Chapter 6

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[One week later]

It was seven twenty-six when Lana came strolling through the house with shopping bags in her hand. She was all smiles as she dropped her bags by the living room entrance then ran over to the couch to give Caelyn a hug. Paris was sitting to the left of me and giving the iPad her undivided attention as I gave Lana mine. I couldn't help but shake my head at the sight of her and Caelyn all hugged up and giddy. I'm pretty sure she has another daughter sitting right here next to me, but she hasn't even addressed her yet. Then she has the nerve to say that I favor one kid over the other.

"Hi, Paris. Did you finish your homework?" She shrugged out of her jacket as she kept her eyes on Paris. Paris only nodded one time before continuing to play Angry Birds. I kept my eyes on Lana and couldn't help but smirk as I looked at the jeans and tee ensemble she decided to wear to work today. It wasn't only her outfit that had me rubbing my lips back and forth together in a straight line. It was mostly her hair.

Like everybody and their grandma knows that Lana is a catch. But to add blonde hair on top of all of it? It was like adding whipped cream to a stack of warm and fluffy, butter milk pancakes- deadly.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower. I'll be down for you in a minute, okay?" I already knew that she wasn't talking to me. One, because Caelyn responded with a 'yes, mommy' before I could even open my mouth to speak; and two because since Lana stepped foot into this house almost seven minutes ago she hasn't made eye contact with me. Right as she was about to turn on her heels to head out the living room I coughed.

She paused for a split second before looking over her shoulder at me. I guess she was waiting for me to say something because she was standing there glaring at me. What did she want me to say though? Sorry? I did. Last week, to be exact.

"Can I talk to you upstairs?" I stood to my feet then strategically walked around her to exit the living room. I didn't want to accidentally bump her or some shit and she blows up on me for feeling up on her. Can yall believe I ain't get any play in seven days? Seven WHOLE days?


"Damn. I can't even get a hey, baby? You foul, Lana." I tried to be slick and kiss her cheek but she quickly backed away from me and walked into the bathroom. After the door slammed I let out a deep breath and fell back onto the bed. How she gonna agree to talk to me, and then when I try to talk she walks out?

That's the shit I don't like nor get.


When she finally came out the bathroom she was dressed in a long t-shirt and was putting her hair up in a ponytail. I sighed out loud because she really got dressed in the bathroom like I haven't seen her body before. We're fucking married for crying out loud.

"Reason why you're breathing so damn hard? You got asthma?" I rolled my eyes but still shook my head as I looked over at her standing in front of the dresser. For the first time in what felt like forever, our eyes met. I must of been trying to keep steady eye contact for ten seconds when she rolled her eyes at me and then walked out the room. Hitting the lights on me as well as slamming the door.

Now if I was to start slamming doors around this bitch I would be the bad guy, right?



"We can either drive to the mall and shop until we drop or... we can stay home and shop until my finger gets tired from clicking the mouse all day. Your choice. Don't let me down." She playfully glared at Caelyn before revealing a beautiful smile and pulling her into her lap.

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