Kristin: Bad News

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(Previously: Kristin attends the Lacrosse game where Scott wolfs out. Kristin is forced to use the trank gun on Belle who tries to help, fortunately Scott gains control before Kristin has to shoot him as well.)

I still can’t believe Scott gained control and that he didn’t kill Alison. It’s almost like she brought him back and stopped the wolf from taking control. Now that I think about it, the same thing happened with Derek. I was almost like his anchor although that wasn’t always a good thing.
Speaking of tonight I’m pretty sure Belle isn’t going to talk to me for a few weeks at the very least. As I expected she didn’t take well to me using my trank gun on her.
If only I could get her to understand that I was protecting her. Belle isn’t as strong as she thinks she is. I know she will forgive me eventually. I just hope it is sooner rather than later.
As I pull into the driveway I notice Tane’s car and I’m bombarded by numerous emotions: anxiety, anger, excitement, longing, frustration and hope. I hate fighting with Tane. I may have gravitated towards him at the start purely because he was best friends with Derek, and it was the closest thing I had to Derek but with time it became a lot more. My feelings became real and I fell in love with Tane.
Part of me is worried that Tane is here to end our relationship. It’s changed so drastically in such a short amount of time. I can feel Tane pulling away from me and I don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s my fault. Maybe I’m pushing him away and not aware of it. I don’t know anymore.
I refuse to think about my dream, the one where Derek told me that Phoebe was Tane’s mate. It can’t be true I mean why would Tane be with me if that was true? I know Phoebe cheated on him and that’s why he broke up with her, but it still doesn’t make any sense. To be dating me when he already has a mate. I don’t know much about it but I know it’s the strongest connection a werewolf can feel towards another being- animalistic, deep, emotional and spiritual.
After I take a deep breath I leave my car and enter the house. My pulse starts to race dramatically and I feel the temptation to turn around and leave in my car.
Don’t be a chicken you can do this. I silently coach myself as I take a step forward and shut the front door behind me. I can’t help but imagine half the lounge room, bathroom and bedroom packed away. I can’t help but Imagine Tane leaving me and going back to Phoebe.
“Tane?” I call out as I place my handbag and keys on the hallway dresser before I continue to the lounge room.
Tane is sitting on the couch and immediately shuts off the sports channel as I take a seat beside. It feels like years since we have snuggled on the couch, when in reality it has only been days.
“Hey.” Tane smiles and I feel the relief sweep through my body. It’s definitely not an ‘I’m breaking up with you’ smile or maybe I’m just clutching at straws. I hope not.
“I thought you were too busy to deal with me.” I can’t help but reply with a snarky remark. I did beg him to talk to me earlier today, and he completely shot me down.
What else does he expect? It’s his turn to beg me to listen to what he has to say and it’s my turn to be the jerk. I’m not going to just forgive and forget straight away. For us to work I need to know that Tane isn’t going to keep being insecure. I need him to believe me when I say that I don’t want Derek.
“I’m sorry. I just freaked out. You and Derek were the perfect couple all those years ago and it made me feel insecure. I felt like the reason you rejected my proposal was because you aren’t over Derek.”
“I rejected your proposal because I’m not ready for marriage in general Tane. I swear that’s all.”
“I know. I’m the biggest idiot in the world, please forgive me?” Tane asks as he takes my hand in his. I’ve missed his touch. I’ve missed just being near him and I can’t help but smile.
“I know this is random but have you heard from Laura? She said she was going to catch up with me again before she left town and I haven’t heard anything in days.” I know I shouldn’t worry I mean Laura is a werewolf, and kind of hard to kill.
Laura is fine why am I even worrying?
“I was trying to figure out how to tell you,” Tane starts and I instantly cringe.
Tell me what?
“I don’t like the sound of that,” I reply as Tane shifts down the couch and sits right by my side.
“That body we found-”
“Oh my god,” I can’t help but interrupt. Tane is wrong. He has to be wrong. I just saw Laura a few days ago well maybe more than a few days but she was fine.
“I’m sorry.” Tane apologises.
This can’t be real. Why would anyone want to hurt Laura? I don’t understand. Laura was kind, strong and caring, why would anyone murder her? Why would they rip her in half?
“When did you find out?”
“I knew as soon as we found her. I could tell by her scent but I had no idea how to tell you. Your uncle only found out tonight.”
“Derek was accused of her murder wasn’t he?”
“Yeah but they ruled the death from an animal attack which is why Derek was released tonight.”
I somehow manage to hold back the tears that are trying to fight their way to the surface. It was the alpha, unless of course there is another werewolf in town besides Derek and the alpha. Or maybe it was rogue hunters that have gone back to cutting werewolves in half. It wasn’t Argent I know that much. He hunts by the code.
“This is horrible. How are you doing? Wait I’m angry at you why didn’t you tell me straight away?” I feel bad for Tane, for losing Laura but I’m also pissed that Tane has been keeping this from me.
I can handle it. I’m not some weak pathetic girl that falls apart over everything little thing that goes wrong in her life.
“I’m sorry. I have wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how. I mean I didn’t know how to deal with the news myself let alone tell someone else. I’m so sorry Kristin. Please forgive me.” Tane begs as he continues to hold my hand in his.
It’s overwhelming. How can Laura just be gone so suddenly? Here one minute and gone the next. Why hasn’t Derek told me yet? I have to say something, at least give my condolences on his loss.
It is the right thing to do.
“I need to go see Derek.”
“Kristin we need to talk and work this out, work us out.”
“And we will when I get back but right now I need to go talk to Derek, he lost his sister.”
“Laura will still be gone in an hour Kristin.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I can’t believe Tane is acting this way.
Laura is dead!
“I came back to talk to you and you’re going to leave to go to Derek. Can you not understand why I feel like I don’t matter when it comes to Derek?” Tane asks.
“I understand what you are saying but I’m not going to Derek because I want to. I’m going to Derek because I need to give him my condolences, we were friends and I care. I mean I cared about Laura too.”
Tane stares at me in silence and I know he is unsure of what to say. He understands, he has to understand. I have to say something to Derek. He lost his sister- the only family he has left besides his catatonic uncle.
“Do you mind if I come with you?” Tane asks.
I see it as an opportunity to prove myself to Tane, to prove that I’m not in love with Derek anymore.
“No I don’t.”

You can do this just tell Derek that you are sorry about his loss. I tell myself as I pull up and park out the front of Derek’s house and shut off the engine. Derek knows I’m here and instead of going to him. I’m going to wait for Derek to come to me.
Both Tane and I step out of the car and lean against the driver’s seat door. It’s a chilly night but luckily I have Tane who immediately wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him.
This is it. I’m going to prove to Tane that there are absolutely no romantic feelings between Derek and me.
“What are you two doing here so late?” Derek asks after he opens the front door and descends down the cement stairs towards us.
“Tane told me about Laura and I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for your loss.”
“Don’t worry about me I’ll get my revenge.” Derek replies coldly.
“Is that all you have . . . Really?” Tina emerges from the house in nothing but Derek’s t-shirt.
Well I guess I just interrupted something which proves Derek has lost a few hundred brain cells.
“Tina what are you doing here?” Tane asks before I have the chance to although I already know the answer. Tina is still trying to cling to Derek even after all these years, pathetic really.
“I just came for a visit is that a crime?” I can practically hear the smirk on Tina’s face as she speaks and I have to fight the urge to slap it off of her smug and stupid face.
I’m not jealous! I just think Derek can do better than desperate Tina who is one of the most annoying people on earth, and of course Phoebe follows closely behind in second place.
“Why don’t you run along and let the adults talk,” I can’t help but remark. It’s Tina. I can’t not put in my two cents. The bitch did choke me today after all. I should be shooting that hoe with an arrow.
Now there’s a thought.
“Ouch that really hurt.” Tina replies sarcastically.
“Don’t worry I’m only getting started.” I reply and I hear Tane exhale in annoyance. Of course I’m the bad guy even after being attacked by his crazy-ass bitch sister.
Maybe I should say something after all or he will notice the bruises when we get home and head straight for bed if you catch my drift. Tina will definitely be in the dog house then.
“Come on Kristin retract the claws please.” Tane whispers in my ear although there is no point considering both Derek and Tina can still hear Tane clearly, as if he were talking normally.
“I’ll retract the claws when your sister retracts hers and stops attacking me for no sane reason!” I try to hold it in but I can’t. Tina is the one that chocked me and I’m not letting her get away with it.
Tane won’t talk to her for a week or two now, and Tina and Tane usually talk every day. Paybacks a bitch- bitch!
“What are you talking about? What is she talking about Tina?” Tane asks and I can’t help but let a smug smile surface on my face.
How did it go from me giving Derek my condolences to this? Oh right Tina, that’s how.
“I may have temporarily gone insane. I didn’t mean it.” Tina shrugs as if it’s no big deal that she nearly snapped my neck.
“I can’t believe you Tina, what the hell is your problem?”
“I said I was sorry.”
“No you said you were sorry to me, not Kristin.” Tane points out and my smug smile grows even bigger, my cheeks are going to hurt tonight. I swear I’m straining every muscle in my face but I can’t stop.
I love it when Tane cracks it at Tina. I don’t see her for a week at least. It’s the best week of my life.
“Derek let’s go back inside.” Tina decided to skip on the apology and practically begs but Derek doesn’t move or talk and I know I have hit a nerve.
“You know what I don’t want to hear it anyway. I’m over your fake apologies which are even more fake then your personality.”
BURN! I’m on a roll baby. Nothing can stop me now.
Tane doesn’t speak, instead he just walks over to the other side of the car and gets into the passenger seat. Kristin- one and Tina- zero.
“Yeah well there is a reason why I’m here with Derek and you are not.” Tina practically stamps her feet, she knows there is nothing she can say to even the score.
“Derek’s smart he’ll get rid of you eventually.” I reply before I get in the car and drive away, leaving both Tina and Derek behind in the process. I hope Derek comes to his senses and ditches Tina for good.
Tina can’t be that good in the sack.
“I’m sorry about my sister. I promise she will never lay a finger on you again. Are you okay?”
“Yeah it barely hurts anymore. I’m fine I promise.” I reply as I keep my eyes on the road. I just hate Tina and wish she would move to the other side of the country. Actually the other side of the world would be better.

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