Kristin: A Dead Body

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It has been six years since the douche bag Derek, aka my first love, left Beacon Hills and A LOT has happened in my life. I’ll give you the short version: I graduated high school and did the college thing for two years and studied law enforcement. I loved the parties and the cute boys. I did the keg stand, won beer pong and I even got drunk and made out with a couple of girls- so now I can cross those off my bucket list. During college I had gotten a job as a waitress and saved enough money to road trip around the country, and after graduation I spent the next six months with Hannah never in one place for longer than a few days, we had graduated together.  
After my road trip I spent six months in the police academy, although when my father asked me to join him hunting I couldn’t refuse him. I missed him. I spent the next two years hunting with my father and my brother Alex. I totally kicked some werewolf butt, although I came to realise that killing wasn’t my calling. It didn’t feel right playing god even if the wolf deserved to die.
As for the past year, well I’ve spent my time as a part time receptionist at the Beacon Hills High School, as well as an animal carer at the Beacon Hills animal clinic and that is now my life. Part time receptionist and part time animal carer but it’s just temporary, until I figure out what I want to do with my existence.
It changes more than I change my socks: Super hero (I was six years old), Marine biologist, nurse (like my mother) actor, dancer, teacher, zoologist, social worker, paranormal psychologist, ghost hunter, police officer (like my father who works part time with the police force as well as hunting and uncle who is the full time sheriff of Beacon Hills), professional match maker, stunt woman, WWE diva, cafe owner and counsellor are all careers I have thought about, plus more but I can never decide, plus I still have to travel the world and I can’t do that if I’m tied into a working contract now can I.
As for calling Derek a douche bag, well he is. I’ve heard nothing from him in the past six years- not even an email. Derek is a mistake of the past that I will never ever repeat. It almost feels as if it happened in a past life, I still can’t believe I’m already twenty four years old. I don’t feel it... old that is.
“Come on, what are you day dreaming again?” Tane snaps me out of my idle thoughts as he runs a few paces in front of me. I always fall behind when I get carried away by my thoughts.
Did I forget to mention I am dating Tane, as in Derek’s best friend. We just celebrated our six month anniversary a few weeks ago. I added him on Friendsbook just over two years ago and we got to talking, and eventually things turned more serious and we started meeting up in hotels before Tane moved back to Beacon Hills.
“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not,” I reply as I pick up my speed and catch up to Tane who is holding back. Since he is a werewolf he is super fast and can out run me easily, although he usually sticks close to me and sometimes even lets me win.
You’re probably wondering if I have tried to reach out to Derek through Tane, well I haven’t. I asked if Derek was alive but that was all, I figure that if he wants to talk to me he can pass on a message through Tane but he never did and still hasn’t. As for my two best friends Dee and Cassie, well Dee is in California perusing an acting career and Cassie is in New York and is a dancer, not of the pole kind- she’s a hip hop dancer and has even been in some rap and RnB videos. We still keep in contact over webcam, Friendsbook and through phone calls and texts.
Cory is the manager of the local Pizza Place, Trevor enlisted in the army, the stupid bitch Hayden and her ass face boyfriend Rick left for Princeton University, although I heard now she is popping out babies like a machine to Rick, who plays football for some big team that I don’t care about.
“It’s about me right, I bet you’re picturing me naked,” he laughs to himself as I run by his side and I nudge him with all my strength. He loses balance and he falls on his arse. I can’t help before I start to run again, leaving him behind.
It is after 8pm and the dark night sky is sending chills through the air and keeps whipping my dark ponytail from side to side as I try desperately to race ahead of Tane. My hair which used to just touch my shoulders is now long and reaches my breasts.
“Where do you think you’re going?” I hear Tane call out before I hear his feet as they crunch against the earth behind me.
“Away from you of course,” I veer off path and run through the trees, as fast as my legs will go, although I can hear Tane gaining on my position as I continue to try and outrun him, which I know is a wasted effort, but I still try anyway.
“You can’t outrun me,” Tane’s voice is even closer, as are his crunching feet and I know that he is about to reach me any second now. I continue to dart around trees, and leap over rocks, fallen branches and small shrubs. The moons glow is helping my vision and I can just make out enough not to trip.
“I can try,” I reply although I feel his hands as they wrap around my waist and pull me closer towards him. I unintentionally let out a squeal as he spins me around before setting me back on my feet again.
“When are you going to learn, you can never outrun me,” Tane grins and I can’t help but stare into his amazing blue eyes as they sparkle, almost like precious diamonds.
“Oh please, if I had werewolf speed I could totally kick your ass,” I tease as I close the gap between us and run my hands through his smooth blonde hair in an attempt to make it look messy. I smile in satisfaction as I accomplish my goal- his blonde hair is sticking out in every direction.
“That wasn’t very nice,” he smirks and grabs me, dropping to the ground and dragging me along with him in the process.
Tane is just as playful as I am which is one of the many reasons we get along so well, he also loves the television shows Scrubs and Smallville, and also likes giving really good back rubs, the kind that relaxes you into a blissful sleep and I love receiving them of course.
“Oh please, I’m never nice,” I chuckle as Tane rolls us over so his body is resting on top of mine. His weight is comforting and he smells amazing, like sandalwood and musk as well as a small hint of mint and I can’t help but wrap my legs around him in response.
“You just can’t control yourself around me can you?” Tane’s lips pull into an adorable smirk which makes his prominent cleft chin stick out even more. Everything about him is attractive: his personality, blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, adorable cleft chin, the freckle that sits on top of his cheek bone.
“You love it,” I laugh as Tane runs a hand down the side of my face, and I can feel the warmth radiating from his fingertips.
“I love you,” his hands trail down my lips and cup my chin.
“I love you too,” I smile as his lips inch closer to mine, although I catch him off guard and jerk my body so that I’m now on top. He can easily roll us around again, but he doesn’t. Instead he smirks and tucks some of my dark hair behind my ear.
“You are so beautiful,” Tane speaks as his eyes watch me in awe, although I don’t think I’m anything out of the ordinary like Tane seems to think.
“Well you aren’t bad looking yourself,” I smirk although it soon fades as I watch Tane’s expression change dramatically, “What is it?” I ask with concern, he looks like he has just seen a ghost.
“Tane?” I ask again but he doesn’t answer, he gently slides me off of him and stands to his feet and I watch as he walks over to a nearby tree.
“Stay there,” he orders but now I am curious and I have to know what is going on. I stand to my feet and look over Tane’s arm which he extends in front of me, and I see two limp calves and joined feet, it is a body that is half covered in dirt and leaves.
A dead body... It can’t be? It’s Beacon Hills! Nothing exciting or news worthy ever happens in Beacon Hills well, not in six years.
“Is it real?” I immediately palm my face after I blurt out the question. Of course it’s real. I mean who would go to all the trouble of placing a fake dead body in the woods.
 “100%” Tane replies grimly and that’s when I remember his sense of smell is also a lot better than mine.
“Do you know who it is?” I ask as I stare at the gruesome scene below, it’s making my stomach turn violently but at the same time my morbid curiosity can’t look away, which is when I notice the body looks to be missing the top half.
“Oh my god, half of him/her is missing,” I gasp at the realisation.
“Come on, you don’t need to see this,” Tane wraps an arm around my shoulder and leads me away to where we just were rolling around on the ground.
“I can’t believe it,” I say as I watch Tane get out his mobile from his jean pocket.
“Yeah it’s me. We have an 11-44, out in the Beacon Hills preserve,” Tane speaks into the phone. He is a police officer and works with my uncle Stilinsky - the sheriff, “One more thing, we only found half.”
I zone out as Tane continues to talk, all I can think about is the victims family and friends and how they are never going to see the person again... alive that is.
Then I start to wonder who it is, and who killed the person. Was it some crazy freak who likes to cut up bodies? Does Beacon Hills have a serial killer in the works? Was it a werewolf? Do I know the person whose body is lying a few feet away from me? Will they be able to identify the body? What if they can’t and the person has a family who starts to worry and wonder what happened to that person...
“Babe?” I hear Tane calling me and I snap back to reality.
“Are you okay? You totally just spaced out? That’s the third time I’ve tried getting your attention,” Tane steps closer towards me and his arms wrap around me protectively.
“Yeah,” I nod as I lean into his chest, “I was just thinking,” I clarify and I feel the weight of his lips as they kiss the top of my head.
“Your Unlce is heading out now, and he is going to arrange for a search team,” Tane informs me.
“But it’s dark.”
“Lucky they have me,” I feel Tane chuckle slightly as his chest vibrates and bounces along with his laughter. I can tell he is trying to lighten the tension, although it’s not working, not even in the slightest.
“Does the body smell familiar?” I ask as I continue to lean into his warm toned chest.
“I’m not sure. Come on, I’m getting you home,” Tane pulls away from our embrace and holds my face between his hands.
“It will be okay,” Tane speaks before he presses his lips against mine, and I return the kiss.
“I know,” I reply after he pulls away, grabs my hands and starts leading the way through the woods back to my house.
Part of me is glad to be leaving while the other part is still curious and dying for answers and an identity of the poor soul who was robbed of his/her life. The word can be very cruel sometimes.

THANKS for reading!
So... Are you happy that Kristin is with Tane or would you rather she be dating Cory or a new character in Derek’s absence?

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