Derek: Helping The Helpless

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(Previously: Derek is haunted by his reoccurring nightmare where he fails to save his family from burning to death. Derek briefly meets Scott and knows he is turning into a werewolf, and Derek is visited by Tina and Phoebe; they give their condolences about Laura before Derek makes them leave.)

"I don't want it!" Scott shouts in frustration as we take shelter by a tree. We were just attacked by hunters. . . typical. They always hunt during full moons especially when they are already on a job. Personally I think any werewolf that is being hunted is an idiot for being outdoors during a full moon. I'm not here by choice. I came here after dropping Alison home after the party with Alison's jacket to prove a point to Scott, that until he learns how to control it he will hurt her or worse- kill her.
Scott's an idiot for crushing on an Argent. I've been there and done that during my junior year and all it got me was my family murdered although I know it won't matter what I say to Scott. He's a teenage boy so was I once. I couldn't stay away from Kristin.
"You will and you're going to need me if you want to learn how to control it. So you and me Scott, we're brothers now," I reply before I start to walk away. He's refusing his gift which is almost sad. Most kids his age would kill to be faster and stronger which makes me curious as to why the alpha picked him. Scott clearly doesn't want any of it.
Speaking of the alpha I'm still trying to figure out if he is the one who murdered my sister Laura. The only thing I know for sure is that Laura was used as bait to catch me, what I'm not 100% certain is by who. It could easily be hunters since not all of them follow the rules or it could have been the new alpha stealing power.
I stop walking after I hear a twig snap. Someone is following me and has been following me since my departure from Scott. I know it's not the hunters there's only one set of footsteps- one person. Wait no not a person another werewolf and it's not Scott or the alpha, it's a female.
"I know you're there," I growl. How the hell has she not been shot or attacked by the hunters? Does she have an invisibility cloak or something? And no I haven't watched Harry Potter Laura was obsessed with it, the movies and the books. I heard all about it- it was torture.
If given the choice I would have rather swallowed wolfsbane than listen to Laura explain for hours why Harry Potter is such an epic story, and why Ron is better than Harry.
"You're like me," I hear her voice and she finally steps out of the shadows- it's Belle. Since when is Belle a werewolf? I thought she was human like Kristin. Why isn't she with her mother? Does Courtney not know that her teenage daughter is all wolfed out and running around the woods?
"Belle what are you doing here?" I ask trying to hide the shock from my voice although I know the surprise is plastered all over my face. I still can't believe that Belle is a werewolf.
Belle . . . A werewolf! Nope still doesn't sound right.
"I don't know," she shrugs her shoulders and leans against a tree- she is still in her werewolf form and looks miserable: her mouth is frozen in a frown and her eyes look sad.
"Does your mother know you are out here? You're lucky you are still in one piece. There are hunters in the woods," I reply.
I still can't believe that Belle is unharmed. I guess some people are just lucky.
"Yeah she is looking for me. I kind of tried to kill someone tonight and she stopped me," Belle sighs in frustration before she crosses her arms and starts walking towards me.
"Yeah that happens it's the full moon, it makes you want to kill anything and everything. You don't know how to change back do you?" I can't help but smirk at how clueless Belle is. I guess Courtney thought Belle was like Kristin- completely human.
"No I don't and these teeth are really starting to piss me off and don't get me started on the claws!" Belle grumbles as she stops walking once she reaches me.
Her strawberry blonde hair is tangled with leaves and branches and there is also some dirt on her face. I wonder how long she has been hanging around for.
"Okay well inflicting pain is the quickest way."
"And the non-painful way is?" Belle asks.
"Well it takes concentration and sometimes time unless you have strong will power. Want me to break it down step by step?" I ask as I keep an ear out for the hunters, you can never be to careful and they have a way of sneaking up on you.
"Yeah I'm over being this thing," Belle points from her head and down to her toes.
For me it's as easy as breathing. If I want to turn, I turn and when I want to be human again it just happens with a single thought. It's almost a reflex although I do remember when it wasn't so easy. I turned at school once and had to run to the boy's bathroom. I was lucky I had my sister who talked me down and helped me become human again.
"Okay well you need to clear your mind, think about trees, sunrises and pink unicorns," I smirk.
"For real?" Belle asks and I can hear the confusion in her voice. It takes a lot of effort not to laugh, not that I do that very often- at least not in the past six years.
"No! Not for real," I reply obviously before I roll my eyes, "You just have to concentrate, you have to want it. Picture yourself in your human form and focus on your normal eye colour, your nose and your lips any freckles, birthmarks or scars will help."
I watch as Belle closes her eyes and scrunches up her nose. Thirty seconds pass before she exhales and open's her eyes. She is still in her werewolf form and I can see the frustration on her face as she kicks at the ground and pouts.
"Just try again," I urge Belle who closes her eyes again.
"I can't do it!" Belle practically growls after she opens her eyes.
"That's because it takes longer than three seconds, at least for you newbie's. You're not even concentrating."
"I am! Can we take the pain route . . . Please?" Belle whines.
"It's going to hurt," I warn Belle who just shrugs in response.
"Bring it on besides you don't look that tough," She smirks and stretches out her arm.
I don't like hurting girls in fact I try to avoid it as much as possible unless it's self-defence but even then I make sure to hold back. I'm already feeling guilty and I haven't even touched Belle yet.
"Are you sure about this?" I ask hoping she will back out.
"Yes now hurry up. I don't have all night you know," Belle smirks and I reluctantly grab hold of her hand. It fits in mine easily and I wait for Belle to tell me to stop but she doesn't.
"Fine," I sigh before I start crushing her hand in mine. I can feel the pressure and I hear a crack as the bones begin to break under the strain. Belle winces in pain and is trying not to scream as she firmly presses her lips together.
Within a few seconds Belle's ears turn back to normal, the excess hair on her face disappears, her eyes return to their chocolate brown colour, her nails shorten and her four sharp canine teeth go back to their normal size.
I let go of her hand and she quickly cradles it as it begins to heal, "I told you it would hurt. You should have kept concentrating, it gets easier the more you try." I reply.
"I didn't think it would hurt that much!" Belle continues to cradle her hand. I can hear all the joints popping back into place as well as the breaks and fractures which are still healing.
"Well now you know. Come on we can go back to my place your mom will find you there. I bet she is already close," I use my head to point to the East- the direction of my house.
"I bet you say that to all the girls." Belle smirks and I can't help but realise how much she sounds like Kristin.
"Much older girls," I correct Belle and she chuckles in response. If it were me on the other hand I would want to punch me in the face.
We make it back to my house and just twenty minutes later I hear someone approaching the house. I only need to sniff the air for a second before I recognise the scent which hasn't changed much in the last six years. It's Kristin and I have to hold back the smile. I don't smile anymore. I don't deserve to be happy and I'm not going to let Kristin change that.
"Your sisters here you should probably go," I speak to Belle who is sitting on the singed couch.
"Yeah I just need a minute," Belle replies which means I'm going to have to show my face and converse with Kristin, something I have been avoiding since I first arrived in Beacon Hills.
I take a deep breath and walk out the front door. Kristin hasn't changed much although she has gotten more beautiful and womanly. Even her blue eyes are brighter and her olive skin is even more flawless and perfect.
I wanted to call her and write while I was in Brooklyn but I couldn't. I knew I would never get over Kristin if I kept holding on and she deserved better than me.
"Derek?" Kristin speaks and sounds like she is in shock.
"You don't sound happy to see me." I hold back the smirk. Even six years later Kristin still seems to have the ability to make me want to smile even when I don't want to.
"Should I be . . .? Never mind I'm looking for Belle have you seen her?" Kristin asks and I find myself staring at her plump full lips before I force myself to look into her eyes again.
My biggest regret so far is leaving Kristin behind not that I've ever told anyone and I don't plan to in the near future either. I have to let it go and move on. I can't trust anybody not anymore.
"I'm okay Derek helped me." Belle replies as she stands by my side.
"You're human." Kristin replies relieved and that's when I notice the tazer sitting in her belt.
"And you have a weird looking dildo sitting in your belt." Belle smirks and I have to hold back the laugh-did she just say what I think she said? Wow and my parents thought I grew up quickly.
"Wow you really can't help yourself can you?" Kristin laughs and it sounds even more heavenly than before.
"What can I say, I take after you. Anyway thanks Derek for helping me." Belle replies and wraps her arms around my side as I stand there awkwardly probably looking like an idiot. I wasn't meant to act friendly towards Belle, but she looked devastated and I couldn't just ignore her even though I know I should have.
"Yeah uh no problem," I reply as Belle pulls away from the sideways hug and prances down the steps towards Kristin.
"Bye," Belle smiles and waves.
"Yeah bye," Kristin replies, grabs out her phone and starts walking away from the house.
"Hey mom I found Belle-" Kristin starts talking into the phone.
"You weren't meant to be looking! You could have gotten hurt Kristin!" Courtney snaps and I can practically hear Kristin rolling her eyes. I guess some people never change.
"Don't start mom. I brought back up and Belle is fine and so am I so just chill." Kristin replies and I head back into the house trying not to think about her.
I'm not that seventeen year old kid- not anymore.

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