Kristin: Break-Up to Make-Up

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(Previously: Because Derek is wanted for questioning from the school incident, Kristin’s uncle has an officer watch over her house while Kristin is trying to get Derek healed. Kristin tells Derek that she loves him before she questions Stiles. Derek gets better with the help of Kristin and they have a D&M and Derek also tells her how he feels.)

Due to the police chase involving Derek last night my uncle has put another police car in front of my house along with another young annoying officer. Derek filled me in after he lost the police and dropped off Scott and Stiles. Of course I wasn’t happy about Scott and Stiles involvement but I can’t keep living in denial. Scott is involved and I’m in no state to pursue the Alpha by myself. Derek needs Scott and Scott needs Derek and where Scott goes Stiles follows. It doesn’t help that Derek only has two clues as to what Laura was trying to figure out, and one of them involves a pendant on a necklace Alison wears while the other is the uptight and annoying teacher Harris. Derek had saved Harris from the alpha when the police showed up at the school, and chased him along with the Argents.
I’d only just found out about the clues last night when Derek questioned me about the lunch I had with Laura. Why does Derek have to be so closed off? I mean I know he has lost a lot in his life but I just wish he trusted me completely.
Oh god! My body tenses instantly as I see the shadow from the corner of my eye and tightly grip the remote control in my hand. It’s the middle of the day. Derek should be hiding somewhere safe especially since dumb and dumber tend to pop in unexpectedly for a coffee.
“Relax.” I hear Derek’s voice and sigh in relief.
“What are you doing here?” I ask as Derek sits on the arm of the couch.  
“Checking on you, how’s the gaping hole in your torso?” Derek asks unable to hold back the scowl which is full of worry and annoyance along with a hint of anger.
He is never going to let it go but I had to do something. I couldn’t leave Scott, Stiles and their friends in that school alone with the Alpha. I’m not going to apologise either.
“Fine it barely hurts.” I shift on the couch and hold in the wince to prove my point although Derek just raises an eyebrow in response clearly unconvinced by my act. He was probably listening to my heart beat.
Damn his superior hearing.
“It’s time to change the bandage and put some disinfectant on it.” Derek shifts to the edge of the couch before he stands to his feet and extends his hand.
Bossy much! I somehow manage to hold in the eye roll although I know I shouldn’t be annoyed at him. Derek is just worried but I can take care of myself. I’m not a complete invalid.
“Derek I-” I start to talk but realise I’ll just be wasting my breath and I grab his hand and stand to my feet following behind as Derek leads me to the hallway, and to the bathroom that literally smells like a hospital.
At least I don’t have to worry about cleaning it for a few more days not that Derek would let me.
“How can you stand the smell?” I ask as I carefully pull my shirt up over my head and throw it to the ground ignoring the sudden chill as it runs up and down my spine. Since it’s my day off I’m dressed in my “sexy” grey sweat pants and my favourite grey snoopy t-shirt which is now on the ground. Even my dark hair is in a terrible messy bun- I look hideous. Okay well maybe I’m exaggerating but it’s how I feel.
“I block it out.” Derek shrugs and wastes no time before he crosses the room in what seems like a single step. He starts to unwrap the bandage from around my torso, careful where he lets his gaze focus.
Due to my injury Derek is basically putting the brakes on all the fun stuff, and even though it’s only been a couple of days it feels more like a week. Even when cuddling I have to be wearing layers of clothing.
“You know I can handle this myself.”
“It’s the least I can do. You took care of me.” Derek doesn’t break his focus. What does a girl have to do to get some loving? Maybe I should take off my bra of course Derek will probably just leave the room.
It’s times like these I wish I had an accelerated healing ability.
“You were dying Derek. I’m going to be fine.”
Derek doesn’t reply but reaches for the disinfectant and gauze which are under the sink before he throws the old bandage in the bin. I mean sure it’s a deep wound but it’s not infected and the stitches are fine and clean. With time it will heal.
“I still think you should have your mother look at it.” Derek speaks and dabs the wet gauze against my wound over the stitches.
Yeah right! “She will put me under house arrest.”
“Maybe that’s what you need.” Derek throws the gauze in the sink before he grabs a clean bandage from the cupboard.  
“What’s going on Derek?”
“What do you mean?” He asks as he starts wrapping the new bandage around my torso and I can’t help but roll my eyes. It’s almost impossible not to react as Derek’s fingers brush against my torso, and I’m sure Derek can hear my heart racing in anticipation.
No I need to take a deep breath and focus.
He knows exactly what I mean, “Talk to me.”
“You of all people should know that talking isn’t really my thing.”
“I think you mean expressing emotion isn’t really your thing.” I reply more harshly than intended, and Derek pauses for a fraction of a second before he continues although he picks up the speed.
I sigh, “Please tell me you aren’t blaming yourself?”
Derek doesn’t answer and after he is finished with the bandage he practically storms out of the room and I know he is heading for the back door. Without hesitating I quickly rush after him and grab his arm. Derek doesn’t fight against me and I know I have my injury to thank for that.
“It’s not your fault Derek besides I’m going to be fine. It’s just going to take time to heal. I’m human remember.”
“I shouldn’t have gone along with Scott’s plan.” Derek replies but keeps his body turned away from me. I should’ve known Derek would be blaming himself, no wonder he has been so distant over the past couple of days- it’s been building up inside him.
“It’s not your fault. Can’t we just move past it?”
“Don’t you get it? I may as well have been the one to attack you. It’s my fault. You weren’t safe with me six years ago and you still aren’t safe around me now. I’m on the run from the police. I’m never going to have a normal life, and that’s what you deserve. I’ve been trying to fool myself. I’ve been selfish, but I can’t do it anymore. I don’t know why but the alpha lured me into town for a reason.”
Derek is pushing me away although I don’t know why I’m surprised. Why do guys have to be such jerks?!
“That’s not true.” I reply and Derek practically scoffs.
“I have to go.” Derek tries to gently free himself from my grip although I refuse to let go. I’m done with the hot and cold act. If he wants to end it than fine but it really will be the end. I don’t have the energy keep playing this game.
“What? What do you want from me? I can’t give you anything Kristin well except near death experiences and scars.” Derek yanks his arm free from my grip and faces me with a hard and cold expression that almost chills me to the bone.
Maybe I should just give him what he wants and let him go and stop fighting. With time I could force myself to forget about him and about how I feel . . . Yeah right because that so worked the first time! I scoff inwardly.
“Well I did shoot you with an arrow remember?”
“I healed.”
“And so will I with time.” I point out but Derek still looks unimpressed.
Derek grunts in frustration, “You’re not listening to me!”
“Yes I am but all I’m hearing is lame excuses. If you want to run away because it’s easier for you to shut yourself off than let people in, than go ahead and walk out that door, but don’t bother coming back,” the frustration is growing inside me and it takes all my control not to yell.
The silence is deafening as Derek’s features start to lose their hardness although the doubt is still showing in his green eyes as he stands rigid. I assume he is trying to figure out his next move. All I do know is that Derek isn’t the reason I got hurt. He isn’t the reason I’ve had multiple encounters with the Alpha. I’m the one putting myself in danger and that’s not going to change.
“You’re safer without me Kristin.”
“No I’m not. I’m the reason you were nearly killed six years ago or have you chosen to forget that? In fact it was you and your family that saved me from Julian in the woods. If anything I’m the one that should be telling you I’m not safe to be around.”
Derek scoffs and his face is full of disbelief, “The reason there is a psychotic murdering alpha running around town is because of me. He stole that title from Laura-” Derek starts although I have to interrupt.
“Exactly so how is that your fault?”
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“Let me guess . . . It’s your fault because you should’ve been there to protect Laura and stop the werewolf?”
“She was all I had left.” Derek replies and I can’t help but feel slightly irritated. All he had to do was get in contact with me and I would’ve responded although at the same time I know I can’t blame him. I did break up with him just before the fire that killed his family.
“You had Tane.” I reply after a few moments of hesitation worried it might sway Derek to walk away although I figure it doesn’t matter what I say at this point. If Derek wants to leave, he will.
“Nothing was the same after the fire.”
You mean you weren’t the same after the fire. I keep the thought silent knowing it’s not going to help. I don’t know how Derek manages to carry around all the guilt without crumbling. If only he could see that the fire wasn’t his fault. He was just a teenager in a bad place and was taken advantage of.
“Blaming yourself isn’t-”
“You’ve already given me this speech.” Derek practically rolls his eyes and I force a smile as I fight against the waves of sadness trying to pull me down and under.
Get a hold of yourself, you knew it was most likely going to end like this. I order myself.
I take his hand and keep the smile plastered on my face, “You can keep running and pushing people away but everybody needs somebody and I hope for your sake you find her and let her in.”
Derek avoids my eyes as I let go of his hand and reach for the seahorse necklace he gave me years ago that is sitting around my neck. As much as I want to keep holding onto it I can’t, not if Derek is about to walk out the door and out of my life. After I unclasp the necklace and remove it from around my neck I open his hand and place it on his palm.
I thought we were past this but I guess I’m wrong.
“Just promise me you will take care of Scott and Stiles.” I ask. Derek isn’t the only one insisting on protecting me and keeping me away from the action. Stiles also wants to bench me just as much as I want him to stay away from all werewolf drama of course that would mean steering clear of Scott and I know that’s never going to happen.
“This is yours.” Derek’s eyes meet mine as his lips form into a grimace.
“I can’t keep it anymore. I can’t keep doing this with you Derek not if you are going to do this every time I get hurt.”
“I just want you to be safe.”
“It’s like you don’t know me at all. I’m never going to be safe. Hell, I could get hit by a car and die tomorrow.”
“That’s not funny.”
“It wasn’t meant to be.” I reply and close his fingers over the necklace. For years I had told myself that the only reason I kept it was because it’s beautiful, but recently I realised it’s because I couldn’t let go of my feelings for Derek. Even though I thought I’d never see him again there was a buried part of me that was holding out hope.
If I hold onto the necklace than I’ll never be able to let go of Derek and it’s what I need to do if he walks away, for his sake and mine of course I’m hoping Derek will come to his senses but I have to be ready for the worst.
“I . . . I just need more time.” Derek holds out the necklace for me to take back although I shake my head afraid I might get sucked back in. I have to stay strong even though all I want to do is reach out and take it back.
“You should go. I have two annoying cops out the front of my house and they really like their coffee.” I reply before I turn on my heels and head for the front door. He won’t follow me out here.
His hand grasps my wrist before I get to take the third step and I reluctantly turn and face him expecting him to keep asking for more time. Instead he closes the space between us and presses his lips against mine. If I was in my right mind I’d break free but I have no control and my body instantly reacts as his arms wrap around me tightly, my injury forgotten and even though I should be in pain all I can feel is the heat moving around my body, the tingles across my skin and the need to almost drink Derek in as my lips part.
My hands head North and my fingers run through his hair before they slide back down under his jacket. Without a moment’s hesitation I slide off his black leather jacket and I somehow manage to hear the soft thump as it hits the ground over the wet clashing sound of our lips.
For the past couple of days Derek has been treating me like a porcelain doll and I can’t help but wonder when he is going to snap out of it and push me away again. I just can’t give him the chance, at least I’m already down to my bra.
My hands move under his shirt, up his torso before I pull my lips from his and slide his shirt up his chest although he stops me before I get the chance to pull it over his head. Great I jinxed myself.
“Derek?” I’m breathless and curious.
He raises his hand between us and the necklace dangles in the air. Even though it’s just a piece of jewellery it says everything. If take it, I’ll be stuck on the Derek rollercoaster and it’s not always a fun ride.
The question is, am I ready to give up on him?
Instead of talking I turn around and Derek’s hands move around my neck. I can feel the glass seahorse pendant resting against my chest before I feel the pressure of Derek’s lips against my neck.
“I wish I could feel the bond like you do and know what you’re feeling.” My voice is practically a whisper as I try to fight against the relaxed feeling. My body is at complete ease and I feel my eyelids growing heavier.
It’s easy to forget about the bond especially since the scar left from the bite isn’t in plain sight.
His arms carefully wrap around my torso, “It’s not all perks.”
“Well apart from jealousy what other cons are there?” I ask.
“I’ll write you up a list but for now I have to see if Scott’s made any more progress.” Derek replies before he places a kiss on my shoulder and removes his hands from around my torso. Typical, running out before the good part.
This is the bad part of the rollercoaster.
“I’m coming.” I face Derek although he just raises an eyebrow in response.
“No you’re not. You’re still in recovery.”
“I’m fine.” I lie. I’m only just managing between my reception gig and my work at the vet clinic. Most of the day I feel sore, tired and weak, but I need the money and I don’t want my mother or Uncle finding out.
My mother will keep me in the basement and my uncle will ask me a bunch of questions that I can’t answer. It’s bad enough that I have the two police officers Dumb and Dumber watching my every move.
“You’re still healing.” Derek objects before he quickly kisses me goodbye and heads for the back door.
Is it too late to give him the necklace back?

The bleachers are full of parents and families showing their support for the two Lacrosse teams although I can’t concentrate on anything let alone the ball being flung around the field. Stiles is finally first line, it’s his first game so where the hell is he? Is Stiles still with Derek? If so what happened to them?
Oh god what if the Alpha . . . No. I can’t even finish that thought. Luckily I don’t need to entertain Belle who is sitting happily with Zan and Isaac clueless to what’s going on. In fact I don’t think she’s even noticed Stiles absence, she is too busy gazing at Isaac.
“Kristin where’s Stiles?” My uncle snaps me out of my thoughts as he joins me on the very bottom bleacher.
“I don’t know but I’m sure he’s fine.” I shrug and smile trying to make it seem like it’s a normal teenage thing Stiles does frequently.
“Yeah maybe it’s just nerves or something. He’s probably at home. I’m going to go check. Can you call me if he shows up here?”
“Of course,” I smile before my uncle gives me a quick goodbye hug.
The game seemed to drag painfully slow especially at the news that Stiles isn’t at home. I told my uncle not to stress, and this is what teenagers do of course I know it’s more than that. I couldn’t get a hold of either Stiles or Derek and Scott doesn’t know either.
“Kristin?” I hear Chris’s voice. The Lacrosse field is clearing out fast and is basically empty apart from myself and Chris.
“Hey.” I force a smile.
“What are you doing?”
“Just enjoying the fresh air,” I lie and Chris gives me the look. The one that says he knows that I’m lying.
Damn Chris! Oh well maybe it’s time to clear the air and tell him about my suspicion. Part of him has to know there’s a reason the Hales blamed them for the fire.
“You’re not going to like what I have to say.” I warn.
“Do I ever?” Chris teases.
Here goes, “I’m certain that Kate either started the fire or is responsible for the fire that killed Derek’s family.”
Chris laughs, “We may be hunters but we’re not psychotic murderers.”
“How can you be so sure it wasn’t Kate?”
Chris scoffs and shakes his head like he can’t believe what he is hearing, “You need to stop hanging around with Derek, he is manipulating you and trying to turn you against us. Don’t you see that?”
It’s my turn to scoff, “You really need to open your eyes Chris.”
“And you need to stop hanging around them and stick to your own kind. He will turn on you. They always do.” Chris replies before he walks away leaving me by the empty bleaches. I just want to know if they’re safe.

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Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant