Derek: It's Hard To Say

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(Previously: Derek gets a visit from Kristin and they talk about Kate before Derek leaves to visit his Uncle to ask for help although he gets no response from his Uncle. But he does find a picture of a deer with a spiral on its side and heads for the local vet clinic next. Derek thinks the vet may be the Alpha or be protecting the Alpha. He is questioning him when Scott shows up and stops Derek from hurting Deaton (the vet) anymore. Scott tells Derek to meet him at the school and Scott uses the P.A system to roar and gain the Alpha’s attention. The Alpha arrives at the School and gravely injures Derek. Belle gets Derek out of there and takes him back to Kristin’s.)   
The sun streaming through the window is to much and I finally give up on getting any more sleep. Wait a minute . . . I quickly run my hand over my wound although there is nothing there and I feel instantly confused.
It only happened last night I’m sure of it. In fact I can still feel the pain as I think back to the attack or have I literally slept through the last few days? It wouldn’t surprise me although I didn’t think the wound was severe enough to comatose me for two plus days.
As I shove the blanket off of me and sit up in bed I realise I’m not in Kristin’s house anymore. It almost looks like my house except it’s been remodelled and the burnt walls look brand new and are a desert sand colour. The remodelling almost matches how the house looked before it was burnt down, except it doesn’t have the wear and tear of generations of families.
I must be losing my mind.
“Good you are finally awake,” Kristin is standing in the doorway with her hand resting on her pregnant belly and she looks like she is about to give birth at any moment. Are there twins in there or something? The huge belly is making Kristin look almost fragile.
Wait pregnant belly!?!
Okay seriously what the hell is going on right now?
“Umm . . .” I can’t help but stutter as my brain tries to process Kristin’s pregnant state. Is it mine?
Of course it’s yours you freaking idiot!
You’re an idiot! I retort.
“Come on breakfast is ready,” Kristin smiles as I stand to my feet and try to hide the confusion from my face. Kristin’s olive skin is glowing more than usual and her smile is matching her vibrant blue eyes. I haven’t seen Kristin genuinely happy since I arrived in Beacon Hills. I hope I’m not the one that has been bringing her down.
My stomach rumbles interrupting my thoughts and I can’t help but inhale the sweet and savoury scents as they waft through the house. Wow the food does smell great. Kristin sure has come along a far way. The aromas are mixing but it only takes slight focus to differentiate between the smells. There are waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs and hash browns, and my stomach’s demands are growing louder. It’s completely empty and it almost feels like it’s been days since my last meal.
“It uh smells great,” I try to force a small smile as I grab a shirt from the tall chest of drawers and put it on before I make my way to Kristin who is still leaning against the door frame looking at me curiously.
It’s not until I look at her hand that I see the wedding ring on her left finger, and as I look down at my hand there is a matching white gold wedding band on my left finger. Yep this is definitely getting bizarre.
“Are you okay?” She asks and my eyes trail down her stomach. If I listen carefully I can hear the baby’s steady heartbeat. Wait . . . Oh god there’s two heartbeats I was only joking about the twin thing.
Am I going to pass out? I feel like I’m going to pass out.
After taking a small deep breath I get a hold of myself and Kristin grabs my hand and rests it against her belly. Barely a few seconds later I feel them begin to kick and I have to hold in the gasp as my hand instinctively jerks away.
“They already love you.” Kristin smiles.
Will you just play along you know they say pregnant chicks are always hor-
Shut up seriously!
“Okay what’s going on?” Kristin asks me as her smile begins to fade.
What’s it going to be? Play along or freak out? It’s not like I’m going to get a chance to experience this life.
“Nothing in fact I’m starving,” I reply before my hand reaches out and grabs Kristin’s arm drawing her body closer to mine. This life could never be a reality for me: marriage and children. Not after it ended so tragically for my family.
There’s no way I could survive losing my family all over again.
“Well you better eat quickly. You slept in and we have some where to be soon,” Kristin smiles before she stands on the tips of her toes and presses her lips against mine. Instead of over thinking it I let my instincts react and my hands cup her face as my lips part.
Her soft lips and soft skin feel so real. I don’t want it to ever end.
“Come on,” Kristin pulls away and grabs my hand leading me down the stairs and to the kitchen. The rest of the house matches the bedroom and I’m immediately flooded with feelings and memories of my family, of the past.
Even the fireplace is sitting in the exact same spot and beside the framed photo of my parents is a picture of Kristin and I; she is in a wedding dress and I’m in a black tuxedo. Kristin looks beautiful. Her hair is sitting in a messy bun and the bird cage veil is covering half her face yet her blue eyes are shining right through.
“It still only feels like yesterday.” Kristin is standing by my side as I stare at the picture and she squeezes my hand.
“Yeah,” I reply trying to shake off the shock as it tries to take hold of me again.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now