Kristin: Ignored

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(Previously: Kristin goes after the Alpha which in return attacks Kristin. Kristin accidentally shoots Derek, and drags him home because he is paralysed. They then have a short and meaningful moment.)

I haven’t spoken to Derek since shooting him in the shoulder last night. I honestly don’t know what to think or what I would even say to him. I want to believe that he didn’t forget about me, but I just don’t.
“So you are totally over Derek right? I mean you still hate him?” Michelle asks as she clutches her warm mug of coffee. The Pizza Place is fairly quiet with only a few groups of people scattered around the room.
What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I am over Derek. I’m so over Derek it’s insane.
“Of course why are you asking?” I can’t help but cringe at what is going to come out of Michelle’s mouth next.
Is he dead? No that’s not it.
“Well you know how my mother works at the Sherriff’s office?”
“Is Derek in jail?” I practically shout unintentionally. I was not expecting this news.
“Yes he is . . . For suspicion of murder.” Michelle replies simply as Cory approaches the table.
Did Michelle just say murder?
Murder? No way. Derek is a lot of things but not a murderer. They’re wrong, my uncle is wrong.
“You girls alright?” He asks with a weary smile on his face. I’m guessing he didn’t hear me clearly otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered coming over at all. I still think Cory is holding a grudge against Derek.
I did choose Derek over him after all, all those years ago during high school which literally feels like a life time ago now.
“Were fine although I could use a refill in like 10 minutes,” Michelle blushes and flips her dark brown hair off of her shoulders. Michelle’s flawless pale skin is practically glowing as per usual. It happens whenever she is around Cory.
Of course Michelle denies that she has feelings for him and just says he is nothing more than eye candy. Because of my past with Cory she doesn’t want to break girl code. I’m going to have to keep trying to convince her that I’m completely over Cory and that I really don’t care.
Challenge accepted besides I need the distraction. Tane is still avoiding me. It’s been two nights and I know I should be really upset that Tane is ignoring me although honestly, I just can’t be bothered. He is the one acting like a child. I told him I don’t have feelings for Derek anymore so why won’t he believe me?
“No problem.” Cory smiles and keeps his eyes glued on Michelle.
“You know I have things I need to take care of, and since it’s not too busy maybe you can keep Michelle Company?” I ask Cory. Since he is the owner and boss, he has the privilege of doing whatever he pleases within reason of course.
“Kristin don’t go there to see him, go talk to Tane please?” Michelle asks and silently begs with her blue eyes that practically match mine.
Tane will be on shift at the Police department which is where Derek is also locked up. I can always ignore them both and just go straight to my uncle for answers.
“I’ll see you guys later,” I smile before rushing out of the building of course before I can make it to my car I spot Tina and Phoebe who both have scowls on their faces.
Usually I would be all for a confrontation with the two skanks but I’m on a mission and I begin to walk faster towards my car, but of course Tina and Phoebe also quicken their pace and since they are both werewolves they beat me to my car. Totally unfair advantage by the way!
“You better do something about this!” Tina hisses at me first and I have to resist the urge to kick her in the face or at the very least pull out a chunk of her blonde and fake looking hair.
“You two are the werewolves, why don’t you just break him out!”
“That’s not going to clear his name idiot!” Tina snaps while Phoebe is practically growling like Tina’s overprotective guard dog. I don’t get it. I thought Tina would love to be Derek’s ‘saviour’. They would be like Bonnie and Clyde running from the law so why doesn’t she want to break him out of prison? Does she really care about clearing his name?
“He’s not my problem, so why don’t you deal with him yourself!” It’s my turn to snap. Tina and Phoebe are literally the last two people I want to see let alone talk to.
Not to mention that they are seriously pissing me off, and their flaring nostrils and wild eyes are just making them look like crazy people that just escaped from an insane asylum. Is it meant to make them look tough and intimidating? If so, it’s a fail.
Without warning Tina’s hand grips my throat and I feel the pain as my head and body collide with my car. This bitch is full on losing her shit. It’s pathetic really since Derek has no romantic feelings for her, at least not anymore.
But then again it has been six years, who knows what those two got up to.
Her hand tightens and I feel the pressure as it begins to cut off my wind pipe.
I can’t breathe.
“The sheriff is you uncle so you will be dealing with it. Derek will not be rotting in a cell any longer, you understand that?”
Tina removes her hand and lets it fall back by her side which is when the rage starts to engulf me. Without warning I clench my fist and strike her as hard as I can in the face. Just because she is a werewolf and has super speed and strength, doesn’t mean I’m going to be her chew toy.
The bruise I inflict disappears almost immediately and I can’t help but frown in disappointment.
Stupid werewolf healing! Meanwhile I’m left with a sore throat and a few split knuckles, just great.
“You have literally lost your mind haven’t you?” I try not to scream, the last thing I want is to draw attention. Does Tina really think I have the power to convince my uncle to set Derek free? It doesn’t work like that. There’s a system. Tina needs to calm the hell down.
“I’m going to kill you for that!” Tina starts to charge at me although Phoebe moves quickly and stands between us acting as my shield. What the fuck is going on? Phoebe hates me just as much as Tina does especially since I am dating her ex-boyfriend.
Why is she protecting me?
Another better question where is everyone? There should be people staring at us and waiting for a full on cat fight yet the streets are practically deserted, and the people driving past in their cars aren’t even noticing the commotion, even the people in the Pizza Place haven’t realised yet.
“The last thing we need is for you to be charged with murder as well, please just calm down okay?” Phoebe instructs Tina who takes a deep breathe in response.
“You’re right come on. I need something to eat and Kristin, I’ll be watching and waiting so be a good girl and do as I say,” Tina replies before giving me a smug smile and walking towards the Pizza Place.
I want to wipe that stupid smug smile off of her stupid ugly face, god I wish I had a weapon on me right about now. I don’t think my hands can take another hard hit. Her face is like a cement slab.
“By the way I just wanted to thank you. It’s been great having Tane back, really . . . Really great.” Phoebe smiles before she turns her back and struts away. If I had something in my hand other than my car keys I would have totally thrown it at her. Is she hinting at what I think she is hinting at? No way, Tane wouldn’t do that to me. He wouldn’t cheat on me especially with her!
Crazy stupid bitches! I really think Tina has temporarily lost her mind and literally gone insane.
Who are you going to see first Kristin? I ask myself as I sit in my car which is parked at the police station.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now