Derek: Alpha Trouble Part I

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*    *     *     *     *     *    *     *     *     *     (Previously: Derek goes for a run and returns to hear Officer Reynolds flirting with Kristin. He lacls control over the bond since it is new. It doesn’t like Reynolds scent all over the kitchen and Kristin although she manages to calm him down. It’s the second full moon since Scott’s shift and Derek tracks him down and stops him before Scott has the chance to hurt Alison and Jackson. He tells Scott there might be a cure and that Scott needs to kill the Alpha, and they can do it if they work together. Derek saves Harris from the Alpha and gets chased by the cops before he returns to Kristin. He tries to break away from her but can’t and leaves to talk to Stiles.)   

I don’t know what I’m doing. The bond is making it impossible to give Kristin a better life without me in it. All I want is for Kristin to be safe but I know she won’t be safe with me. I’m cursed. I’m meant to be alone. I don’t have enough power to keep anyone safe from the alpha let alone Kristin.
I’m powerless.
Thump! I land on the ground over the fence and arrive in Stiles backyard. Those two cops are useless. What’s the point of them even being there? If the Alpha really wanted to kill Kristin than it would just sneak through the back unless of course it wanted to make a scene and then the cops would be done for.
Before entering the house I use my hearing and it turns out the Sheriff is home and upstairs. I sneak through the back window that is unlocked and I quickly sniff out Stiles room which isn’t hard to find. It smells like an annoying stupid teenager and desperation. The Sheriff has no idea he has company.
The front door opens and I hear Stiles enter the house. Only a few moments pass before Stiles rushes into his room and heads straight for the computer. Typical. I can’t help but roll my eyes.
“Hey Stiles!” His father yells.
“Yo . . .  Derek,” Stiles turns and faces the hallway and sees me standing behind the door and I quickly give him a ‘you idiot what the hell are you doing’ look. If I get caught I’m going to throw Stiles out the window and I won’t bother to open it first.
That sounds like fun. My inner wolf chuckles. Yeah until Kristin finds out and then skins us alive.
We can take her bro.
I’m not so sure about that.
Stiles rushes to his feet and runs to the door before closing it over slightly hiding me out of view, maybe he has a brain after all.
“What did you say?”
“What? I said yo . . . Dad,” Stiles stumbles with his words and I resist the urge to palm myself in the face.
“Uh listen I’ve got something I have to take care of but umm I’m going to be there tonight at your first game.”
“My first game, oh that’s great awesome uhh good.” Stiles replies awkwardly and I ready myself just in case his father storms into the room thinking Stiles might have a girl in here. Of course that would never happen.
“I’m very happy for ya and I’m really proud of you.”
I need a bucket. I think I’m going to be sick.
You’re such a drama queen.
I think you mean we are such drama queens.
Whatever. I roll my eyes.
“Thanks me too. I’m happy and proud of myself.”
“So they’re really gonna let you play right?” Stiles father sounds just as shocked and surprised as I am.
“Yeah dad I’m first line.”
“I’m very proud.”
Don’t even start again. I warn my inner wolf. I just want to figure out the puzzle. I need to know what Laura was so close to figuring out. That’s the only reason I’m here right now. That necklace is part of the key.
“Me to again.” Stiles replies.
There’s another slight pause before I hear them hug and pat each other on the back and I instinctively roll my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time in the last minute.
“See you there.”
“Take it easy.” Stiles replies awkwardly before he rushes back in the room and closes the door behind him.
Freaking idiot! Talk about making it obvious!
Without hesitating I grab Stiles jacket and push his against the door, “If you say one word!”
“What you mean like hey dad Derek Hale’s in my room bring your gun.”
Damn it! Damn Stiles!
We don’t need him. My inner wolf grows.
Unfortunately we do. I grit my teeth.
“Yeah that’s right. If I’m harbouring your fugitive ass it’s my house my rules buddy,” Stiles slaps his hand against my jacket to prove his point and I have to resist the urge to slap him right back of course I wouldn’t slap I’d use my claws.
Reluctantly I let go of his jacket and straighten it out. Who knew, Stiles does have balls after all.
Stiles smiles clearly pleased with himself before he straightens out my jacket in return. Really Stiles? As he goes to walk past me I remind him who the boss is by slightly jerking my face forward and Stiles lunges out of the way.
“Oh my god.” Stiles replies in response before he takes a seat on his computer chair.
“Is Scott going to get the necklace?”
“No he’s still working on it but there is something else we can try. The night we were trapped at the school Scott sent a text to Alison asking her to meet him there.”
How is that relevant?
“So it wasn’t Scott.”
“Well can you find out who sent it?”
“No not me but I think I know someone who can.” Stiles responds before he grabs out his phone and calls some Danny guy about lab work at his house.

Book 2: My Complicated Romance with Derek Hale (Teen Wolf Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang