Belle: Just One Of The Boys

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"You can't be serious!" Zan protests as she parks her car near the sign which is attached to a chain blocking the entrance: Beacon Hills PRESERVE: NO ENTRY AFTER DARK.
"I'm 100% serious, will you grow a pair already?" I tease Zan as she reluctantly shuts off the engine and we exit her brand new blue Nissan Tiida Hatchback which was her 16th birthday present from her parents.
"I'm sorry if I'm not excited about the fact that we are going to be looking for half of a freaking dead body!" Zan exclaims as she locks the car and ties her black hair in a ponytail. She almost blends in with the dark surroundings with her dark hair, matching brown eyes, jeans, hoodie and her dark skin.
"You can always wait in the car," I suggest as I feel the cold air which starts to relentlessly wrap itself around me and I shudder.
"There could be a killer on the loose, I am not waiting in the car alone," Zan replies and I roll my eyes.
"Well stop complaining," I poke out my tongue in which she returns the gesture and we giggle. I was going to drive but she only got her car a week ago, and wants to drive us everywhere literally. I haven't walked more than a few steps outside my house in the last week.
"When are they going to be here anyway?" Zan asks. She has never been a patient person- ever.
"Real soon so just chill. Stiles is getting Scott and then they are coming here," I smile as Scott's name passes through my lips while Zan still looks completely freaked out, and I start to think she should have stayed at home.
"Well they better hurry up or I'm going to die of hypothermia," Zan rubs her arms to back up her claim.
"Speaking of the devil," I smirk as headlights shine at us. I can just make out the shape of Stiles jeep as it comes to stop and he shuts off his blinding lights.
"About time," Zan huffs as Stiles and Scott exit the vehicle.
"Evening ladies," Stiles smirks and I can tell he is just as curious as I am. It must run in the family.
"Are we seriously doing this?" Scott asks and I can't help but laugh at how much he sounds like Zan.
"I agree we could end up cut in half as well," Zan points out.
"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town in fact both of you do!" Stiles points his flash light at Scott and then Zan and I can't help noticing how adorable Scott looks in his zip up jacket, even with the hood covering his head I can see some of his gorgeous brown locks peeping out and I have to remind myself to stop staring.
"I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott complains as Stiles begins to lead the way. Zan doesn't move and I have to grab her arm and yank her along, and she clings to me like a frightened child as I run a few steps and walk by Scott's side.
Part of me wants to pretend to be scared and cling to Scott like Zan is to me, but I know I will look pathetic and desperate, and Stiles will tease me for weeks because of it.
"Right cause sitting on the bench is such a gruelling effort," Stiles teases.
"No because I'm playing this year in fact I'm making first line," Scott replies matter-of-factly and I can't help but picture him in his lacrosse uniform.
What I would give to spend just a minute in the boys locker room to get a single glimpse of Scott's bare chest.
"Hey that's the spirit everyone should have a dream, even a pathetic unrealistic one," Stiles rips me from my fantasy as we continue to walk through the woods, and I feel my protective side surfacing.
"I think you can do it Scott," I say encouragingly and shoot Stiles a glare although he has his back to me and he can't see it.
"Thanks at least someone doesn't think I'm pathetic," Scott gently nudges me and I can't help but smile although I can practically hear Stiles rolling his eyes as Zan continues to latch onto me for dear life.
"Just keeping it real," Stiles replies and I hear Zan giggle beside me. I roll my eyes.
"At least someone thinks I'm funny," Stiles teases Scott.
"Just out of curiosity which half of the body are we looking for?" Scott asks.
"Huh I didn't even think about that," Stiles replies, and I practically palm my face for not thinkin about it either, and we are meant to be the smart ones of the group.
"And uh what if whoever killed the body is still out here?" Scott asks and I immediately feel Zan's nail dig into my skin through my clothes.
"Also something I didn't think about," Stiles replies and I catch up to him and grab Zan's arm, moving it so it is now clinging onto Stiles.
"Your turn, I was starting to lose feeling in my arm," I say to Stiles who looks awkward as Zan clings to him, but he continues to walk and even helps Zan up the small hill.
"It's comforting to know you have planned this out with your usual attention to detail," Scott's breathing starts to become uneven as he climbs up the short hill and I know it's because of his asthma.
"I know," Stiles replies as Zan goes back to holding onto him. It's probably the most amount of contact he has had with a girl and I snicker at the thought as Zan, and Stiles continue walking while I stay behind with Scott as he leans against a tree and brings out his inhaler, taking a few puffs.
"Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight," he shoots me a smile for waiting for him and we follow Stiles and Zan's lead. They quickly jump to the ground, and I see the flashlights in the distance and drop beside Scott. Our arms are touching and I can't help but smile, and I have to hold in a squeal of excitement.
"Come on," Stiles jumps to his feet and grabs Zan's arms as he runs.
"Do not let go!" I hear Zan say to Stiles and I can't help but roll my eyes. How is she not finding this fun and exhilarating especially since this never happens in Beacon Hills.
"Stiles!" Scott calls out before he takes another puff of his inhaler, stands to his feet and extends his hand. I take it and we both run after Stiles hand in hand although I know it doesn't mean anything to him which makes me frown.
"Wait up! Stiles!" Scott continues to shout as Stiles and Zan run in front, and Scott and I run behind.
"Stiles!" This time I call out his name. It's becoming harder to see them as they race ahead although I hear a loud grunt from Stiles, and a loud high pitched squeal from Zan before Scott pulls me behind a nearby tree. Our faces are just inches apart although I don't even think he notices. He's looking around the tree and beyond me at Stiles and Zan.
"Stay right there," I hear an officer yell.
"Hang on, hang on this little delinquent belongs to me," I hear my uncle the sheriff talking over the barking dogs.
"Dad how are you doing?" Stiles asks and I wonder if he and Zan are still holding hands although I can't see, my back is pressed up against the tree as Scott's body stays close to mine.
I am tempted to kiss him but I know it's not the time or place plus I'm pretty sure he sees me as one of the guys which totally sucks. I have no idea how to remind him I'm actually a girl who has a major crush on him and has for the past six years.
"So you uh listen into to all my phone calls?" my uncle asks Stiles and I feel a few rain drops as they fall through the branches and onto the top of my head.
"No . . . Not the boring ones."
"Where are your other partners in crime?"
"Who Scott and Belle? Scott's at home he said he wanted to get a good night for the first day back at school tomorrow, and Belle doesn't like dirt. It's just me and Zan in the woods . . . Alone together."
"Totally," Zan stammers.
"Scott, Belle you out there? Scott, Belle?" My uncle yells and we stay quiet.
"Well young man and lady I'm going to walk you both back to your cars, and then you and I are going to have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy," I gather the last part is directed towards Stiles, and Scott sighs in relief.
"That was close," I can just make out his smile, and I can't control myself. I can feel his hot breath on my face and before I can stop myself my lips are on his.
His lips are just as soft as I expected, and he even kisses me back for a brief moment before he grabs my shoulders and pulls away with a confused expression on his face.
"I'm so sorry," I reply and remove myself from his grip before I run away out of shame.
"Belle wait!" Scott yells and I can hear his footsteps as they race after me. I can't see properly but I continue to run anyway because I can't face Scott after the kiss. I don't even know why I did it. I know how he sees me. I'm always going to be one of the guys although now I have even ruined that. It's going to be awkward and horrible, all because I can't keep my stupid lips to myself.
"Belle please!" Scott calls out to me again, but I don't stop. I don't even know where I'm going although after a few minutes something does finally cause me stop running. I can hear stamping feet, and a lot of them like a small stampede of animals.
"Finally!" Scott catches up to me and goes to take a puff of his inhaler, and that's when it gets even louder. I grab Scott's arm and yank him to the ground as the deer charge over us.
Okay what the hell! Please don't step on me, please don't step on me. I silently repeat as my eyes squeeze shut. I know their hoofs will break my bones if they come into contact with my body. I broke my arm a few years ago, and it was not fun and I'd rather not go through it again.
"Are you okay?" Scott asks me after the last deer passes over us. He stands to his feet and extends his hand.
"Yeah I'm fine," I reluctantly take it and he helps me to my feet. I know my hair must look a mess. I probably have leaves sticking to my strawberry blonde curls although I don't care, all I want is to get out of here and pretend I didn't just humiliate myself.
"How did you know?" Scott asks as he gets out his phone and shines it on the ground. I assume he is looking for his inhaler.
"I have good hearing," I shrug.
"Listen about the-"
"You don't have to mention it ever again. I know you only see me as a friend," I roll my eyes as Scott continues to search the ground although he doesn't speak, and then I hear him scream and watch helplessly as he falls backwards. I run towards him as he continues to roll down the hill hoping and praying he doesn't injure himself.
I have to know what he was screaming about first though, and I search the ground with my phone and silently squeal in horror as the light shines upon the dead body. Turns out it is the top half everyone is searching for.
"Scott!" I yell.
"It's okay I'm okay," Scott replies although after a few seconds pass I hear him screaming for help, and I take a few steps backwards, run and leap over the edge. I don't know how but I manage to clear it and land on my feet.
Seriously what is going on with me tonight! I'm like freaking spider man! I wonder although my thoughts are cut short when I see it.
"Run! I'm right behind you," I yell at Scott and he takes off.
Its red eyes are staring straight at me. I don't even know how to describe it. It's like something out of a horror movie. It's huge and almost looks like a wolf with its pointed ears, face and claws.
I'm crouched and frozen in fear as it gains on my position, and I can feel its hot disgusting breath on my face in a matter of seconds. I close my eyes and wait for it to kill me although after a minute passes with no pain- I open my eyes to find it gone.
I stand up straight and run for my life, "Scott?" I yell.
"Belle hurry up!" I hear him reply and I run faster and catch up with Scott who is standing on the side of the road looking in shock as I see two glowing tail lights fading in the distance.
I smell blood although I know it's not coming from me, "You're bleeding." I speak to Scott and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow before he lifts up his shirt . . . There's a bite mark.
"Are you okay?" I ask concerned.
"I don't know. I mean what the hell just happened back there?"
"I don't know," I shrug my shoulders trying to hide the confusion I'm feeling. How did I hear the deer when Scott couldn't? How did I leap and land on my feet? And how the hell did I smell the blood on Scott?
It's just the adrenalin. I tell myself.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it? What do you think is happening to Belle?

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