Chapter 16

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The following morning it was Paris who woke me up. Woke me up with a hard slap to the face. I couldn't even get on Paris for slapping me because all that was on my mind was engulfing two Advil's and a tall glass of water. My head was spinning.

"Mommy, your bottle." Turning from the sink, I swallowed the water that I had in my mouth before gasping. Caelyn stood three feet away from me with a half empty 'Everclear' bottle in her hand. Before I could even take a step forward to retrieve the embarrassing evidence, a drumming sound filled my head and I was now holding onto the counter for dear life.


"Mommy!" Before I could pick my head up from its resting position on the countertop, I heard the sound of a bottle breaking. Groaning because the sound of the bottle breaking mixed in with Cae's cries did nothing but cause the drumming in my ear to increase. I used all of my strength to stand up straight.

"Stop crying, Cae. Mommy is fine, just... just go upstairs. I don't want you getting cut by this glass." I looked from her wet face and down at the clear liquid running on the tiled floors. Since I was looking at the floor, I saw Caelyn's feet run out the kitchen before I heard her actual farewell.

Now I have to clean this shit up with a pounding head.

Two hours and a breakfast trip to iHop later, had me feeling like a new woman. And by new woman I mean the same Lana, except there was no longer a pounding in my head. The girls and I were now at this park that was located across the street from the restaurant we previously dined in. It was seventy-three degrees out and I wanted nothing more than to be back at my condo, sitting up in bed playing 'Uno' on my phone while the A.C. was blowing on 'HIGH'.

The girls seemed to have other plans for me this Monday morning though. I was now sitting on this metal bench positioned in the middle of the park and watching the girls roam freely on the playground. To say this park was filled with kids would be an understatement. It's kids galore in this bitch. And barely any parents around.


As I was preparing to raise an eyebrow at this little boy cutting in front of Caelyn in the line for the slide, my phone vibrated. Three times to be exact. Dropping my attention from Caelyn, I looked down at my phone. Rolling my eyes, I quickly plugged in my headphones then answered the call.

"Yes, Jasmine?"

"Why do you sound like I'm annoying you?"

"That's because-"

"Anyways," she started, cutting me off and not giving a single fuck, "I was calling to see how you were. You was on some next shit last night, Alana. What were you drinking?" My eyebrows knitted together as I listened to her go on. She would ask me a question but would continue speaking, giving me no space to answer her question. Confusion was all that was written on my face as I listened to her tell me about my weird actions of the night before.

"And not only did you tell me to suck a dick, you told me you were about to call Chris and beg to suck his!" She paused to laugh while my eyes grew in size. I honestly didn't know whether she was fucking with me or telling the truth right now.

"Stop laughing. I don't remember what happened last night, Jas. All I remember is it was damn near two in the morning when I woke up from my sleep. I went into the kitchen to get something to drink... I saw the Everclear bottle and... oh my god! Did you say I called Chris?!"

"Yup. Well you told me you were going to call him and beg him to suck his dick." Once again, laughter took over her end as I sat on this park bench with my bottom lip lodged between my teeth.

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