges towards Rick. "Jane—" Maggie calls out as her and Michonne grab ahold of her. "Ugh!" Jane grunts as she elbows both Maggie and Michonne in nose, knocking them to the ground. "You have got to be kidding me!" Jane shouts as she rushes towards Rick and punches him across the face. "He killed Glenn! Abraham! Joslyn!" Jane shouts as she bends down towards Rick and punches him over and over again.

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