Kristin: R.I.P

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(Previously: With the help of Derek Kristin finally says her goodbyes to her Grams. While Derek is at the hospital Belle drags him into the room and Kristin is forced to kiss Derek and keep up the act that they are dating for Nora.)

“Kristin I really think you should spend the night at home with us. We should all be together.” My mother tries convincing me for the third time as we stand by my car in the practically empty parking lot of the hospital.
It’s been roughly twenty minutes since my Grams flat lined and was pronounced dead, at least I think. Honestly I’m not sure it doesn’t seem real. . . nothing seems real. My brain is full of thick fog. The kind that is built like a wall and you can’t see through.
“Belle needs you. This is your chance to get through to her.” I reply. Belle and mom have always been close. Belle is the mummy’s girl and I’m the daddy’s girl, and honestly it just feels weird that Belle and mom are fighting. They need to make up already. Besides I need to be alone to sort out my thoughts and to push through the pain in my heart.
It’s breaking and my brain is shutting down.
“Kristin-” My mother starts.
“I’m tired I’m just going straight to bed anyway.” I interrupt. It’s not a total lie although by bed I mean the couch and by sleep I mean watch T.V.
I’m thinking of a horror movie marathon, well until I fall asleep on the couch. It shouldn’t take long especially since it’s been impossible to sleep lately. Between my Grams being in hospital and Derek haunting me in my dreams- it’s exhausting.
“Okay but I want to see you tomorrow morning,” my mother replies as she hugs me, nearly squeezing the life out of me.
It’s not like I need to breathe or anything.
“I love you.” I return the embrace.
“I love you too now get some rest,” she replies and takes a step back giving me enough room to get into my car. The ride itself blurs by and before I can take a deep breath, I’m home. And just like me the house is dark and empty.
I know I should be crying, and it was all I wanted to do just moments ago but now I feel completely numb and disconnected from everyone and everything. It feels like nothing more than a dream, a nightmare that I can’t wake up from. Part of me wishes that Tane had never left. I’ve thought about calling him and asking him to come back but I want him to return on his own terms, without me having to ask him and without him feeling obligated.
Instead of wasting an hour trying to decide which movie to watch I grab the first horror movie I see which happens to be Wrong Turn and turn on the T.V and DVD player before I put in the movie and grab the remotes. It’s time to cuddle up with my blanket and start the movie.
Movie starting and brain shutting down in:
2 . . . 1
Any distraction is a good distraction.
Knock, knock, knock. Okay I take that back. The only distraction I want are movies, lots of movies.
“No one’s home go away!” I yell from the couch although the person just keeps knocking like an asshole. Literally for five whole minutes there’s continuous knocking on the door that gets louder with each rap of the persons knuckles.
 They can’t keep at it for much longer can they?
"I’m not leaving until you open the door.” I hear Derek’s voice and cringe instantly before I turn up the television. Last night was humiliating. I’m still pissed at Belle for what she did, forcing me to kiss Derek in front of Grams.
I’m just glad I got away with kissing him on the cheek well mostly the cheek. I had to make it look semi-real at least. Telling Grams the truth wasn’t an option. I couldn’t take away that light in her eyes that beamed when I told her Derek and I were dating.
Turns out I’m at my weakest when it comes to the people I love. No I can’t think about that. I’m not meant to be thinking at all.
Shut up brain.
“Kristin I mean it. I’m not leaving until you open the door.” Derek yells again and I know I don’t have a choice.
Why is it that I’m bothered the most when I just want to be left alone? I bet it doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Maybe I should call my Uncle the Sheriff. He will get rid of Derek for sure. I need space, but then again I wouldn’t mind the company, maybe I can let him in if he promises not to talk.
That could work.
“Dig in the flower pot, there’s a key in there.” I speak over the T.V but don’t yell. There’s no point since he can hear me even if I whisper because of his super werewolf hearing. He’s such a show off.
It takes less than a few seconds before I hear the door opening and I turn down the television before it can give me a migraine, that would be a distraction but I’m not looking for a painful one.
“That’s not a safe place to put it,” is all Derek says as he closes the door and takes a seat beside me.
“Well I’ve had no problems so far.”
“Doesn’t mean you won’t.”
“Why are you here?” I ask.
“I heard about Nora.”
“But why are you here?” I ask again. Derek went from completely uninterested in me for six years to mingling in my life and messing it all up.
Can you say confusing!
“Because I owe you a favour since you were there for me when I lost my family and I don’t like owing debts.”
“Okay fine but no talking and you have to keep your hands to yourself.” I reply as the event replays in my mind. Holding Derek as the tears run down his face and his body shudders with each sob. It was the first time Derek had ever cried in front me, as well as the last.
“Deal,” Derek agrees and the silence starts. The weirdest part is that it isn’t awkward which I would actually prefer.
I’m woken by Derek who calls my name and as I open my eyes I see the credits playing on the television. Now that I think about it I must have fallen asleep half way through the movie. I don’t’ remember much else.
“What?” I mumble into Derek’s shoulder,wait Derek’s shoulder? I quickly sit up straight.
“Tane just pulled into the driveway. I’m going to head off now,” Derek replies as he stands to his feet.
What is Tane doing back? It’s only been two days and he clearly said a few days . . . Mom! She must’ve called him, so much for Tane returning on his own accord. I’m not ready to have the conversation yet.
“Okay.” Is all I manage to say before Derek walks out the front door, and my mind immediately starts to race as I try to figure out what I’m going to say to Tane. Can I really be that selfish and ask Tane to hold off on the talk, will he even go along with it?
I don’t want to lose anyone else that I care about.
“Kristin?” I hear Tane’s voice before I see him walk into the lounge room. My instinct tells me to stand to my feet and wrap my arms around him but I don’t know what he is thinking. Tane is jealous of Derek and we have already fought over that.
Tane is probably going to end it right here right now.
“Why didn’t you call me?” Tane asks as he rushes towards me and holds me in his arms. At first I’m completely surprised and unable to react. Tane is meant to be angry and not embracing me.
Derek must have said something to Tane as he left.
“I wanted oo.” My arms finally start moving again and I’m able to return the hug.
“I’m so sorry.”
“I know, listen can we hold off on the talk please just for a little while?” I ask.
“Anything you want.” Tane replies and I sigh in relief. That’s one less thing to worry about, at least for now.

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