Kristin: Post Funeral

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(Previously: Kristin tries to talk some sense in to Scott and tells him dating Alison is very dangerous. The funeral takes place followed by the wake where Kristin tries to escape but has to mingle with the Argents, her father and brother first. As Kristin is leaving to meet Vince Derek tries to talk her out of hunting the alpha but fails. Kristin meets with Vince and gets her new hunting gear.)

"I miss this. Can't you stay for just a couple more days?" Belle asks our father and brother. We are all sitting around the dark wooden dining table although at the moment it looks more like an all you can eat buffet. There's a stacked plate of waffles and another of pancakes, as well as plates of bacon, eggs, hash browns, fried tomatoes and mushrooms and fruit salad. There's enough food here to feed a football team.
"Next time I promise we'll stick around for longer," my father replies although I can tell by the forced smile on his face that it's a lie or at least a promise he can't commit to, not when in the hunting business which requires you to drop everything without warning. Speaking of hunting I'm relieved and surprised that Belle hasn't slipped up and mentioned werewolves or our father's occupation. How would I explain that one to my father, 'Oh yeah I accidentally let it slip to Belle randomly. It's not like she is a werewolf or anything.'
"Okay," Belle smiles and continues to play with her food, her pancake is sitting on the side of the plate in a small pile. As much as Belle loves it when they come to town it almost destroys her when they leave.
"I still can't believe how little this place has changed," my father scoffs and changes the subject of conversation before drinking a big mouthful of hot coffee. My mother has kept everything the same, even the chicken wallpaper, cushions and statues. The whole house screams classic country with the brown and red tones all throughout the three story levels.
The chicken theme creeped me out when we first arrived here six years ago, but they've grown on me and now I can't imagine the house without them. It would just look wrong and bare. Plus it's the best part about spending time here and it almost feels as if Grams is still sitting in her arm chair watching mushy soapies like Days of Our Lives and The Young and The Restless. Of course Grams would say that it's the only thing on T.V but I could tell she looked forward to the drama every day.
"The chickens are still creepy," Alex smirks talking with his mouth full of pancake.
"You're still creepy," I smirk and Alex quickly picks off a chunk of pancake and throws it at me but I quickly lean to the right and dodge it, so predictable.
"Not quick enough," I can't help but giggle. I've missed this part of hunting the most: spending time with Alex and my father.
"You're cleaning that up Alex," my mother waves her finer at him with a smile. Even though I've worked out my issues with my mother; I still can't help but feel slightly jealous that Belle is the one who shares my father's strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes although his hair has darkened a lot over the past six years. I wonder if it's natural or just hair dye.
"But Kristin started it," Alex whines and I can't help but grin and give him my 'suck it biatch' face and of course being the mature 28 year old Alex is he sticks out his tongue and gives me his best stink eye. Even though there is four years between us you would think I was the older sibling based on Alex's maturity level.
After another hour of filling up with good food and company it's time for my father and Alex to hit the road, and Belle is reluctant to let go of our father as we all stand by their new huge red Land Rover.
"Belle if you squeeze him any tighter you are going to break a few ribs," my mother laughs although I know the warning is real. Now that Belle is a werewolf she has super strength and could literally break a rib or two accidentally. There would be no way of explaining that without having to tell my father the truth and I have no idea how he would react. Well I do know he wouldn't kill Belle but I don't know if he would ever look at her the same again.
"Fine," Belle visibly loosens her grip and my father places a kiss on the top of her head.
"Don't worry I'll be seeing you again soon," he promises before Belle finally lets go and hugs Alex who in return gives her a noogie messing up her hair.
"Promise me that you will stay away from the Alpha," my father pulls me into a hug while Belle chases Alex up the street, screaming at the same time.
Way to draw attention from the neighbours.
"Of course," I reply trying my hardest to sound convincing.
"I mean it Kristin, let the Argent's handle it," my father gently squeezes me and I squeeze back before I take a step back.
Derek was nearly killed. How many other innocent people/werewolves are going to die during their hunt for the alpha? The sooner I deal with it the better.
"Fine it's the Argents problem," I speak softly just before my mother stands by my side.
"It was good seeing you again, take care of Alex for me," my mother hugs my father and quickly pulls away. To this day my mother still hates the idea of Alex hunting werewolves which is why she isn't going to find out that I'm hunting the Alpha. Not unless I want her watching me like a hawk and foiling my plans, in fact she would probably go to the Argents and my father and I would never get anywhere near the alpha.
"I always do," my father replies as Alex and Belle return just in time for Alex to quickly pull me into a bear hug and ruffle my hair.
Pfft like I care.
I'm not a girly girl like Belle.
"Oh no my hair is ruined," I say sarcastically and Alex punches me in the arm and of course I return it.
"I love you mom. I'll call you when we get home." Alex gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek before he gets in the car.
"Take care guys, I'll see you soon." My father pulls Belle and me in for a final hug before he gets into the car and starts the engine.
The devastation is clear on Belle's face but she still manages to wave as they beep the horn and drive down the street. "You did good Belle," my mother compliments her.
"Yeah they have no idea that you are a werewolf," I add.
"I wish I didn't have to lie to them and that they weren't lying to me," Belle replies sadly before she retreats back into the house and I can't help but feel terrible. I would hate it too.
"Do you think she is going to be okay?" I ask.
"Of course us Marsden women-" My mother starts.
"Are strong yeah I know," I interrupt and finish the sentence before I follow after Belle who is in her room blasting One Direction.
Oh god I think my ears are bleeding.
"Really you listen to One Direction when you are sad?" I yell over the music as I enter the room. It's changed slowly over the years although everything is still practically pink. It's more the posters that have changed and now her walls are covered in One Direction posters.
"They are better than The Backstreet Boys," Belle retorts as she stays buried on her bed under her pink doona.
"You did not just say that!" I can't help but gape in shock. Next she is going to bag out 'N Sync and 98 degrees.
Not cool!
"I'll say it again," Belle yells which is when I walk over to her desk and turn down the volume on the iPod dock. Finally I can hear myself think. Wow I am starting to sound like my mother, and I don't mean in a good way.
Damn it.
"Stop moping. It's not forever. We will break it to him in stages and give him time to adjust to the idea."
"He hates werewolves which means he will hate me," Belle grumbles and emerges from under the covers.
"No that's not true he could never hate you and after he gets over the shock he will be fine," I try to reassure Belle.
It's taken me longer than usual to get over the fight with Belle. I'm not sure why though. Belle is a drama queen and is always telling me to get out of her life, even I used to say the same thing. Oh well there's no point stressing over it now.
"I hope so. I'm sorry about the other night," Belle apologises.
"It's okay," I shrug my shoulders and try to hold back the stay away from Derek speech but I can't. Belle shouldn't be involved in all this crap, she is only 16 years and should be having boy dilemmas and normal teenage problems and not assisting in cutting off Derek's arm.
"You need to stay away from Derek," I reply and wait for the stay out of my life retort which Belle always replies with in these situations.
"Are you serious right now?" Belle yells and I cross my arms over my chest. Gesturing just how serious I am. It's bad enough Scott and Stiles seem intent on being in the middle of the action.
"I'm deadly serious. Don't make me tell mom about the bone saw thing. You know she will freak out and ground you for life," I threaten and if looks could kill than I would be nothing more than a pile of mushy gore on the floor.
Lucky me . . . Of course Belle could always use her claws instead.
"You're just angry that Tane broke up with you," Belle snaps. She figured it out like everyone else at the funeral when Tane sat with Phoebe and Tina instead of me although I didn't expect her to use it as ammo against me.
Teenagers! I can't help but role my eyes at the thought. How did my mother put up with me?
"I'm serious Belle," is all I say before I leave the room and say goodbye to my mother on the way out of the house. My shift at the animal clinic is about to start and I need the distraction and cuddles from Oscar. He's a Jack Russell that was hit by a car and brought in last night with no collar or microchip. Luckily he only broke a leg and has a few cuts and bruises.
We already have a home for him if he has no owners or has been abandoned. I may have talked Michelle into adopting him. Speaking of Michelle she is going on her fifth date with Cory tonight. Maybe I should quit my reception job at the school and be a match maker.
After my eight hour shift at the clinic and many cuddles from Oscar, I decided to rent a few movies from the video shop on my way home. I'm thinking comedy and horror, as well as a zombie movie.
The perfect combo and it turns out I'm not the only one looking for entertainment. Jackson and Lydia just pulled up, aka the new Hayden Queen Bitch and her jock boyfriend. I guess high school is never going to change.
As I get out of the car and enter the massive light up building I can hear that Jackson is only a second or two behind, and I speed up heading straight for the comedy section where I'm going to be standing for half an hour before finally deciding on a movie.
"Can someone help me find the notebook?" Jackson calls out to Rob who must be in the back. Can he not hear the phone ringing? Wait did Jackson just say the notebook? Man he is whipped.
"The notebook . . . Really?" I ask and try to hold back the laugh as I walk to the end of the shelf.
"It's not my choice," Jackson grumbles. I don't get it why do the teenage girls find Jackson hot? His blue/green eyes aren't that impressive. Okay maybe he has a chiselled jaw line and a toned body but his personality ruins his good looks.
"I kind of like it," I lie. Honestly romance isn't my genre but I will admit that I watch some rom-coms. Okay so maybe I have one exception to the romance rule and that is A Walk To Remember.
"Yeah I mean it's not that bad I guess," Jackson agrees. "Maybe you can help me find it?" he smirks seductively and I hold back the laugh. I don't date boys. I date men and I'm having enough problems with them. Besides I took an oath and it includes guys of all ages.
"I think Rob will be more helpful," I reply and go back to the comedy shelf on the other side of the room. Maybe I should just close my eyes and point. That will save me a lot of time. Usually if I can't decide I just ask Rob to pick one for me.
What can I say. I like renting out movies a lot which is how Rob and I became friends. He's also a movie lover.
"Okay," Jackson replies before he starts calling out but there is no answer. Is Rob having a sleep in the back?
No something is wrong I can feel it. Without hesitating I rush past the shelves and through the employee only door. The little kitchen is empty and I move onto the next room which is the pathetically small bathroom that only has a toilet and basin. It's also completely empty.
Maybe he is out the back having a smoke or something although as I walk out the back door to check. I find the area is also completely empty. He definitely wasn't out the front, I would have seen him.
Crash! The sound comes from inside the store and without thinking I rush through the back door and employees' only door to see the shelves being knocked over one by one, and Jackson diving out of the way. His legs get pinned under a shelf.
It's the alpha. It has to be.
Quietly and calmly I sneak out of view of Jackson although I don't know why because I literally don't have a single weapon on me. Not even the knife I usually conceal in my boot. I'm screwed.
Out of nowhere the alpha rushes me with its teeth bared and red eyes staring right through me, and before I can react I'm flying through the air and crashing against the wall with full force. A crack echoes followed by severe pain before the darkness comes.

"Come on open your eyes . . . Wake up," I hear my Uncle's voice and my eyes instinctively open to see him hovering over my body.
"You had me worried," my uncle exhales in relief before he cautiously helps me to my feet.
The pain instantly throbs and I wince before clinging to my Uncle who I am leaning on as the pain moves all around my head and focuses on my rib cage. It all happened so fast: Jackson getting pinned under the shelves and the alpha charging at me.
"Is fine it's you I am worried about," my uncle's grip tightens as my strength seems to be diminishing by the second.
Even though the pain is almost blinding I can't help but wonder why I'm alive and why is Jackson?

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