Chapter 26

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[6 weeks later]

I inhaled a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what was about to happen. I was about to come face to face with my mother again. The woman whom I haven't seen in four or five years. If I thought that I was nervous in the cab ride over here, I was truly shittin' bricks now. "Chill out. Stop shaking." I coached myself as I pressed a shaking finger to the doorbell.

She moved. No longer was she living in an apartment building, but her own little two story house. It was nice... and about time she got her own house. I thought she was going to live in that apartment until she died. "Alana..." My voice got caught somewhere in my throat, and all I could do was nod as I stared back at the woman who used to be my mother.

"Ma..." Listening to my conscience for once, I initiated the embrace. Pulling her still bangin' body into mine, I engulfed her in a tight and much needed hug. "I'm sorry."

I stood near the back of the room, taking my time to look over each picture that she had hanging on the wall. I was surprised to see a picture of me there. I must of been thirteen when this picture was taken; if I'm not mistaken. I still had the same face, my hair was about the same length as it was now. Only a little shorter in the picture. I chuckled to myself at the 'Gap' sweater that I was wearing. God, who told me that I was cute?

"You're laughing at your clothes, huh?" Her amused tone caused me to look over at her, and nod my head in shame. "I told you not to wear those leg warmers... they were so bad."

"Hey! I was still cute!" She chuckled with me this time before walking over to where I stood. "She's so pretty... prettier than me." I referred to the myriad of photographs of my little sister. Alissa.

"Don't say that. You guys are both beautiful... y'all get it from me." I looked over at her just in time to see her run a hand through her bone straight hair.

"Bye, ma. You're not even all that. She looks like she got most of the genes from Trevor." She gasped loudly after I said that, obviously shocked by my statement.

"Not that big headed monster, no she did not," she paused to smile once she noticed how hard I was fighting with myself to keep my laughter caged. "My genes are just strong, which explains why all of my babies are beautiful." She smiled faintly at me before turning to walk over to the couch.

"So fill me in," she patted the seat next to her on the leather couch. I sighed lowly as I walked over to where she sat. Her eyes urged me on while I debated on whether or not I should confine in her. "Alana, you don't have to tell me anything that you don't want me to know. We've just been emailing for the last month or so... I rather hear what you have to say in person, than via the Internet." I chuckled once she said 'via the Internet'. She could of just said 'email'.

"Alright. I'm pregnant..." Her perfectly waxed eyebrows rose as her eyes enlarged in size. I sighed deeply before looking away from the surprised stare she had on me.

"Another one, Lana? Are you sure you're ready for another baby?" She shook her head as she put extreme emphasis on the word 'another'. I only shrugged before looking away from her shocked face, once again. "Talk to me, baby. I know there's more." Aside from Chris, she was the only other person in the world who could tell when I had a lot on my mind.

"It's not his though... It's not Chris' baby-"

"Alana... no."

"Yes, ma. I didn't even mean for it to happen though! In my defense, we were both drunk when it happened. Now I know that's not a good excuse and shouldn't be used as an excuse at all... but that's how it happened."

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