Belle: Tension

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(Previously: Isaac forgives Belle for the "prank" and Scott tells Belle that he is a werewolf after he finds out from Kristin that their mother and grandmother are both werewolves.)

"Did you hear about the curfew?" I ask Scott who is grabbing text books from his locker which sits beside mine. I couldn't help but eavesdrop once I saw my uncle the sheriff outside the principal's office. Anyone under the age of 18 has to be indoors by 9.30 pm because of the body found in the woods.
What a load of crap!
"Yeah," Scott replies and I can hear the frustration in his voice as he grunts while he continues to pack his bag.
"What happened?" I ask as I drop my bag to the ground, shut my locker door and lean on it waiting for Scott's response. He must be super pissed because I can practically feel his rage from where I am standing. It must be a wolf thing or I just know Scott to well.
"It's everything, it's Derek, it's what I am I . . . How can my life almost be perfect one minute and so screwed up the next?" Scott asks as his nostrils flare and his cheek turn a deep red colour.
"What are you talking about? You have Alison and you made first line in lacrosse. Tell me what is screwed up about that? We'll figure out the rest. It's just going to take us time," I cringe at the Alison part and feel like an idiot afterwards. I'm going to have to get used to her especially since Scott seems so smitten and in love. Not that I understand why Alison is better than me and I'll never understand it or guys for that matter.
"You don't get it. You don't have Derek threatening to kill you if you play in the game on Saturday!" Scott snaps and slams his fists against the base of his locker.
"Why did he do that?" I ask in surprise.
"He said that if they find about me then they find out about him. I didn't ask for any of this," Scott's head hangs and I resist the urge to comfort him, as much as I want to it's not my place and it's never going to be my place.
"I don't understand did you shift during practice yesterday?" I ask. Why else would Derek be threatening Scott about playing in the Lacrosse game on Saturday?
"Yes but no one got hurt and no one saw plus he is coming between me and Alison. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm some jealous psycho freak all because of him. I swear to god if he even lays a finger on her I will kill him."
"And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" I ask. It's not like Derek is normal, how do you kill a werewolf? How can I die? I'm going to have to either ask Derek or my mother. I'll probably just ask Derek.
"I don't know but I will." Scott sounds like he isn't only trying to convince me but himself. I on the other hand know Scott isn't capable of such a crime which is one of the reasons I started to crush on him. Scott is the most caring person I know.
"No you won't and I highly doubt that Derek is going to do anything to hurt Alison."
"How do you know that?" Scott's brown eyes start scrutinising me and I know a lecture is about to take place.
"Derek helped me out once and I trust him, you should too." I reply.
I know I have only known Derek for all of five minutes but he helped me and for some reason I trust him. I might even ask him to mentor me since I'm still trying to avoid my mother as much as possible. I still can't believe that she never told my father what she really is while they were married.
"No I can't trust him. I won't. He threatened to kill me what part of that aren't you hearing?" Scott seethes. I understand why Scott is angry. I would be too but I also understand why Derek doesn't want Scott to play in the game on Saturday. If the public finds out about us werewolves, every one of them will gather their guns and knives and run us out of town or even worse. . . kill us.
"I'm hearing everything you're saying Scott but what if you do shift during the game? All eyes are going to be on you and everyone will see you wolf out. You know there are hunters' right and Alison's family happens to be in the hunting business." I reply not sure how much Scott knows. I still can't believe Alison's family are hunters. I wonder if she is going to join the family business which would sure make things awkward for her and Scott. I can't help but smile at the realisation but I snap out of it as Scott looks at me confused reminding me of a cute puppy dog.
"I already know." Scott replies and I gather he saw Mr Argent during the attack in the woods, during the full moon that changed both Scott and me for the first time. So why the hell is he still with Alison?
Does he have a death wish? I wonder.
"Then you must also know that those hunters are a bigger problem than Derek." I reply in frustration. Scott's practically dating the enemy or maybe it's just my jealousy getting the better of me.
"You can't trust Derek, promise me you will stay away from him! He's dangerous Belle!" Scott yells and slams his locker shut which causes me to jump at the loud sound. Who does Scott think he is? He can't order me around, he's not my boyfriend as much as I want him to be or wanted him to be. I still haven't decided whether I'm over Scott yet.
"You're angry. I get that but don't take it out on me." I reply trying to hide the hurt from my eyes. Scott has never yelled at me before. I can feel the tears trying to surface, but I use all my energy to hold them back.
"You're right. I'll go take it out on the person that deserves it. He has to stay away from Alison." Scott lips seem to be in a semi-permanent scowl and he turns his back on me and storms off down the hallway. I gather he is going to direct his anger towards Derek, well good luck to him. He'll need it. Derek is stronger and has been a werewolf longer than the both of us put together. I also hope that Derek kicks Scott arse. I didn't need his abuse especially when I have done nothing wrong.
"Guys are total drama queens," I roll my eyes and start walking down the half empty hallway. Seconds later I'm pulled into the janitor's closet. I know not to scream. I know it is Jackson even before I look at him. I can tell by his scent. It's a nifty trick that I've been teaching myself.
"I think it's about time we finish what we started don't you?" Jackson asks as he pins me against the metal shelf that contains various cleaning products. I can smell them. It's overwhelming and I have to start breathing through my mouth to avoid the stench of lemon and mentholated spirits.
"Really . . . Here right now? Anyone could walk in including your precious girlfriend Lydia," I roll my eyes as Lydia's name passes through my lips. I don't know how Jackson can put up with her. She's a demanding and spoilt diva who is used to always getting her way.
"The janitor is on the other side of the school still picking up trash. We have enough time," Jackson smirks although after being yelled at by Scott I'm not in the mood for a quickie. I'm still trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to escape. I swear I'm not usual a cry baby.
"Come on what's wrong with you?" Jackson asks after he is answered with silence although I can't even begin to explain my problems. I can tell Jackson that I'm a werewolf, or that Scott and I had a fight over Derek who also happens to be a werewolf. "Is it your time of the month?" Jackson asks before he places a kiss on my lips although I don't kiss him back.
So what? A girl can't be angry without being on her period? I swear to god I hate guys sometimes!
Sure Jackson is hot, he has a sexy six pack, chiselled jaw and toned arms. I even find his short brown hair cut adorable as well as his olive green eyes but his personality is anything but adorable.
"Did you really just ask me that?" I ask although honestly I'm not surprised. It's exactly something Jackson would say. He doesn't have much consideration for anything let alone other people's feelings.
"Well what is it then? Usually you would be tearing my clothes off by now are you starting to feel guilty?" Jackson asks as a mischievous smile plays on his lips.
"No but you should."
"Who says I don't?" Jackson's smile disappears and is replaced with a frown as he waits for my reply.
"So why do it?"
Jackson shrugs his shoulders before he wraps his arms around me and either looks are deceiving or Jackson honestly looks as though he is feeling some guilt for his actions with me.
"Well I hope you are happy, now I'm not in the mood' you can be a real buzz kill you know that?" Jackson asks me as he removes his arms from around my waist and steps back- crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah well you're like one of those annoying dogs that humps everything in sight!" I glare and Jackson rolls his eyes at my retort. What? I thought it was witty.
"Well I'm going to go you're clearly in a mood today. Call me when you're time of the month is over." Jackson replies before he walks out and closes the door behind him, shutting it on my face.
"Ouch!" Well that hurt. "Thanks for that jerk!" I reply before I take a deep breath and walk out of the closet bumping into Zan and Isaac in the process and a smile surfaces on my face. Finally I'm with good company who aren't pissed off with me.
"We've been waiting for you." Zan snaps and I can tell she is irritated with me- well so much for that. God! What is with everyone today? Is it dump all your anger problems on Belle day? It would be nice if I get the memo beforehand, a little warning can go a long way.
"Well I'm sorry I can't be in two places at once!" I snap unintentionally at Zan who almost looks to be in shock. "I'm sorry but it's not like I asked Jackson to drag me into the janitor's closet."
"I highly doubt you put up much of a struggle." Isaac snaps this time and I feel the annoyance start to burn within me. Maybe I should just become a loner and stay away from people all together because they all seem to hate me.
"Seriously Isaac what's your problem now? Just get it out and say it, you may as well no one seems to be holding back today." My voice is laced with anger and I can't hold it back and frankly I don't want to. I'm not a punching bag for people to take out their frustration on. I have feelings and right now they are being hurt by everyone that I care about.
"You complain about Jackson yet you let him use you as some cheap doormat, what do you expect is going to happen?" Isaac asks and I can see the hurt on his face. "You know what never mind. The last thing I want to talk about is you and Jackson." Isaac replies before he walks away and I'm left dazed and confused.
"What the hell was that?" I ask Zan.
"You still don't know do you? How clueless are you Belle?" Zan asks before she turns her back and starts running down the hallway after Isaac and again I'm left confused, hurt and alone.

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