Yes. Yes, they were, because so far Peter's plan has been kept in the dark. But now he was sat hidden on top of a roof, contentedly watching the videofeed of Harley panicking from inside his mask. After today, he wouldn't have to be the Spider again. May would have her revenge. He would miss it, he had to admit; the rush of being a villain was incomparable to anything he'd feel again. But he knew it was risky, and he could fill the May-shaped hole in his life with other things. He could become a better person and use his brains for good, maybe fill the tech giant position that was about to be vacated.

In the video, Iron Lad was leaping into action, pulling parts from around the warehouse and rewiring Peter's device. As predicted, he hadn't had time to properly decipher the blueprints Peter had planted, and the timer - which wasn't even connected to the bomb - was doing its job in rushing the hero into making reckless decisions. The camera zoomed in slightly to give a slightly better view of what Iron Lad was doing, and the Spider grinned, knowing that at home the recording was being saved and backed up on his computer. His entire plan was coming together beautifully.


Tony Stark took a sip of his blissfully hot coffee as he stepped into the lab. He noticed some pictures of blueprints for a complicated machine up on one of the screens. "Jarvis, what's going on here?"

"Master Keener visited earlier, sir. He was attempting to learn the function of the machine, but gave up and asked me to continue running diagnostics."

"What is it?"

"It appears to be a very large incendiary device."

"What's Harley doing with a giant bomb?"

"Trying to diffuse it, I'd assume."

Tony walked over to the diagrams. It didn't look easy to disable, exactly, but it wasn't impossible. Harley would have been able to figure it out. "And?"

"I completed the diagnostics." Jarvis pulled up a rearranged diagram. "It would seem that it doesn't need diffusing."

Tony frowned at the new blueprint for a long minute before what he was seeing finally clicked. Whoever had designed this machine was a genius. An evil, despicable, genius, and Tony needed to get to his kid before Harley could do something incredibly stupid.

Because what Tony would have done, rewiring the machine to disarm the bomb?

Well, that was exactly what would send the whole thing up in flames.


Peter almost wished he had popcorn as he sat on that rooftop, kicking his legs over the drop. But he wasn't admiring the view, oh no. He was watching the footage of beloved hero Iron Lad arm a bomb that was about to blow all of Iron Man's competitors to smithereens. Tony Stark and Iron Lad would be disgraced and disclaimed, and Harley would go back to his normal life and maybe take up ice hockey, and he would never tell anyone Peter's secret for fear of Peter letting it get out that Harley Keener was the wanted criminal Iron Lad. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, though. Peter had nothing against Harley; he was just a pawn in a bigger game. His suit would protect him from the blast: Peter had factored that into his calculations. 

The timer reached two minutes. Hurry up, Harley. If he didn't finish the bomb before the timer reached zero, it would become obvious that it was all a ploy. In his haste, the boy fumbled the wires and stepped out of his suit to handle the fine mechanics better. An inconvenience, but Peter could easily blur out his face on the recording.

Then Harley said something to his suit, which closed up and flew off on its own accord. A cold feeling settled in Peter's gut as he switched screens and saw the suit doing laps of the perimeter, scanning for anybody who might be hurt in the blast radius. There isn't anybody, Peter wanted to yell. Nobody but you, so put the suit back on, idiot! The cold feeling became a heavy knot of dread as Harley got closer to finishing and the suit made no signs of returning to its master.

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