Kristin: Twice In One Day

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(Previously: Tane takes back the proposal before he gets a call from Courtney- Kristin doesn’t let him leave until he tells her that Belle has shifted and is running around the woods. Kristin searches after Tane leaves and she goes to the Hale house and finds not only Belle but Derek and they exchange a few words before Kristin leaves with Belle.)

I spent the weekend living in denial telling myself that Scott is somehow immune to an alpha’s bite. Tane tried to talk some sense into me and tried to reason with me, but I didn’t want to hear it. It’s bad enough that Belle has been dragged into the supernatural universe and now Scott and against his own will, it’s not right or fair.
“So Scott’s really stepping up isn’t he?” I ask Coach Bobby as I stand beside him on the sidelines.
“Sure but today we’re going to find out if he really has it or if it was just beginners luck.” Coach smirks before he blows his whistle.
I have to know.
“Let’s go, Jackson take a long stick today- that a boy,” Coach instructs and Jackson complies and makes his way to the field where the players are already waiting in a line, and the goalie is warming himself up by moving from side to side.
Sometimes I miss high school. It wasn’t until I left that I realised how simple and easy life used to be, and I would go as far to say at one point high school was almost perfect until I ruined it.
Cory gave me space and six months later I finally gave in and dated him until I left for college and left him behind. Cory is a great guy, don’t get me wrong, but I never felt the passion for him that I felt for Derek and that I feel for Tane. Maybe it was because I was being a complete loser and still pining after Derek- pathetic right?
Coach blows the whistle and snaps me out of my thoughts and I take a seat on the bench. It takes all my effort not to walk away but I may not learn anything anyway. Scott should know better than to flaunt his strength if he has it. I should just ask him, I know but I can't.
Please be human. I silently wish as I watch the pubescent males fight for dominance over the ball. I don’t know why they changed the school sport to Lacrosse. I mean I wasn’t a huge basketball fan but it’s better to watch than Lacrosse.
Focus woman!
The wait is almost killing me. I feel like I’ve been sitting on the bench for an hour but I know it’s only been a few minutes and I gulp as I see Scott at the start of the line-up.
This is it. This is where I’m probably going to find out if Scott is a werewolf. I’m going to see it for my own eyes.
‘If you’re bitten by an alpha you either turn or die!’ I hear Tane’s voice in my mind but I ignore it.
I didn’t tell him that I saw Derek. I told Tane I found Belle near the house but that’s it. He lied about Derek first. I want to know why he didn’t tell me. I know that Tane knows that Derek is in town, is he jealous? There’s no reason to be since I don’t like Derek not anymore and never again.
Guys are so weird!
“Let’s go McCall! What are you waiting for? Let’s go,” Coach yells and I automatically stand to my feet. Scott almost looks like a deer in the headlights. Is he worried he is going to hurt Jackson? He shouldn’t be. Jackson needs a few knocks to the head, maybe it will help crush his gigantic ego and bring him down a peg or two.
Belle thinks I don’t know about her extra curriculum activity that involves her getting naked with Jackson. I know it’s to get back at Lydia but there’s other ways to piss someone off besides hooking up with their boyfriend.
I also know that Isaac has a major crush on Belle. I can see it in his eyes. He looks at her like she is the best thing that has ever happened and of course Belle is clueless. Belle is caught up crushing on Scott. He’s cute but it’s obvious Scott see’s Belle as more of a sister than anything. I’m glad my high school experience wasn’t so dramatic I mean it had its soap opera moments but I wasn’t hooking up with someone’s boyfriend while I was crushing on my best friend while my other best friend was crushing on me.
Wow that was wordy.
“Be careful Scott.” I mutter to myself as he starts running down the field toward Jackson and I gasp in concern as Scott is thrown to the ground on impact. He’s not hurt you idiot you know what he is stop living in denial! My voice of reason snaps as I move down the field closer to Scott.
“Hey McCall, hey McCall my grandmother can move faster than that and she’s dead. Do you think you can move faster than the lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?” Coach Bobby asks.
“Yes Coach.” Scott replies.
“I can’t hear you?”
“Yes Coach.”
“Then do it again! McCall’s going to do it again, McCall’s going to do it again.” Coach shouts as Scott runs back to the start of the line and I feel myself cringe as Coach blows the whistle.
I watch as Scott runs down the field and I know this is it. Scott isn’t going to hold back, not again. I want to warn him, and tell him to be careful but it will get him mocked besides its Scott, at worst he’ll probably just knock the wind out of Jackson.
Jackson falls to the ground as Scott’s body collides with his, but I can tell he knocked more than just the wind out of Jackson who is cradling his shoulder. Crap that’s not good!
Scott falls to the ground next and I know he is turning right in the middle of the freaking field. Coach runs to Jackson while Stiles runs to Scott. Is Stiles trying to get himself killed. I swear sometimes it’s like Stiles doesn’t have a brain at all.
Everyone is huddling around Jackson while Stiles is escaping with Scott. I swear to god I’m going to kick both their asses! The last thing Stiles should be doing is hanging out with a new werewolf who obviously has no idea how to control himself. I guess I’m finally over the denial thing.
Damn it.
I’m going to hunt down that alpha and kill it. He’s not going to hurt anyone else that I love and care about not if I have anything to do and say about it. I watch Stiles and Scott and start following them making sure I’m not obvious, and my eyes come into contact with the devil himself who is standing by the bleachers: Derek Hale.
You have got to be kidding me! I roll my eyes and continue to stalk Scott and Stiles from afar although a second barely passes when I feel someone tugging on my arm, forcing me to stop walking.
“What are you doing?” Derek asks as I face him. I do have to admit he looks amazing in his white shirt that is clinging to his chest and his black leather jacket. Damn you Derek Hale why do you have to look so good! Why can’t he have gotten in a terrible accident that wrecked his face?
Stop it! I order myself.
“I’m helping, something you should be doing!” I snap. It should be Derek by Scott’s side not my human cousin who has no experience in dealing with the supernatural.
“No you’re not and Scott will snap out of it,” Derek replies as his hand continues to hold my upper arm, it’s almost comforting until I remember that Derek is stopping me from saving my dumb ass cousin from becoming mincemeat for a werewolf.
“I can’t take that chance besides why do you care anyway?” He can’t just disappear and not call or send letters and then come back into my life six years later, and boss me around. We’re not even friends anymore, we’re nothing, not even acquaintances.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Derek asks with a confused expression, typical of course he has no idea.
Males are so clueless!
“Never mind just let me go!” I start to raise my voice. He may be a werewolf but I know one vulnerable place I can kick that will have him rolling around on the ground in pain. The thought alone is entertaining and even brings a smirk to my lips.
“You don’t need to play a hero Kristin.” Derek replies and again I roll my eyes as if I’m seventeen years old.
“Well someone does, now let go of me otherwise I will scream rape, and you know that I will.” I order and after a few seconds pass Derek finally lets me go but he doesn’t look happy about it. Not that I care since he has no right to care about my wellbeing.
“At least you haven’t changed.” Derek replies and shrugs his shoulders in defeat before he glares at me.
“That’s where you are wrong. I have changed . . . A LOT.” I scowl before I turn my back on Derek and rush after Scott and Stiles. Let’s see if I was a teenage boy and was in the middle of turning into a werewolf where would I be?
I start running across the field and into the school. I pass all the leaving students and make my way to the boy’s locker room hoping I have the right place.
Please still be alive Stiles. I silently pray.
“Stiles?” I shout as I reach the exit of the boy’s locker room.
“No don’t come in here!” Stiles yells back and I see him backed up against the wall with an approaching Scott who is on all fours, eyes glowing yellow/gold with barred teeth that no doubt plan on ripping out Stiles' throat.
“The fire extinguisher, get the fire extinguisher!” I yell at Stiles and he instantly grabs it and uses it on Scott as he pounces for Stiles. After a few seconds pass I grab Stiles and push him against the wall just outside the locker room.
“You’re an idiot, what were you thinking!” I snap as Stiles brown eyes look at me in shock and confusion.
“I don’t know what you think you just saw-” Stiles starts talking until Scott’s voice interrupts.
“Stiles?” Scott calls out and I walk back into the locker room beside Stiles. Scott is human again and instantly looks confused as his eyes fall on me and I don’t blame him. I’d be confused too.
“What happened?” Scott asks as Stiles drops the extinguisher to the ground along with his gloves, and I stay silent to find out how much Stiles knows about werewolves.
“You tried to kill me. It’s like I told you before. It’s the anger, it’s your pulse rising, it’s a trigger.” Stiles looks at me for confirmation and I nod my head regretfully. Knowing that soon it will be my turn to answer their questions. I just don’t know how much to tell them.
“But that’s Lacrosse. It’s a pretty violent game if you hadn’t noticed.”
“Well it’s going to be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can’t play Saturday, you’re going to have to get out of the game.”
“Stiles is right Scott. Until you learn how to control it you’re basically a time bomb just waiting to explode.” I explain and watch as the devastation registers on Scott’s face.
“But I’m first line.” Scott replies and I can hear the frustration in his voice as he runs his hands through his dark hair.
“Not anymore.” Stiles replies and turns his focus on me. “Now you need to explain yourself.”
“I found out about werewolves when I was dating Derek during my junior year six years ago. It also when I found out my mother and grandparents were born werewolves.”
“I completely forgot that you had dated Derek.” Scott replies.
“I didn’t,” Stiles frowns, “Wait a minute aunt Courtney is a werewolf? How did I not know this?” Stiles asks. Even though technically my mother isn’t Stiles aunt anymore he still calls her aunt Courtney, probably because of how we are.
“Well it’s not something she opens with and the less you know about the supernatural the better. How did you figure out Scott was a werewolf? Please don’t say Google.” I reply and I'm almost cringing as I wait for his answer.
“Fine I didn’t use Google,” Stiles smirks and I watch as something clicks and his face practically lights up.
“Are you one?” Stiles asks
“No, I'm 100% human.” I reply at least I hope I am.
“What about Belle? Is she one? Does she know?” Scott asks the question this time.
What do I say? It’s not my news to share. Belle will kill me if I say anything, “Belle knows. I’m just glad no one got hurt but Stiles please be more careful, and you too Scott. Don’t let it control you. I have somewhere to be. I’ll see you both later,” I reply as I inch away towards the door.
“Fine I’ll just ask Belle myself.” Stiles replies.
“If you need help, call me. I know enough and my mom will be happy to help you.” I speak to Scott. He needs more than just Stiles and his internet skills. Scott needs a mentor and it doesn’t look like Derek is going to step up to the plate anytime soon, as much as Scott needs him.
“Okay thanks.” Scott replies and I practically rush out of the room and down the hall, out the front door and to my purple 2010 Ford Fiesta and of course Derek is leaning against the driver’s car door.
What the hell does he want now? Is he not done torturing me? Twice is one day is too much.
“What do you want now?” I ask as I approach my car and go to the effort of making sure my eyes don’t wander.  It takes all my self-control.
“Nothing,” Derek replies before he walks to the black Camaro parked beside my car and gets in. I watch questiongly as he reverses and zooms out of the half empty parking lot and down the street.
Okay what the hell was that?

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