Kristin: The Funeral

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(Previously: Kristin and Tane break up. Derek is shot and Belle asks for Kristin’s help who arrives just in time to see Stile about to chop off Derek’s arm. Kristin intervenes although luckily Scott arrives with the bullet. The night ends with Belle and Kristin arguing, and Derek learns that Kristin was a hunter.)

Being the smart one I am I left writing my speech until the night before the funeral. Of course my run in with Derek and his Scooby Gang made it almost impossible to finish it. All I could think about was Derek’s still body lying on that cold hard floor, and my argument with Belle.
But somehow against all odds I managed to keep myself together, even though the thought of losing another person I cared about was ripping me to pieces. What makes its worse it that Stiles, Scott and Belle seem intent on being a part of Derek’s mess meaning those three idiots are practically digging their own graves.
How the hell am I meant to stop them from getting in trouble or worse, dead? And why does my speech suck so much!? My lounge room is literally littered with scrunched up pieces of paper and I’m running out of time. Scratch that. I literally just ran out of time. Luckily I’m already dressed in my appropriate length black dress and blazer. It’s time to go visit Scott.
Maybe I will be able to talk some sense into him. Dating an Argent is just asking to be killed and made into one of those hideous floor rugs.

“You look great.” Melissa pulls me into a hug as I walk through the door way. Melissa also opted for a black dress, in fact both our dresses are plain and knee length- we are twinsies. Wow I did not just say twinsies, at least I didn’t say it out loud thank god.
“Thanks I was hoping to talk to Scott. I can drive him and we can meet you there if you like?” I give a reassuring smile letting Melissa know that it’s nothing major. Besides she knows if Scott was into anything serious I would tell her.
Wait does being a werewolf count as serious? I was thinking more along the lines of drugs and crime, not morphing into an animal. Melissa is a strong woman but I’m not sure the supernatural is something she can handle, at least not yet besides it’s not my place to say anything. I’m leaving that for Scott.
“Sure I’ll see you soon.” Melissa smiles before she shouts at Scott to get down stairs and sure enough Scott comes rushing down as Melissa makes her way to her car. He pauses at the end of the stairs as if he is waiting for me to let loose and crack at him for last night although I’m done arguing with people.
He is dressed in dark jeans and a black button up shirt and matching tie and I quickly run over my speech again.  Scott is most likely going to react like a normal teenager and tell me to mind my own business but I have to warn him.
Chris Argent is very protective over his family.
“I’m sorry about last night but I had to help Derek-” Scott starts and his chocolate brown eyes instantly turn into the puppy dog eyes that can melt anyone’s heart, even the heartless.
“That’s not why I’m here although I do wish you would stay away from trouble, but getting back on track you need to drop Alison.”
“Drop Alison?” Scott asks as his face becomes full of confusion. Scott doesn’t know my past or my connection to the Argents, all he knows is that I know about werewolves and that he and Belle are one of them.
Maybe I should just stop before he tells me to get out of his life as well. Usually it doesn’t matter what Belle says in the heat of an argument, but I can’t shake the things she said last night. Maybe it’s because I’m feeling pathetic and emotional. I don’t know.
Why can’t my life just go back to normal. Why did my Grams have to die?
“If Chris finds out the truth about you, he will do whatever it takes to keep Alison safe Scott.”
“Chris? What you know him?”
“He’s a family friend on my father’s side. I don’t know how much Belle has told you but my father and my brother are hunters and they are friends with Chris Argent who sticks to the code, but would break it to keep his family safe.”
“Wait your father and brother are hunters and friends with Alison’s dad?” Scott shakes his head slightly trying to comprehend the news I guess.
It’s a lot to drop on him, but he has to know that being with Alison is practically a death sentence. He has to know that Chris won’t hesitate to kill Scott if he feels Alison’s life is any danger, and I know for a fact that Melissa would fall apart.
“Yes and hunters do not mess around Scott-”
“I know he shot me with an arrow and I barely got away.  I know what I’m getting myself into but I can’t just stay away from Alison.” Scott interrupts.
“Yeah, that whole arrow thing happens a lot.” I try not to think back to when I shot Derek with an arrow, but my thoughts have a mind of their own and begin to suck me i  back to that moment until I force myself to focus.
“Is this your way of telling me I can’t trust the Argents because I’ve already heard the speech.” Scott asks.
He must be talking about Derek. It makes sense. Derek probably feels that way about all hunters and I don’t blame him. We do, I mean they do kill his own kind which reminds me, Derek is probably never going to speak to me again. Not after finding out that I was a hunter for two years. 
But that’s a good thing. It will help keep me on track and stick to my goal of staying away from guys and relationships.
“I assume you are talking about Derek?” I ask.
“Yeah he took me to see Peter. Are the Argents really behind the house fire?” Scott asks and now I’m the one confused.
“What are you talking about?”
“Derek said the Argents were the ones who started the fire that killed his family,” Scott replies and shrugs his shoulders, seeming undecided on the matter although I can tell he is leaning more towards Derek. Chris did shoot him with an arrow after all.
I’d feel the same way although I’m 100% sure Chris had nothing to do with the fire. There were children in that fire as well as humans.
“No, no . . .  No. Chris wouldn’t do anything like that."
“What about Kate, she did nearly kill Derek and she used to live in Beacon Hills?”
Scott has a point. Out of the two Argent siblings Kate is the more unstable one although killing innocent people and children? Even that seems a bit too far for her but then again they do say you can never really know a person. 
Wait Kate was the one that shot Derek? I just thought it was one of Argent’s buffoons. Argent needs Derek alive. Even though I’m not a part of his hunting team I know Chris is thinking Derek will lead him to the alpha.
“I don’t know Scott.” I try to shake off the shock.
The fire was ruled an accident. All this time I’ve been thinking it was just bad luck but what if Derek is right? What if it was deliberate?
Oh god all those people. Why didn’t Derek tell me?
“Come on we don’t want to be late.” Scott playfully nudges me as he passes by and heads for my car which is parked on the curb.
At least he doesn’t hate me for telling him to stay away from Alison although I do wish he would listen to me. I’ve got this terrible gut feeling that it’s going to get him killed.
“Where’s Tane?” Scott asks as we reach the car.
No one else knows about the break up yet. I’ve been trying to avoid the questions and the talks as well as everyone feeling sorry for me. Not even Belle or my mother know which I now realise it just stupid considering Tane is probably going to be at the funeral with Phoebe.
Oh god why didn’t I say something sooner. Now I’m going to look like a freaking idiot and there is going to be even more questions like why I didn’t tell them sooner. Why am I such an idiot. Was I dropped on my head a lot as a baby?
That would explain some things, okay most things.
“We broke up,” I reply. It’s just as relieving as it is depressing.
“I’m sorry Kristin.”
“It’s fine now get in the car, we don’t want to be late,” I force a smile.
The turnout so far is great although due to hunters being in town my Grams' werewolf friends have understandably decided to skip the funeral. They’re going to honour her in their own way which I’m assuming my Grams will appreciate even more.
Plus even though it’s a small funeral, it’s at the flashy part of the Graveyard and the flowers, reefs and chairs seem to make the place less depressing and more intimate which I know my Grams would like. There are even nurses from the Aged Care home in attendance, even though my Grams didn’t really speak she still managed to touch their lives somehow.
Practically everyone has arrived and that includes Tane who as I suspected is with Phoebe and Tina. He gives me a slight nod before he takes his seat at the back although for some strange reason Phoebe is deciding not to use her face to gloat, and even Tina shoots me a sympathetic look. I don’t like it.
Stiles rushes to my side, squeezing himself in between Belle and I. We still haven’t said a word to each other yet and I can’t help but smile at Belle’s protests although she gives up after a few seconds. I guess she knows better than to try and argue with Stiles or maybe she just doesn’t want to make a scene at Gram’s funeral.
“I heard there is going to be chocolate cake at the after party,” I can practically hear Stiles grinning. By after party he means the wake where the adults drink, music plays and we all reminisce about the deceased.
“Only from the best bakery in town,” I reply and look at Stiles just in time to see his eyes light up although he quickly lets the smile fade and grabs my hand squeezing reassuringly. Even though Stiles wasn’t blood related to Grams, she still treated him as her own grandson even though she obviously wasn’t a fan of my father.
But then again who can resist loving Stiles. He is infectious in the good way and definitely not like a terrible disease or . . . Infection.
“Well that’s good. I was worried you might have made it . . . And now is not the time or place to say that,” Stiles stutters awkwardly, “I’m sorry that was a bad way of trying to lighten the mood,” he adds.
“Actually it was just what I needed,” I reply and scan the area quickly. The chairs are filling up with familiar faces. My Uncle Kyle and his wife are sitting at the end of our row. They decided to stay at the local hotel. Scott and his mother are sitting in the row behind us with Uncle Stilinsky, Isaac, Zan and her parents. There are old people filling up the rest of the back row and the third row that look familiar yet not at the same time. The few nurses are also in the third row sitting near Lydia and Jackson, but it’s the few people sitting at the end in the second row which surprises me the most, the Argents including Alison and Kate.
Did I also forget to mention my father and Alex are back, but just until tomorrow. They are sitting in the front row talking in hushed whispers. It better not be about their hunting job. I don’t want Scott, Belle or my mother to hear the gruesome details. Apparently they have an important hunt to rush off too and I’m tempted to ask if I can come although I’m already working a job of my own and I can’t just give up. No matter how much I miss Alex and my father.
My mother had just given her speech by the huge picture of my grams which is sitting on an easel by the closed casket. It’s my turn to say something and I feel the sorrow start to weigh me down instantly.
Lately I’ve been avoiding the whole dealing with my Gram’s death thing. Which is just asking for trouble but I’ve had other things to worry about; like the alpha terrorising the town and killing as well as adding to its pack. Plus I knew if I dealt with the Grams thing than I would have to deal with losing my best friend Tane.
Yes I know I’m an idiot but I can do this.
After taking a deep breath I stand to my feet as my mother returns back to her seat.
It’s now or never.
“I have to start by thanking you all for coming. I know my Grams really appreciate it and I know if she were here she would have something amazing to say . . . My Grams would always give me the same inspiring message no matter the reason I was frowning. She would say:  ‘Being happy is a choice. Choose to be happy, only you hold that power.’ It took me a while to realise my Grams was right. I hope that one day I will be as kind and caring as my Grams, thank you.” I force a smile and focus on the people before me instead of the tree off in the distance. Which is when I see Derek sitting in the back row and I’m instantly reminded of my conversation with Scott where he told me Kate was the shooter.
Even though we are in a public place and with humans that know nothing about the supernatural world. I can’t help but worry for Derek’s safety. The hunters could be waiting to ambush him when everyone is on their way to the after party as Stiles likes to phrase it. My father would love to get in on that action and Alex too.
Stop freaking out and just sit down before people start thinking you are losing your mind! I order myself and quickly take my seat.
“That was great.” Stiles smiles reassuringly and I return the gesture before I quickly glance back at Derek. Of course I instantly regret it as Chris follows my line of view and gives me his disapproving look.
Just great he barely left Tane in one piece. If he finds out my feelings for Derek are still hanging around than it won’t be Kate shotting Derek a second time- it will be Chris. Unless of course he tells my father who will most likely beat him to the punch . . . I mean bullet.
Luckily I’m not going there or anywhere for that matter. No guys for me. Not for a while at least. I’m taking the pledge and I take my pledges seriously.
Girl power! Right?
“Can I ask why the Argents are here?” Stiles whispers as my mother stands to her feet and begins to conclude the service.
“Friends of my father,” I reply knowing if I don’t tell Stiles myself than Scott will.
“Did they go to school together or something?” Stiles asks confused and I can practically hear his brain ticking away trying to solve the puzzle.
Any second now . . .
“Oh my god is your father a hunter?”
“Bingo we have a winner.”
“That’s insane how can he be a hunter when your mother and Belle, and your grams are all werewolves. I mean was.”
“Stiles shut up!” The last thing he should be talking about is the fact that he knows about werewolves especially with Tane, Tina and Phoebe sitting in the same area as him.
“I’m going to let that go but only because you’re grieving.”
“We can continue this conversation later,” I make sure to keep my voice low even though I know it makes no difference.
For the remainder of the funeral some of us place flowers on top of the casket before it is lowered into the ground. Honestly I have no idea how I’m not curled in a ball on the ground crying my eyes out.
It’s what I want to do and what I need to do but my mind is holding strong for the both of us. It knows now isn’t the time although it is letting the few tears fall down my face unguarded which are going to have to do for now.
The hall my mother rented out for the night isn’t as tacky or depressing as I was picturing it in my mind. In fact the table cloths are bright yellow and the round tables are stationed on the side of the room, leaving plenty of space in the middle of the room for those who want to dance. The buffet tables match the dinner tables and the yellow helium balloons covering the roof seem to be making the place brighter. Yellow was my Gram’s favourite colour.
Even the music playing from the iPod dock is upbeat and even danceable. My mother definitely kept it simple yet fun at the same time. I guess I need to give her more credit although the chocolate cake is definitely the winner of the night. I’ve already eaten one piece and I’m tempted to eat another. But it’s going to have to wait another time. I have someone to meet. I’ve avoided being roped into long conversations by leaning against the wall and using the bathroom excuse when a conversation drags on for too long. Although everyone seems to be settling into groups and now is my chance to escape.
Scott and Alison are eating cake on a table in the corner being watched like a hawk by Chris and Victoria who are sitting with my father, Alex and Kate on the other side of the room. My mother is busy chatting away with Uncle Stilinsky, Zan’s parents and Melissa. Belle is giggling with Zan and Isaac while Stiles is blissfully eating his second piece of cake just a table down from Scott and Alison. The nurses are also huddled together on a table enjoying the food while everyone else is spread out all over the place and Luckily Tane decided not to show up.
Time to take off. I decide and begin to subtly leave although Chris calls out and waves me over before I can finish my escape.
Damn it!
“Long time no see,” Kate greets me with a hug when I reach the table although it’s hard to squeeze back knowing she nearly killed Derek. Although I don’t know what happened exactly, maybe it was self-defence.
“Yeah too long,” I force a smile and take a seat in the empty chair between Chris and Kate. I’ve got to think up a legit excuse to get out of here. Vince isn’t going to wait around forever, even if I ask him nicely.
“I miss my partner in crime,” Kate nudges me with her elbow and again my mind thinks back to the conversation with Scott where he revealed Derek’s suspicion, that the Argents are responsible for the fire.
Enough worrying and thinking. They are going to know something is wrong.
“Really because I heard all about your new partner in crime,” I can’t help but genuinely smirk. Even though I don’t get to see Alex or my father much, it doesn’t mean I don’t talk to them often and Alex told me all about his jobs with Kate.
When I initially heard the news I was happy he was getting some action but now I can’t help but worry slightly. There’s a part of me that thinks Derek could be right, at least about Kate who often goes off script.
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” Kate chuckles before she takes a big mouthful of her drink and I watch as Alex blushes before giving me the evil eye. It’s almost like looking into a mirror that changes your gender. In fact strangers always think Alex and I are twins even though he has four years on me.
Why do guys usually age more graceful than women?
“Since we are on the subject, why wasn’t Tane sitting at the front with you?” Chris asks and I can tell my father is also wondering the same thing and hoping to hear it’s the end of that relationship. My father was beyond furious when he found out that Tane and I were dating. Apparently it was bad enough that I had dated Derek and dating Tane was adding insult to injury.
Of course my father cooled down eventually although he did like to mention the dangers of dating a werewolf every time we spoke on the phone. Even now as I look at my father I can see the huge smile he is trying to hold back.
In fact I bet he is even holding back a celebration dance.
“Isn’t it obvious?” I reply.
“Well I’m sure you will find a decent guy in no time,” Victoria smiles and I read between the lines. Decent guy means human guy and I hold back the eye roll. Victoria is the kind of person that can be sweet and caring one moment and scary evil the next.
Some people say psychotic but I have to give her credit for her woman balls. Everyone knows not to mess with her at least within the hunting community.
“Yeah maybe someone who isn’t affected by the full moon,” my father adds making sure to keep his voice low and just loud enough for our table to hear. Of course if Scott or Belle was listening, they would be able to hear it anyway.
“Don’t be so hard on her I mean Tane is a hotty.” Kate defends me as always.
Derek has to be wrong he must be.
“Oh please he is not hot.” Alex rolls his eyes and scoffs.
Someone’s jealous.
“Have you seen him naked?” Kate asks.
“Of course not!”
“Then your opinion isn’t valid,” Kate replies matter-of-factly and stretches out her hand in front of me. Before I can even decide my next move, my instincts take over and I slap her hand high-fiving her.
House fires happen all the time. It doesn’t mean a hunter is responsible. Derek just needs to blame someone and he is choosing the Argents.
“Are you telling me that you have seen him naked?” Alex asks in both shock and disgust. Wow he is an idiot.
“I don’t need to see him with his clothes off to know that he has a hot bod,” Kate replies and although I’m entertained by the small squabble taking place I can tell my father, Chris and Victoria are everything but entertained.
“Enough talk of it. I mean him,” Victoria corrects herself for my sake and I give her a small smile. Even though we don’t see eye to eye on the matter, we don’t antagonise each other either.
“I’m actually getting kind of tired. I’m going to head out.”
“Kristin you don’t need to leave. I promise I’m done for the night. No snarky remarks so just sit down and relax. We barely get to hang out anymore,” my father asks. He has no idea how much I miss spending time with him but I can’t stay. Vince isn’t going to be in this area again for a few months at least, it can’t wait.
“I’m sorry dad I’m really tired, but we are still on for breakfast tomorrow right?” I ask as I stand to my feet and start the chain of goodbye hugs starting with Kate and then Alex, my father, Chris and finally Victoria. My father and Alex stayed with Belle and my mother last night, since there is a lot more room in that house compared to my one bedroom flat, but I did get to have dinner with them which is when I told them that Tane was just busy working.
God I’m such an idiot. I should have told them all at the same time.
“Yeah of course, drive safe,” my father reaches out his arms again and I give him one last hug before I make my way to my mother and let her know I’m leaving. Of course I have to say goodbye to my uncle, Melissa and Zan’s parents as well but that’s not all. Stiles is determined to finish questioning me about my father and I rush through it all telling Stiles about how we were camping when I was a child and a werewolf attacked, scratching me on the back. My father started doing tons of research and eventually got answers from hunters. He started training and joined them of course he didn’t know my mother was a werewolf and still doesn’t and I’m finally free to leave.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now