Belle: Game Time

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(Previously: Belle had a very bad day. First she got cracked at and yelled at by Scott, then crapped on by Jackson and finally her friends Isaac and Zan both cracked it at her and ditched her.)

“Hurry up will you,” I bang on the bathroom door in an attempt to rush Kristin who is finishing up from her shower. Even though Scott was a total jerk to me yesterday I still have to be there.
Scott could shift right in the middle of the game and that would be a complete disaster. Derek may be in jail at the moment, but he will get out and have to kick Scott’s butt if Scott shifts. I know Derek is innocent, he has to be.
Kristin doesn’t want me to help her if Scott does lose control, but she will need me. I may be new to the werewolf thing but I have the super strength and speed, and Kristin doesn’t.
“Chill out will you?”
“Chill out? I really don’t think that is even possible considering Scott is determined to play in the game tonight and he is first line,” I sigh in frustration. I really wish Scott wasn’t playing tonight.
I can’t help but think about what could happen if Scott wolfs out in front of everyone. Would my Uncle shoot him?
I hope not.
“Did you visit Derek?” I shout through the door to Kristin.
“Nope, why did you?”
“As if our Uncle would let me,” I did try though and failed. Every one of them literally watched me like a hawk the whole time. If I had more control over my werewolf speed I probably could have snuck into the cells, but I’m not there just yet.
As they say practice makes perfect.
“Belle I really think you should distance yourself from Derek. Mom can teach you everything you need to know.” Kristin replies as she opens the bathroom the door. I can feel the heat from the steam immediately as it escapes through the door.
“Can we change the subject please?” I try not to beg but I really don’t want to talk about it with Kristin. I trust Derek, and I know he can teach me. It doesn’t matter what anybody says. I want Derek as my mentor.
“Okay but we will be talking about this again, and you can’t ignore mum forever especially since you both live in the same house.”
I can try.
The seats are full of family and friends as they wait in anticipation. Unfortunately I’m stuck next to Alison and Lydia. Why? Why do you hate me so much God? What did I do that was so bad to deserve this kind of horrific punishment? I promise I’ll do better!
“I didn’t realise you were into Lacrosse.” Chris smirks at Kristin. This is the first time I’ve been anywhere near Chris. My father has never talked to me about him although apparently Chris is like family.
Chills run up my spine immediately at the thought. I still can’t believe that my father is a hunter. I know I should hate him for it, but my father is just trying to protect all of us. He would never have hurt my mother. They may be over now but I know how much my father loves her. I can’t fight the feeling that Chris is different, that he isn’t like my father who only hunts werewolves who kill humans.
I also can’t fight the instinct to hate him. I swear to god, if he even as much as touches Scott. I will rip his arms off. Kristin assured me Chris only kills guilty werewolves, but I can’t ignore the doubt that is sitting in the pit of stomach and crushing my organs.
“Well I’m really only here for Stiles and Scott.” Kristin replies and I have to resist the feeling to tell Kristin to stay away from Chris. I don’t trust him at all although I know she won’t listen to me, the joys of sisterhood.
My mother always says we are like two peas in a pod. I however don’t think we are much alike at all, but maybe I’m just being biased.
“Hey.” Zan interrupts my eavesdropping and takes a seat next to me. Part of me wants to ignore her and to tell her to go away, but I can’t. We’ve been friends for far too long for it to end this way.
“Hey.” I reply simply unsure of what to say. I don’t even know why Zan cracked it at me in the first place. I guess I’m about to find out.
“I’m sorry for being a jerk. The last 24 hours has sucked, and I’m pretty sure it’s longest we have gone without talking to each other,” Zan rushes her words, and I listen as her heart starts to beat rapidly.
“It feels like longer than that,” I can’t help but let a small smile surface. Zan is so nervous it’s almost cute.
“I promise I won’t be a jerk again. I guess I just felt like you were leaving me behind, you started spending more and more time with Jackson and Scott, and less time with me. I shouldn’t have acted out. I should have just talked to you. I’m really sorry.”
I didn’t even realise I was doing it. I’m such a horrible friend. I should be slapped in the face repeatedly with a brick. The heavy kind and not the fake prop ones they use in movies.
“Stop apologising. I get it. I was being a crappy friend and I’m sorry. I promise to stop ditching you.”
“I missed you.” Zan smiles before she sweeps me up into a hug. I know it must seem like we are being ridiculous especially since it’s only been 24 hours, but we never go a day without seeing or at least speaking to each other.
It’s a girl’s life.
“Why are you sitting near Alison and the Nazi queen?” Zan whispers and I can’t help but giggle. Zan knows about my crush on Scott and has for years.
“I didn’t have much of a choice,” I stare down Kristin who is busy chatting away with Chris.
“Ohh,” Zan replies as she follows my gaze. “Is Kristin like into that guy? Oh my god is that Alison’s father? Is your sister dating Alison’s father? What happened to Tane?” Zan whispers in shock as her jaw hangs near the ground.
Ewww! How can Zan think that! It’s disgusting. Kristin would never be desperate enough to date Chris! At least I hope so.
“No way he just knows my dad that’s it.” I have to force myself to whisper and not scream.
I’d rather Kristin go back to dating that whinny guy that owns the Pizza Place than have an affair with Chris, he is married after all. The woman must be insane or missing half her brain- Just saying.
I’m so glad people can’t read my thoughts. I’d probably end up stabbed or shot multiple times in the face.
“What a small world. That must really suck. You haven’t had to go over there for dinner have you?”
“No way, not going to happen and we should probably change the subject before little miss perfect princess overhears us.”
The last thing I need is for Alison to hear us and go crying to Scott who is so whipped by the way, that even though we have been friends for six years he will probably ditch me completely.
Guys suck!
“Right good call.” Zan nods in agreement.
“So Alison how are you and Scott doing?” I ask over Lydia to Alison who looks shocked at first until the smile surfaces.
Maybe I haven’t been hiding my resentment as well as I thought, oh well she should know how much I hate her and her stupid pretty face, sleek and shiny hair and perfect body.
“Great it’s been really great.” Alison gushes and I have to use all my energy to hold back the scowl that is trying to surface.
Great it’s been really great. I mock Alison in my mind, using the most retarded voice I can muster. It brings a small smile to my face and I know Alison thinks it’s a smile directed towards her and her happiness with Scott, what an ignorant fool!
“Looks like the game is about to begin,” I force a smile and direct my attention to the field, ending any chance to continue the conversation. Why did I even bother speaking to her?
You’re an idiot Belle.
My eyes stick on Scott immediately and I follow his every move, his every twitch. He can’t shift not unless he wants to be shot to death by his girlfriend’s dad.
Jackson gets the ball and basically passes it to everyone but Scott- really Jackson? Petty much! I guess the only good thing to come out of it will be Scott getting no action which makes the chance of his wolfing out very low.
Scott and Jackson both go for the ball and I can’t help but cringe. Please don’t get the ball Scott just back off. Why the hell is he so set on playing tonight, can’t he just wait until he is more in control?
God damn it!
Jackson charges Scott pushing him over in the process, seriously? So much for team sport. This is just getting ridiculous. I’m feeling the urge to kick Jackson in the face. Of course the ass face scores. Maybe I should mug him at the end of the game or something of course I will wear a mask, and I will only hit him a few times.
Everyone claps and cheers while Alison and I exchange weary glances completely unintentional of course’ before she sells out and starts clapping as well. I just wish I had some food to throw at Jackson preferably something hard like a potato.
I can’t help but gape as Alison helps Lydia hold up a sign that reads ‘we luv u Jackson.’ What a bitch because that’s exactly what Scott needs, to get riled up and shift on the field.
God Alison you are such a dumbass!
The hurt is clearly written on Scott’s face, and I hear his heart beat start to beat even more out of control. This is not good. This is very, very bad. Please keep yourself under control Scott.
“This is not going to be good.” I hear Stiles as he sits on the bench. Well duh of course it’s not going to be good. In fact someone is probably going to end up hurt and it’s not going to be Scott.
“Only to me,” I hear Jackson order his team mates as they huddle together on the field. I don’t get how they can’t be freezing their asses off. I’m cold and I’m wearing like 50 layers of clothing well not really but you get my point.
“But what if he is open?” Danny asks. I swear to god it’s so not fair that all the gay guys are smoking hot!
“Who’s the captain, you or me?” Jackson asks and I can’t help but cringe knowing that Scott is hearing every single word. Just when you think it can’t get worse it turns explosive in a matter of seconds.
“Jackson come on dude I just want to win.” Danny replies and I can’t help but picture what is underneath his shirt. What? A girl can be curious.
I bet it’s glorious.
“We will win.” Jackson seethes and I can’t help but laugh at his ignorance. He’s injured, does he really think he can win the game without Scott?
“What did I say? Now what did I say?” Jackson practically yells in Danny’s face. I don’t get it, why does Danny put up with Jackson who is nothing but an asshole to everyone even Danny.
“Don’t pass to McCall,” Danny replies and I can hear the annoyance that is lacing his voice.
I hope Jackson realises he may have just literally signed his own death sentence. Do people never learn? Oh wait what a stupid question! Jackson is so going down. I’m just hoping it’s not by Scott’s teeth.
Scott’s wolf is trying to break free. I can feel him fighting his way to the surface and I know Scott is in the process of shifting. Just great! How am I meant to get him out of there?
My gaze fixates on Kristin and when she finally looks at me I give her my best we are fucked and screwed to hell face. Immediately she excuses herself and heads to the bench near Stiles.
“Scott is about to lose it Stiles.” Kristin practically whispers to Stiles. Uncle Stilinsky is standing right behind Stiles and the last thing we need is for him to hear anything suspicious.
I hear a click and focus on Kristin’s side. There is a dart gun in her hand, hidden from our uncle and I hear Stiles gasp as he sees it.
“What the hell are you doing?” Stiles asks in shock.
“Relax, it’s just a trank gun.”
“Just a trank gun, did you seriously just say that?”
I tune out of their conversation and focus on Scott, he’s standing hunched over just staring at the ground. “Are you okay kid?” The referee asks and Scott just nods in response.
Crap, shit, fuck, bitch! I’m going to kick Scott’s ass after this game, the anxiety is driving me insane.
Everyone is quiet and even the opposing team is backing away and keeping their distance. Maybe they have a few brain cells left after all, who knew because I certainly didn’t.
I have to resist the urge to scream as Alison helps Lydia hold up that stupid sign for Jackson. Scott is literally on the verge of losing control, the last thing he needs is to be poked and prodded.
Scott leaps in the air over a player and catches the ball while it’s still in the air. He runs down the field dodging every single player that comes at him. Everyone is watching in amazement as Scott shoots his first goal and they erupt and stand to their feet cheering.
“I think he is back in control,” Stiles smiles at Kristin after he jumps to his feet and joins the cheering crowd.
“Let’s just hope it stays that way,” Kristin replies as Stiles starts following behind the coach, still screaming and applauding before he takes his seat back on the bench again.
Guys! I can’t help but roll my eyes.
The opposing team gets the ball although as Scott faces him he practically cowers and pees his pants before throwing the ball to Scott. Wow that guy isn’t a pansy at all.
Again Scott manages to dodge every opposing player. He may be in control at the moment but he is still shifting. My plan is to rush to Scott once Kristin has shot him with the sedative. I’ll get him off the field quickly and stash him somewhere until it wears off. I’ll tell them he got queasy and passed out on the field and that he just needed to clear his head away from the action. Kristin will back me up of course after she kicks my ass.
Scott scores again although this time the ball breaks through the material of the goalies lacrosse stick before landing in the goals. Why doesn’t he just paint a huge sign that says I’m a werewolf and stick it to his chest. I’m sure Chris must be more than curious at Scott’s sudden strength.
Holly crap, it’s happening. Scott is losing control and he has the ball again. I excuse myself from Zan and rush to Kristin’s side. “It’s happening,” I whisper just loud enough for Kristin to hear.
I don’t know how I know I just do. I can sense the wolf in Scott and it’s about to break its way to the surface. In other words we are screwed.
“No it can’t be happening, do something!” Stiles stands to his feet with the panic clear on his face.
Scott is looking from player to player and sizing them up. He’s about to attack. I can feel it. I try to go on the field even though I have no idea what I’m even going to do, but Kristin grabs my arm.
“Just wait.” She urges.
“Fine five seconds or you know until he starts ripping them apart, whichever one comes first.” I practically snarl.
The opposing players charge which is when Scott scores the winning goal although I know we aren’t out of the woods in fact it’s happening right now.
He’s turning.
“YES! Oh my god yes! Woo,” Stiles shouts oblivious to the fact that Scott is literally seconds away from wolfing out.
Everyone rushes towards the field which is when I use my speed advantage and follow after Scott who is running in the opposite direction and of course Kristin runs after me.
“We split up!” I shout behind me.
“No way Belle, I’m sorry.” I hear Kristin reply before I feel something pierce the skin in my back. Did Kristin just shoot me? My legs become weak and I immediately fall to the ground landing on my face before everything turns black.

I didn’t want to shoot Belle but she gave me no choice. Belle isn’t ready yet and she won’t be until she starts learning how to control her abilities. Of course the only way for that to happen is to forgive our mother, but knowing Belle it will be a while.
I quickly drag Belle’s body to an empty classroom making sure to keep her hidden. The last thing I want is for Scott to find her unconscious body. He’s not in control anymore, the wolf is.
“Please forgive me Scott, this is for your own good.” I talk quietly knowing Scott can hear me. I need to gain his attention of course to take down a skilled werewolf you need the element of surprise, but Scott is very new at this meaning I have the upper hand.
It’s eerie how quiet the halls are and the darkness makes it much worse. I get to the end of the hallway unscathed without a single attack and the worry starts to consume me.
Why isn’t Scott attacking me? Is someone else in here? I swear to god if it is Stiles I’m going to kill him again once Scott is done with him!
I quicken my pace until I see Scott’s Lacrosse helmet on the ground in front of the locker room. I should have rushed here in the first place. Thanks for nothing brain.
“Scott? I know you are here.” I talk quietly as I begin to walk into the locker room.
I keep close to the walls and shadows as I clutch the trank gun in my hand. I just need to take him down before Belle wakes up and tries to play the hero. I don’t want her to get hurt, and I know Scott will be devastated if he ends up hurting someone.
Okay . . . I was not expecting this. I can’t help but gape as my eyes fall on Scott and Alison kissing. He’s meant to be tearing off her face, not making out with it. I guess I underestimated Scott.
“Thank god.” Stiles sighs as he rushes into the room.
“I don’t know;. I was looking forward to using my toy.” I smirk and Stiles gives me the evil eye before a small smile surfaces.
Maybe I’m not joking.
“Where’s Belle?”
“Around. I better go get her.” I reply before I leave the two love birds alone. I may even need to use my trank gun again since Belle is going to try and kill me.
This is going to be fun.
THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it?
I usually hate doing a point of view change in a chapter but since Belle was knocked out I didn’t have much of a choice. Hope you guys like the chapter.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now