Derek: Freedom

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(Previously: Scott and Stiles dig up Laura’s body and Derek is arrested as well as questioned by the Sherriff.)

“Aren’t you meant to be at the Lacrosse game?” Smith asks the Sherriff as he enters the station.
“I was until I got a call we have to let him go,” the Sherriff huffs and puffs. Werewolf hearing has it perks occasionally although there are always moments that you wish you hadn’t heard. They seem to happen to me constantly. Trying to block it out doesn’t help either, the more you try to ignore it the more you hear.
“Why?” Officer Smith asks surprised.
“They found bite marks on the body that are from an animal. They also identified the body. It’s his sister Laura Hale,” the Sherriff sighs in disappointment and I can’t help but grin at his pain especially since I am the cause.
The realisation hits me next. It was an animal that killed my sister which means the hunters aren’t guilty. Well that kind of sucks. I could have gotten revenge for all of my family including the newest victim- Laura.
“Want me to take care of it?” Officer Smith asks.
“Yeah I’ll be in my office,” the Sherriff replies as he grinds his teeth and storms off to his crappy chair and desk.
I guess he really, really hates me. I think I might go cry and eat a gallon of ice-cream for a while.
Ha-ha yeah right!
Officer Smith’s heavy footsteps get closer and closer until he walks through the steel door and stops at my cell. I let my lips fall back to their stern pose as I sit back against the cold cement wall and fold my arms over my chest.
“Is there a problem?” I ask acting oblivious.
“You’re free to go, you can collect your belongings at the front desk.” He replies and I can tell he is unsure on his decision, whether he thinks I’m innocent or guilty.
I honestly don’t care what he thinks or what anyone else thinks for that matter. I still can’t believe Kristin was asking questions about me earlier today. Why does she care? Kristin thinks I just forgot about her after all.
Of course that’s impossible. I will never be able to forget about Kristin, she will haunt me for the rest of my life- a daily reminder about how I could have had everything and been truly content and happy for once in my life. Well since my family was burnt alive.
“No last words from the Sherriff? I thought we had really bonded.” I keep a straight face as I follow behind Officer Smith who just chuckles in response. I’m guessing he is leaning more toward innocent than guilty. Or maybe he just hates the sheriff.
I don’t blame him if that’s the case, maybe we should start a group together. On second thought I’d rather poke both my eyes out with a rusty fork that’s riddled with nasty germs and bacteria.
After I gather my belongings I head straight for the school. I know I have already missed the game but I have to check everything out just to make sure. Scott is a moron for even risking exposure. There’s no way he has the self-control yet it can take years to master let alone control.
I watch as the Lacrosse captain walks out onto the empty field. He heads straight for Scott’s glove, it has Scott’s stench all over it. Why is he so interested in the glove?
Did Scott finger nails shift?
I’m going to kill him, and then the captain of the Lacrosse team! It looks like he is also going to be a pain in the ass because that’s exactly what I need, two of them.
He spots me in the distance and a look of terror flashes across his face. I can’t help but smile as I walk away.
I still got it.
Or maybe not, I can smell Belle instantly as I approach my property. What does she want now? Can’t I just be left alone or is that still too much to ask for,wait that’s a stupid question.
“You know this is private property right?” I ask as I walk up the cement stairs. Sure enough Belle is sitting on the front porch waiting patiently. I don’t get why she wants to waste her time with me.
I’m not the best company to say the least, the last time she was here I had to break her hand just so she could turn back into her human form. Maybe she is here to return the favour. I wouldn’t blame her of course there is no way she can get the upper hand and beat me.
“I knew you were innocent.”
“How?” I ask as I lean against a column which is surprisingly stable. Even after all these years and the fire.
“I just did.” Belle shrugs. Is that the reason she is here just to tell me she thinks I am innocent?
“Is that all?” I ask coldly hoping she will get the hint.
“No.” Belle stands to her feet. “I need your help. I want you to train me. I need you to train me,” she quickly adds and I can see the desperation clearly in her eyes.
I must be hearing things, me a trainer. I don’t think so. No way I don’t have the patience for that. Who does Belle think I am? I’m not the good guy. I’m the very opposite.
“Are you high right now?”
“No and I’m serious. I need your help.”
“No you don’t. You need your mother’s help. Courtney will teach you everything you need to know. Trust me on this I’m not the guy to help you. I couldn’t even help you shift back without breaking your hand. Or have you forgotten about that already?”
“I couldn’t forget about that if I tried.”
“Go home Belle,” I attempt to walk into my house but Belle blocks the way and stands in front of the door.
Does she really want to do this the hard way?
“No I won’t! I need your help. I can’t go to my mother, she is a liar and I don’t want her help and Kristin is useless- not to mention that she shot me with a TRANK GUN tonight, a freaking trank gun! I need your help otherwise I’m doomed,” Belle is practically on her knees pleading with her hands clutched under her chin.
Did Belle just say Kristin shot her with a trank gun? I must be dreaming. Wake up Derek, wake up. I shut my eyes briefly and open them again hoping for Belle to be gone although Belle is still standing in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Will it make you go away if I agree?” I don’t need friends and I definitely don’t want any, but it is obvious that Belle isn’t going to go anywhere until I agree. I guess I don’t really have a choice.
Damn Sparks women!
“Fine Monday night, we will start with shifting,” I reply and silently beg that Belle will back out tomorrow.
“How did you keep the secret from Kristin?” Belle asks suddenly and I refrain from rolling my eyes. Great were going to be having a D&M. The exact opposite of what I want. From now on I’m going to ask for people to come see me and annoy me. Maybe then I will get the opposite, a guy can dream. I hold in the sigh.
“It wasn’t easy,” I reply simply. I really don’t want to talk about it with anyone, let alone Kristin’s younger sister who will probably report everything back to Kristin or maybe not since Kristin did shoot Belle with a trank gun.
“I don’t like lying to my friends,” Belle frowns. I remember how hard it was lying to Kristin. All I wanted was to tell her the truth and for Kristin to know who I really was.
“It gets easier.” I lie.
“Kristin found out and it didn’t end badly. Will I be able to tell them eventually? I mean Stiles knows about Scott.”
“Stiles shouldn’t know about Scott, he’s put Stiles in danger. Trust me on this it’s just a matter of time before Stiles is going to get hurt by Scott’s secret. It may be because of hunters or because of Scott himself but it will happen.”
Kristin is proof of that. She did get kidnapped and tortured after all, it was six years ago but only feels like yesterday. Kristin was the innocent one kidnapped by a grieving mate who lost her partner to Kristin’s father.
It was hell on earth not knowing where she was or what was happening to her. I’d do it all again and I wouldn’t change anything. I would still go with the werewolf to try and save Kristin even though it nearly ended with my death.
“I can’t lie to my friends forever.”
“You will if you don’t want to endanger their lives. Now I will see you Monday night,” I hint at Belle hoping she will leave immediately. It’s not that I don’t like Belle. I just prefer to be alone.
It’s safer for everyone that way.
I don’t want to hurt anyone else not again. People should really just stay away from me.
“Okay fine. I’ll see you Monday night.” Belle frowns before she finally walks around me and down the steps into the surrounding darkness.
Part of me feels bad for being so rude, but at the same time I don’t feel bad at all. It’s just how I am now, it is how I survive. If you don’t let people in than you can’t get hurt when they eventually leave you behind or betray you.
It’s lonely but you get used to it besides I did have one person in my life before she was murdered. I will avenge Laura’s death. I will kill the alpha after I torture him first.
“Why so cold and distant?” I hear Tina’s voice. How the hell did she sneak up on me?
“You should really wear a bell you know that?” I snarl. I literally only just got rid of Belle. Why am I being tortured? I need to put an electric fence around my property. Or maybe just have a loaded shotgun handy so I can aim it at people until they leave me alone.
“Is that all you would want me to wear?” Tina flashes her best seductive smile and I roll my eyes in response. How many times do I have to tell her that I am not interested before she will listen?
Girls are so annoying!
“Go home Tina.”
“When I heard they released you I had to come see you. I guess Kristin came through for us in the end. Who knew it just took some threatening and a little physical violence.” Tina smirks pleased with herself as she continues to walk towards me.
“Physical violence! Seriously Tina what is your problem?” I can’t help but seethe. I guess that’s what the bruise on Kristin’s neck is from. I didn’t see it myself but I heard the Sheriff questioning Kristin about it.
It makes complete sense now, an old friend aka Tina. I swear to god Tina needs to go on some anti-psycho meds. It’s hard to believe that Tina used to be a good and loving person once, before her parents were murdered. I’m still sure Kate is behind that fire too. I don’t believe in coincidences.
Is that what I am going to turn into? No Tina is the complete opposite of me. I don’t want anyone.
“I know you are innocent but I also heard they found the body in your yard. I had to do something to help clear your name and I did it.” Tina continues to invade my space, gaining on my position with each second that passes by.
“Tina just stop you didn’t clear my name the coroner did.” I try not to plead as she reaches the steps. I just want her to get away from me, to leave me the hell alone.
“I’m sorry Derek okay, it’s just I can’t lose any more people I care about. I know you don’t love me anymore, but you are the only person that really knows me and I just miss you so much. I miss being your friend,” Tina practically cries and I hold in the groan of frustration. Why the water works? Does she really think that alone is going to change my mind?
In that second the rain starts to pour down, and I literally mean pour down out of nowhere.
“Go home Tina you’re going to get soaked.”
The good thing about being a werewolf is that you can’t catch a cold or the flu. In fact nothing medically can really go wrong with you other than old age and the various types of wolfbane of course.
“I already am. I just want to talk please.” Tina starts to shiver and I can see the water soaking through her clothes.
“Do you promise to stay away from Kristin?”
“That’s near to impossible since she is dating my brother.” Tina grumbles refusing to move.
“Fine, you are not to lay a single finger on her or hurt her in any way or get someone else to hurt her!” I change my demands knowing Tina will agree. This way I have one less thing to worry about- Tina killing Kristin.
“Deal. I’m going to need a change of clothes do you have any shirts in there?” Tina asks as she begins to walk up the stairs.
Of course I have shirts here, but none that I want to lend Tina. I could always just leave her to freeze in soaking wet clothes, but then I’ll get stuck listening to her chattering teeth and they will literally drive me insane.
Fuck my life.

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Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon