Belle: Full Moon Part I

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"Do you want orange or apple juice?" I yell from the kitchen and wait at the open fridge for an answer. I can tell that my mother went shopping this morning before her nursing shift at the hospital because the fridge is full of food. There's not one bare space anywhere in the oversized two door refrigerator.
It's far too big for just two people but my mother doesn't see the point in buying a smaller fridge, not until our current one breaks down first which makes sense although I end up spending an hour in front of the fridge just trying to decide what I want to eat. So many choices.
"Apple," Isaac yells back from the lounge room and I grab out the three litre apple juice and place it on the kitchen counter before I go over to the sink and grab two wet glasses from the dish rack. One still has soap on it and the glass manages to slip out of my hand and crashes into the sink breaking in the process.
"God damn it," I curse under my breath and grab one of the pieces of broken glass. My hand recoils immediately as I cut my finger against the sharp edge, "You have got to be kidding me." I grunt in frustration as I quickly grab the white tea towel and wrap it around my finger.
It stings like a little bitch and I take my time with the rest of the glass, using my unharmed hand to carefully pick up the pieces of glass and throw them into the stainless steel bin that sits under the sink in the white cupboard.
"You okay?" Isaac asks as he strolls into the kitchen and stops walking once he reaches me.
"Yeah I just cut my finger," I sigh in frustration as Isaac grabs my injured hand. He carefully removes the tea towel which is stained witj my blood although there is no cut on my finger, not even a scratch.
How is that possible? I know that I cut myself. I felt the glass as it sliced through my skin and there's fresh blood on the tea towel but no wound. Is it just me? Or is Isaac seeing what I'm seeing?
"I thought you cut your finger?" Isaac is staring in confusion between the tea towel with the fresh blood and my unscathed finger, and part of me sighs in relief. At least I'm not imagining it, but how is it possible? Nothing is making sense anymore.
"I did," I reply in shock as I stare at my finger.
"But there's not even a scratch," Isaac replies in confusion as he lightly runs his finger up and down my healed finger. I'm glad I'm not the only one confused, well actually there is no word to describe how confused I am- not one.
I move my hand from Isaac's grip and try to keep my composure but I know the panic is clearly written on my face.
What is happening to me?
"I'll grab the juice and meet you back in the lounge room," Isaac replies and I force a smile and leave Isaac in the kitchen to deal with the juice and the stupid glasses. I need something to distract my thoughts, and I know just the thing: the movie the Covenant. Kristin made me watch it a few months ago and I instantly fell in love with the hot and amazing cast. I can watch Steven Straight all day.
"Oh no please not the covenant," Isaac groans as he places the two cups of apple juice on the coffee table in front of us and sits on the couch beside me. I'm meant to be going to the party tonight but that's the last thing I feel like doing. Isaac came over after I told him I was bailing on the party and Zan is home sick otherwise she would be here too. It's our tradition to crash Lydia's parties.
"It's not all topless guys so quit winging," I smirk and Isaac playfully pushes me.
"Are you going to tell me what is going on or am I going to have to guess?" Isaac asks although I keep my gaze fixated on the television. I don't know what is happening to me, let alone how to explain it all besides I don't need people thinking I'm crazy and that I belong in a nut house.
"It doesn't matter," I shrug it off hoping he will drop it all together, but I know better.
Isaac won't stop asking until I give him answers, but I don't have any myself.
How am I meant to explain it?
"Belle please?" Isaac asks and I know he is trying to get me to look at him, but if I am going to tell him than I can't see the facial expression on his face. He is going to think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy.
I have to be losing my mind. I mean supernatural creatures don't exist. I can't be a vampire; they aren't real . . . Right? I could be anything. If that red eyed creature is real I could even be a werewolf but I'd rather be a vampire; they are way cooler.
No, no, no! They aren't real, they don't exist.
"Fine you leave me no choice," Isaac replies and I try to escape but he grabs me around the waist and forces me back onto the couch before his hands start tickling my stomach. I can't help but laugh.
I try to escape but fail miserably, "Okay just stop but you're not going to believe me," I reply and Isaac slithers back on the couch giving me room to sit up before he grabs the T.V remote from the coffee table and turns off the television.
"Try me," He challenges me and I sigh in frustration. I don't know where to begin.
"I think I'm either a vampire or a werewolf," I reply and realise how ridiculous it sounds out loud.
"Okay," Isaac finally replies after a long moment of awkward silence. I don't blame him. I would react in the exact same way.
"I told you!" I snap as the frustration starts to suffocate me. I just want to know what is happening to me. How did I leap like spider man? What was that thing that I saw in the woods with the glowing red eyes? How did I smell the blood on Scott? How did I send Jackson flying a few feet with the lightest push? How did I hear those teenagers who were across the street? How did I heal? What the hell is happening to me?
I want it to stop, all of it!
"It's okay Belle," Isaac replies and wipes away a few tears. I didn't even realise I was crying.
"No it's not okay. I don't know what is happening to me. You saw it, the fresh blood on the tea towel. I cut myself and it healed," The tears continue to fall and Isaac's arms wrap around me pulling me into a hug as my body starts to shake with each sob.
I can't stop it and the more I try to hold back the tears, the faster they fall, and the harder my body shakes.
"It's okay Belle it's okay," Isaac's arms wrap around me tighter as I bury my face into his chest. It used to be Scott who comforted me until I started to rely on Isaac more. It started to hurt being around Scott knowing he was never going to feel the way I did.
"It's because she is prettier right?" I ask changing the topic unintentionally.
"What?" Isaac asks in confusion as he runs his hand up and down my back soothingly. It's almost too relaxing and my eye lids start to become heavy as sleep tries to overtake my body but I reject it.
"Alison: she's prettier than me and probably smarter too," I grumble as the tears continue to fall down my face. I'm tired, confused, frustrated, hurt, jealous, annoyed and scared.
"You can't be serious," Isaac replies and I pull away from his grasp in confusion. His blue eyes are staring into mine in a way that is making me feel like an idiot, like there's something I should know.
"What?" I ask as I dry my face with the back of my hands. The tears have finally stopped and I feel a bit better. I guess talking about your problems can really help sometimes even if people think you are crazy afterwards.
"You're perfect and you can't even see it. Who cares about Scott it's his loss," Isaac replies as he sighs in frustration and runs his hands through his curly dark blonde hair.
I want to think that way, but I can't. I've had a crush on Scott a long time but he has never felt the same way. I can't help but think it's because of me I mean what other reason is there? Scott obviously doesn't find me attractive.
"That's easy for you to say, you haven't been crushing on someone for forever who obviously has no interest in you other than friendship," I roll my eyes. I'm always the friend and never the girlfriend.
I notice the hurt register on Isaac's face and I can't help but feel confused, does he like Zan?
No that can't be it, he would have told me.
"There's a lot you don't know about me Belle, let's go back to talking about how crazy you are," Isaac regains his composure and smirks.
I have to give him credit even when I feel like my world is falling apart Isaac manages to make me smile.
"Hey be careful what you say if I am a vampire I'll hypnotise you into being my slave," I smirk surprised at how easy it is to make a joke out of it, considering it had me in tears just moments ago but it's always like this when I'm with Isaac.
"Maybe I wouldn't mind," Isaac smirks and I gently nudge him in the ribs. He yelps in pain and clutches his side in response.
Okay what the hell is going on?
"What happened to you?" I ask as I grab the bottom of his shirt and lift it up. I gasp as I see the deep black and blue bruising on the right side of his body, it looks very painful to say the least.
"Just lacrosse," Isaac replies and grabs his shirt back but I know he is lying. I can hear his heart beat and it's racing plus he gets far too many bruises for them to be a result of lacrosse. I have had my suspicions for a while, that his father is abusive and now I am 100% certain.
I want to rip Isaac's father apart limb by limb. What kind of monster beats his child black and blue?
"Your father did this didn't he?" I ask as my nostrils flare. I can tell that my face is flushed red because I can feel the heat in my cheeks as Isaac's face turns grim.
"It doesn't matter just leave it alone." Isaac replies as my body begins to shake with rage, at least I think its rage.
"Belle?" Isaac asks with concern.
"I don't know what is happening," I reply as sweat begins to drip down my face. I can feel the layer of perspiration sitting on my skin and I grimace as a very sharp pain sweeps around my body. It hurts to breathe and to move, and I can see the worry on Isaac's face.
"You don't look good. I think we need to get you to a hospital."
"No hospital it will pass whatever it is," I hold in the scream as the sharp pains move to my gums. I feel like there are thousands of needles penetrating and hitting the nerves in my mouth.
I look away from Isaac and bury my face in the cushion. I don't want him to see me crying, but I can't hold back the tears any longer as the pain in my gums doubles.
"God damn it!" I scream as my hands tighten into fists. I want it to stop. I want to know why this is happening to me. I know it's connected to everything else. Maybe I am a vampire, it explains why my gums are aching.
"You have to leave now Isaac," I warn him although it comes out muffled as I speak through the cushion. If I am a vampire- I could hurt Isaac. I could attack him and kill him.
"No I'm not leaving Belle." I feel Isaac's hand on my back as it glides up and down. It comforts me slightly but the pain is still excruciating. It's not just in my gums I can feel a weird tingly sensation at my fingertips.
I slowly sit up and watch as my nails grow into claws. Okay so maybe I'm not a vampire at least I won't be hungry for Isaac's blood right? Or do werewolves have a thirst for blood too? Oh crap.
This can't be real. I'm imagining it . . . I'm having a mental breakdown yeah that's it, a mental break down it has to be.
"Belle please," Isaac begs and grabs my hand forcing me to face him and I can see the horror in his eyes, but he hasn't even looked down at my hands yet, is there something wrong with my face?
Oh god. I try to take a few deep breaths, the last thing I need is to have a panic attack.
"What is it?" I ask as I try to hide my claws.
The pain is moving all around my body again and it's hard to keep a straight face.
"Your eyes, they are glowing yellow. You have sharp teeth, four of them." Isaac replies in shock and my fingers immediately move to my mouth. Sure enough all of my four canine teeth have grown in length and size and I can feel the sharp points as my fingers run along the edges.
"I'm a werewolf aren't I?" I ask Isaac as I try to hide the pain from my voice. It's relentless and is not only sending shooting pains all over my body but pinching my muscles and nerves.
I just want it to stop. I feel like I can't breathe, like all the air is being sucked out of my lungs.
"I don't know but you're going to be okay," Isaac replies in horror and I can hear his heart beating rapidly in fear.
"Leave Isaac before I hurt you!" I order. The rage is starting to replace the pain. I want to hurt someone, or something and I snarl as Isaac refuses to leave. He jumps in fright in response.
"No, no I . . . I won't leave you," Isaac stutters as his heart beat accelerates.
"I don't want to hurt you," I reply as my body shifts closer to Isaac. He's almost mesmerising and I feel the sudden compulsion to attack him, to make him bleed and scream.
"I trust you Belle. I know you won't hurt me."
"Not deliberately but I am losing control," I manage to hold back. I won't hurt Isaac I have someone else in mind. Someone else who I'm going to make suffer, scream and beg for his pathetic life.

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