Stiles: The Crazy is Just Beginning

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(Previously: The Alpha attacks and together they bring him down. Derek is the one to kill Peter and becomes the new Alpha. Kristin loses consciousness.)

Please don’t tell me Kristin is dying. Kristin isn’t allowed to die. I can’t . . . I can’t lose her as well.
“What’s wrong with her?” I ask Chris who is barely holding her upright. I guess she did catch him of guard. God damn it wake up!
It feels as if Derek literally appears within an instant and Chris looks just as hesitant as I feel about him being near Kristin.
“Kristin needs a hospital now.” Derek practically growls, “Where’s your car?” Derek asks Chris.
“Not that far.”
“Give her to me.” Derek extends his arms.
Chris shakes his head, “No I got it.”
“I’m quicker now give her to me we’re wasting time.”
It looks like Derek is literally about to rip Argents head from his spine and bash him with it. Now there’s a disturbing image. What the hell is wrong with you Stiles? Kristin could be literally dying and you’re making a stupid lame joke?!
After a brief pause Argent sighs before he nods and lets Derek grab Kristin from his arms. “What are you waiting for? Lead the way.” Derek demands and Chris grabs hold of Alison before he starts to lead the way.
“Are you coming?” I ask Scott.
“I’ll meet you at the hospitable.” He replies and I don’t waste a moment more before I catch up to them. I don’t blame Scott for not wanting to be in the same vehicle as Chris Argent considering everything that has happened. If I had a choice I wouldn’t be going with him either. Chris was just literally questioning me about Scott and throwing me around the room minutes before I left the hospital in Jacksons Porsche; which I got to drive by the way. Not that that fact is important right now.
God damn it Stiles concentrate.
“Is she bleeding to death?” I ask Derek as we rush behind Argent and Alison.
“What is happening to her?”
Derek doesn’t speak.
“Kristin is having a heart attack.”
Wait . . . What did he just say? It sounded like he said a heart attack but Kristin is young and healthy and since when does a bullet in the leg cause a freaking heart attack? It doesn’t make any sense.
This has to be a joke. Kristin is going to wake up any minute now. Yep any minute now. Okay I mean now. No I take that back I mean . . . now. Come on Kristin please, please, please just wake up.
Everything starts to blur before me as we reach the car and Derek gently gets her in the back seat. Even the ride to the hospital is feeling peculiar as if I’m not really living this moment but watching it through someone else’s eyes. All I can do is Hold Kristin and pray for a miracle.
The people and doctors blur around me as they rush out to the car with a gurney in tow and carefully lower Kristin onto it. Courtney is there with them and I can see the shock on her face before they rush Kristin into the hospital.  Chris and Alison follow next as I stand frozen beside the parked car and try to will my body to move.
It’s just two dozen steps.
Come on Stiles move!
My limbs are still frozen as my mother’s pale face flashes in my mind. I had to watch her die slowly and painfully. There was nothing I could do and it’s happening again. I’m useless. I couldn’t save her and Kristin might be leaving me too.
It hurts . . . I can’t breathe. I clutch my chest as I try to take a few deep breaths but it’s not working.
“Stiles?” I hear Scott’s voice although it almost sounds like a whisper before he blurs towards me.
“I can’t- I can’t breathe.” I can feel the air around me but it’s too thick to breathe in and my body is starting to get heavy.
“Come on Stiles you just need to breathe. You’re okay and Kristin is going to be fine. They are working on her right now. It’s just a panic attack Stiles. I got through mine and you can get through yours.”
After Alison had dumped Scott he had to rush out of class because he was having a panic attack. I tricked him into thinking his asthma had come back.
“And if and if she’s not? I- I can’t say goodbye again.” I’m still trying to suck in the thick air although I feel like I’m not making any progress.
“She needs you Stiles.”
“What- what can I do?” The air is finally starting to thin out and the rage begins to surface.
“Be there.”
“And how is that going to help?!” I take a deep breath and the pain starts dulling in my chest as my surroundings begin to clear around me. “I can’t do anything for her!” The rage is turning into frustration.
“Yes you can. Kristin needs support and to be with people that love her.”
The tears are trying to surface but I force them back, “I don’t know if I can do it Scott.”
What if she dies?
I can’t watch Kristin die.
“Come on Stiles.” Scott puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes gently. “You can do this. You’re not alone.”
I take a few deep breaths before I start the walk. With each step I can feel my stomach tying itself in knots as my pulse rises and the sweat continuously keeps covering my skin after I wipe it off. All I want to do is turn around again and walk out as we reach the emergency room waiting area but somehow I don’t.
This is the worst part.
It’s not until I feel arms wrapped around me that I take notice of Belle who is squeezing me too tight, but thankfully after a few seconds she lets go before she takes a seat along with Scott.
“It doesn’t look good.” I can hear Belle trying to fight back the sobs.
Kristin has to make it through this.
“Kristin is strong and a fighter. She is going to be okay.” Scott is trying to give us both hope although as soon as I see Courtney enter the room I feel my world collapse beneath me, and all the hope completely disappears. The tears are falling down her face and the wall is barely keeping her upright.
“Mom?” Belle stands to her feet but Courtney can’t even look her in the eye or even speak and I know that feeling too well. “No, no, no.” I watch helplessly as Belle crumbles to the ground and Scott barely catches her in time.
It doesn’t feel real.
I don’t feel real.
Nothing feels real.
“Wait!” Scott’s voice echoes around me as I fall back in one of the chairs. I can’t move. I can’t think. All I can do is let my mind drift away and take me to a better place, a place where Kristin is still alive.
This is all Derek’s fault! He did this to her! He knows exactly what happened to her and he is going to tell me. The better place is going to have to wait until later. I stand to my feet and storm out of the room but Scott grabs my arm before I can get too far. “Stiles Stop.”
“No I’m going to make Derek pay for this.”
“Just let me go Scott.” I turn on him and muster the best ‘get out of my way or I’ll kill you look’ but Scott doesn’t let go.
“Kristin is alive. Her heart started beating again.”
“What are you talking about?” Scott’s words don’t seem to be making any sense.
“They called it but a minute later her heart started again.”
Wait . . . I heard heart and started again.
“Is Kristin alive?”
“Yes.” Scott replies and I can’t stop the tears of happiness from falling down my face although part of me is worried that I’m still in the better place and this isn’t real. Please let it be real.
“Pinch me.” I order Scott.
“I said pinch me.” I reply and Scott wastes no time.
Ouch! “Did you have to pinch so hard?”
Wait this is real.
“Thank god.”
“Were you really going to kick Derek’s ass?” Scott asks clearly amused as he uses the back of his hand to dry his cheek.
I shrug, “I guess so.”
“You know he would’ve kicked your ass right?”
“Probably,” I can’t help but smile in relief. Kristin isn’t out of the clear yet but I have a good feeling that she isn’t going to give up. I’ve heard of similar cases but I never thought I’d be lucky to witness one myself.
After visiting Kristin who was sleeping peacefully Scott and I sneak into Lydia’s room. I try to stealthy close the door while keeping low on the floor although it creaks with every little movement; it’s almost painful.
Lydia was attacked and bitten in the oval at school by Peter who used me to find Derek. I traced the GPS on Scott’s phone before Peter let me go and I rushed to the hospital. Lydia isn’t dead and is going to be fine with means she is going to turn on a full moon like Scott once a month.
I shiver at the thought of that although it’s better than Lydia being dead. I don’t what I would’ve done if I lost both Kristin and Lydia.
No I can’t even think about that. I shake it off as we stand to our feet and walk over to Lydia who is sleeping. Scott carefully lifts the gown just enough to see the side of her torso where the wound has been bandaged.
I take a deep breath. This is it and I look away and listen as Scott removes the bandage. “Is it completely healed?” I ask.
“No not at all.” Scott replies and I reluctantly take a look at it. The wound is still there. How can that be?
“I don’t get it the doctor said that she would be fine.” Lydia should be dying if she’s not healing.
“But the bites not healing like it did with me which means she’s not a werewolf.”
“Than what the hell is she?” I wonder out loud although Scott seems just as clueless as I am and I can feel the worry start nagging at me again.
This doesn’t make any sense.
We head back to the waiting area once Scott gets Lydia patched up again and I can’t get my mind to shut the hell up.
“How do you think Alison is going to cope with Kate’s death?” I ask as I sit back in the chair.
My father figured out that the murder victims were linked to the Hale house fire, and that Kate had chatted up my chemistry teacher Mr Harris at a bar and basically gotten him to talk about how to get away with arson. Laura questioned him before her death and he had drawn Laura a picture of the necklace Kate was wearing at the time; Laura’s clues. Kate had even got Myers to rule the fire an accident when it wasn’t.
“I don’t know.” Scott sighs.
“Do you think Jackson is going to ask Derek for the bite?” I can’t stop. I have to get the questions out in the open otherwise they are going to suffocate me.
“You can count on it.”
“Do you think Derek will-” I start.
“I have no idea. I hope not. That’s the last thing we need.” Scott answers before I can finish asking my question.
“Things haven’t even started to get crazy have they?”
“I don’t think so.” Scott replies and I can’t help but gulp and sink in my seat. I don’t know how much more crazy I can take.

THANKS for reading! Did you enjoy it?

IT took me a while, but I finally made a trailer. Hope you guys like it. 
THIS is the last chapter of this book but don’t worry there is a Book 3.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now