Everyone was smiling and happy.

"This place is insane..." I breathed out, still taking in the details. Alastor let me slide down his front, my legs unfolding from around his middle to catch me as I landed on the floor.

"It is exquisite, isn't it?" He murmured, also taking in everything around us.

Despite Charlie saying it hasn't been used in forever, it was spic and span. Not even a trace of dust.

I wondered if it was enchanted to self clean.

Alastor took the first steps into the house, and I closed the front door, locking it for good measure.

I have yet to feel even the slightest bit unsafe, but you can never be too sure.

The marble floor was polished, and I could hear Alastor's shoes clicking softly as he walked. Mine were simply sneakers, so they didn't click.

Quickly I caught up to him, mindlessly wrapping my hand around two of his fingers. I wanted to keep him close to me, I'm honestly worried I may get lost if we don't stick together.

Luckily he didn't seem to mind my clinginess, and he looked down at me with a warm smile.

"What do you think, my love? Do you think we'll survive here for a little bit?"

I glanced at him, smiling as I nodded and continued observing everything. We rounded a corner, and a huge wide open living room was reveled.

Possibly the biggest tv I have EVER seen in my life was on the wall. I didn't even know they made tv's that large.

I gawked at it, scoffing in disbelief.

"That's a big tv..." I stated, and Alastor hummed.

"Unnecessarily large..." he grumbled, and I nudged him with a teasing smirk.

"You're such an old man," I taunted, and he growled at me, bearing his teeth threateningly.

Unimpressed, I raised an eyebrow and he lowered his eyelids, pouting slightly.

"Damn you, woman," he said, and that made me laugh. He laughed as well and we continued looking around.

The couch was white, and very plush. There was a white rug, and then a round solid oak coffee table.

The back wall was lined with bookshelves, and there was a large reading nook over by the huge windows facing the outside of the house.

Moving on, we found the kitchen. The kitchen was of course big, but it was just a kitchen. Nothing too special about it.

Plus, Al is the one that cooks, so I shouldn't have to worry about it too much.

We walked back to the foyer, and the large staircase that lead up to the second floor seemed imposing.

"Are you ready, my dear?"

I looked up at him, nodding as I took the first step up the marble staircase. I watched my fingers slide across the smooth wooden railing, the gold accents standing out nicely.

I'm pretty sure that's real gold.

When we made it to the second floor, the room opened up to reveal another living room, this one seemingly fit for a child.

Or a Charlie, rather.

I giggled, looking around at the very Charlie-fied room.

Beanbag chairs sat in place of a couch in front of another huge tv, surrounded by several candy machines.

Damned (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now