Belle: Cheaters

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It’s after dark and I’m slowly walking through the woods. The moon is bright, helping shed light on the scene in front of me. I can just make out the trees and various twigs, rocks, shrubs and logs on the ground.
Why am I here? I wonder to myself. Its freezing and I’m only wearing track pants, a singlet top and a light grey jacket that is doing absolutely nothing to help fend off the cold chill in the air.
Brrrr. My teeth chatter as I stop walking. I’m surrounded by trees and I have no idea where I am.
Snap, snap, snap. I hear someone walking towards me from the distance and my heart starts to race in response.
Who else would be out in the woods?
What if it’s the killer?
What if it’s the monster with the glowing red eyes?
My heart starts beating even faster as I think about the glowing red eyes, and the huge wolf like figure.
Get a grip! I order myself.
“Belle?” I hear Scott’s voice calling me and I start heading towards the crunching footsteps, but after a few seconds I can’t hear anything but complete silence, not even any footsteps.
“Scott?” I call out in confusion.
I hear a growl and my attention snaps to my right. I see the growing red eyes and the silhouette of the monster.
Move run! I scream at myself but I’m frozen in place and I can’t move a single muscle in my body.
Oh crap. I’m going to be mincemeat.
It steps closer and closer until it’s standing right in front of me and my breathing becomes erratic as I feel its hot breath on my face. I can see its pointed ears, its wolf like nose and its ugly teeth. Its canines are huge, sharp and look deadly and I know this time I’m going to die.
“Belle?” I hear Scott’s voice again and the monster steps aside.
“Scott get away!” I manage to choke out as he comes running towards me. The monster is still standing right beside me, “Get out of here can’t you see it?” I’m fighting back the tears as I try to force my body to move, but it doesn’t work. It’s as if there is something invisible holding me in place refusing to let me leave.
“I’ll be okay,” Scott replies calmly but I don’t understand why he isn’t running, how isn’t he freaking out right now?
I watch as Scott moves closer but the monster doesn’t do anything, but just stands by my side, “No you won’t!” I disagree. My heart is still racing and I feel like it’s about to beat out of my chest at any moment.
“Yes I will,” Scott replies and I watch as he drops to the ground. Within seconds his body starts contorting furiously, and when he stands he looks exactly like the monster standing beside me.
“Scott?” I practically whisper in shock and Scott roars back at me. I scream in terror before he pounces on me forcing my body to the ground. My shoulders are pinned under his hands that look more like paws and I let out another scream before his claws rake across my chest.

My eyes snap open and I exhale in relief as I stare at my dark surroundings and my alarm clock. The glowing green numbers are looking back at me: its 3.30am and I close my eyes intent on getting a few more hours sleep.

“Belle wait up . . . Please,” I chase her down the hallway, and she finally stops once she reaches her locker.
“I’m kind of busy,” Belle replies as she opens her locker and starts fidgeting with her books. I still can’t believe she kissed me, I had, I mean have no idea that she feels that way.
“Why did you kiss me?” I ask although I already know the answer.
“Why do you think? Look it doesn’t matter okay I know you don’t like me in that way. I see the way you look at the new girl Alison. Just forget about the kiss . . . Please?” Belle begs.
“I had no idea Belle. I mean it, you’re my friend and I don’t want to hurt you,” I feel terrible because I do like Alison a lot. I know I have only known her for less than 24 hours, but we connected at the clinic last night. She had hit a dog, it was pouring down rain and I leant her my shirt- Alison is amazing.
“I know Scott so let’s just forget about it.”
“Fine if that’s what you want but I do think we should talk about it. I am really sorry Belle.”
Who knows if Alison hadn’t come into my life I might feel differently. The kiss with Belle wasn’t bad, in fact it was good but Alison- well as I said before she is really amazing and beautiful and I think I really like her.
“That is the way I want it Scott. I don’t want it to be weird between us. I shouldn’t have kissed you and we just need to forget about it,” Belle replies.
“Okay. I don’t want anything to change either,” I smile and Belle smiles in relief. We became fast friends as soon as Belle moved here six years ago. Stiles and I became a trio and I didn’t want to lose her.
“Well I’ll see you in class tool face,” Belle smirks before she grabs her books and closes her locker, and starts to head to class.
“Yeah,” I smile before my gaze falls on Alison who smiles at me before she opens her locker.

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