Kristin: Old Friend

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Bang, bang, bang! I shoot at the piece of paper which has a black outline of a body traced in the middle, and is hanging down the other end of the room. Just because I’m not a hunter anymore doesn’t mean I have lost my love of violence and shooting at things. I’m a regular at the shooting range and I hold the record for most accurate shooter.
“Good girl,” I kiss my Steyr M9-A1 compact pistol which is also my lucky pistol. I rarely leave the house without it.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and I make sure to put my gun down before I turn around. The last thing I need is to accidentally shoot someone especially since everyone sues these days over every little thing.
“Chris?” I smile as I take off the hideous orange ear muffs and attack him with a bear hug. Chris Argent is like an uncle to me and I can’t help but smile as he returns the hug, although it does remind me about how much I miss my dad and my brother Alex. That was the only reason I started hunting with them: to be with them again plus it felt great to be skilled at something.
“Come here often?” He smirks as we pull away from the hug.
“I’m kind of famous around here,” I laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Even though it’s been over a year and a half since I have seen Chris, he still looks exactly the same with his short dark blonde hair, slight stubble and blue eyes.
“How have you been kid?” He asks as he walks over to the green button and pushes it. The shot up paper body moves closer towards us.
“Good I’ve even been staying out of trouble,” I grin as he inspects the sheet of paper. I have a few head shots, a few heart shots a couple of neck shots and he smiles proudly at my work.
“You should have stuck with it, you have natural talent,” Chris looks over my work once more before he faces me.
“Thanks I take it you’re not in town for a social visit?”
“No unfortunately I’m here for business,” Chris replies grimly.
“Did something kill that girl in the woods?” I ask already knowing the answer to my question.
“Yes,” Chris replies harshly.
“So what do you think did it?” I try to hide the curiosity from my voice, but it’s burning within me.
“What it is doesn’t concern you, just be careful okay. I don’t know what we are dealing with yet.” Chris replies protectively and I can’t help but roll my eyes. When are they going to learn that I don’t need their protection or their concern. I more than proved myself when I hunted with them.
“I can help,” I urge and Chris crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow in response.
“You’ve been out of the game far too long Kristin.”
“I still have my good aim and I’ve been working out. It’s not like I’ve spent the last 18 months sitting on the couch Chris,” I reply irritated.
“No you’ve been busy dating another werewolf,” Chris scowls and I feel my blood turn cold instantly. “You honestly think I wouldn’t find out?” He asks and I gulp.
“Does my father know?” I ask fearing the answer.
“No because he will kill Tane, even if it goes against the code and frankly you’re lucky I haven’t killed Tane myself. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking he’s a great guy and that he will never do anything to hurt me, ever,” I reply confidently although Chris doesn’t seem to be buying it, and I refrain from rolling my eyes.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson with Derek or Julian and Alyssa? They’re animals Kristin. My best friend tried to kill me on a full moon-” Chris starts and I can hear the rage in his voice as he scowls.
“I know okay. I know the story but Tane isn’t like that. He was born a werewolf and he can control himself during a full moon,” I interrupt as a chill runs down my spine. I haven’t thought about Julian or Alyssa in a long time. While I was dating Derek during my junior year my grams got Julian, an alpha werewolf to give me the bite. Grams wanted me to be like her: a werewolf although Julian failed after my mother who is also a werewolf came to my rescue and Julian agreed to back off. After my mother told my father about Julian he came to town and killed Julian who had been killing hunters’ families. Alyssa aka Julian’s wife then came to town looking for Julian. She abducted me and nearly killed Derek and me.
“Plus I can take care of myself,” I remind Chris. Tane hasn’t hurt me once, not even an accidental scratch. He’s more gentle than most of the human guys I have been with. I trust him completely, even on a full moon.
“You can never trust a werewolf Kristin . . . Ever,” Chris replies and I can see the pain written all over his face.
“Let me prove it. Let me go hunting with you and whoever else you have roped into this job,” I try not to beg and Chris' eye brows furrow in thought as he leans against the row of counters.
“No I can’t Kristin. You could be a liability plus you’re the one that threw in the towel,” Chris reminds me of the failed venture after a few moments of silence. Just another one to add to my growing list. First was college, than modelling followed by hunting.
“This is different my family and my friends are in danger, and I want to help, I need to help,” I try not to sound desperate but I know what happens when you don’t have back-up, most of the time you die or get gravely injured.
“You can help by keeping Tane locked up somewhere tonight, if he gets in our way Kristin he will get hurt.”
“I told you he doesn’t need to be locked up and don’t worry, he won’t be going anywhere near your hunting party,” I cross my arms over my chest and match Chris’s scowl.
“You know I’m just worried about you?” Chris picks up my gun from the counter and aims at the second sheet of paper. There is five segments in total.
“I know and I know it doesn’t make any sense to you but I’m safe with Tane, just don’t worry about me okay?” I reply before Chris shoots off three rounds. I don’t need to look at the paper to know Chris has hit his target areas.
“I’ll stop worrying about you when you stop hanging out with werewolves,” Chris replies as he pushes the green button which is sitting on the right divider, and the sheet of paper zooms to the front of the room. All three shots are head shots and I know it’s a warning and a reminder of what Chris is capable of.
I know most sane people would have distanced themselves from werewolves if they were in my position, but my grams and my mother are both werewolves. They are a huge part of my life. I can’t run from the supernatural when it’s a part of me.
Falling for Tane was an accident. I didn’t plan on getting involved with another werewolf, especially since it ended so tragically between me and Derek, but I couldn’t resist Tane’s charm. Plus I wanted to pick the nice guy for a change instead of always picking the jerk and expecting them to be different.
“Well I can’t promise anything,” I reply with a sheepish grin although I know Chris isn’t finding it entertaining, not even in the slightest. Chris takes his hunting and hate for werewolves very seriously.
“What will it take for you to realise that they are dangerous? Have you already forgotten about the werewolves we hunted? They were the worst kind of monsters,” Chris replies and I can see that his nostrils are flaring as he crosses his arms.
He’s right about one thing: we hunted some nasty werewolves. The kind that slaughtered humans for sport and for fun, but not all werewolves are like that.
Tane’s one of the good ones.
“No I haven’t forgotten but not all of them are monsters,” I disagree, “You can’t condemn a whole race of people because of a few rotten eggs,” I point out and Chris smirks.
“Of course you have to go all diplomatic on me, another reason why you should be a leader,” Chris smiles proudly, clicks the safety on my gun and hands it to me.
I’m instantly reminded of Chris’s short speech before training started three and a half years ago. I can still hear Chris’s voice as he tells me that sons are trained to be soldiers and daughters are trained to be leaders. I didn’t think I had the talent to be either. I not only surprised everyone, but I also surprised myself.
It was like I was born to be a hunter, well until my first kill. I remember seeing Derek for a split second. It wasn’t the stranger’s hollow and lifeless eyes staring back at me but Derek’s.
It’s Derek’s fault I quit hunting. I’m blaming it all on him.
“We both know how that ended, what good is a leader if she can’t take care of her business?” I try to hide the disappointment from my voice, but I know it’s clearly written on my face and Chris frowns.
I only lasted a couple of more weeks at hunting. It was my turn to kill a wendigo that had killed a group of humans but I couldn’t do it. I was pathetic and it nearly got me killed. I’d hesitated and if it wasn’t for Chris and my father I would be dead.
“We all have things that hold us back Kristin, it’s how we overcome them that defines us.”
I can’t help but smirk at Chris’s words of wisdom. He always has something deep and meaning to reply with.
“Which makes me a coward right since I practically ran away?”
“You aren’t a coward. I’ve never seen you afraid of anything,” Chris chuckles and I smile although he is wrong. I was seventeen years old when I ran away scared from my feelings towards Derek, afraid of love.
“Well it’s been good talking to you, but right now I have to go warn my boyfriend that there are hunters in town,” I smirk. Tane is in no danger.
“You’re not going to spend the night with him are you? It’s a full moon-” Chris starts.
“He can control himself even on full moons,” I interrupt Chris. I feel like I’m doing nothing but repeating myself. I know he is worried but I can take care of myself. It doesn’t help that I get the feeling that if I was a guy, Chris wouldn’t be so worried about my safety.
“I really wish you would date your own kind,” Chris sighs in frustration, and I feel a little guilty knowing how worried he is about me.
“I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later okay?” I smile hopeful.
“Yeah be safe,” Chris replies and I give him a quick hug before I put my gun in my holster and leave the shooting range.

It’s just after seven at night when I get home and see Tane’s car in the driveway. He had the early morning shift. He always made sure he was home early on the night of full moons, well before 6 pm.
“Hey you will never guess who’s in town?” I call out as I unlock the front door, plop my handbag on the table in the hallway and sit on the couch next to Tane who is watching the news.
It’s always depressing and tonight’s headline is about a car crash that killed a mother and her three young children. The driver was drunk and he was the only survivor . . . figures: the one responsible lives while the innocents die.
What a messed up world we live in.
“Please don’t say it’s your father,” Tane grimaces.
“Nope but you’re close, it’s Chris Argent. He’s in town on a job,” I reply and I can’t help but smile.
“You sound happy,” Tane frowns although I don’t know whether it’s at the news headline or the mention of Chris Argents name. The Argents have a reputation within the werewolf community and it’s not a good one to say the least.
“I am a little but don’t worry you’re safe I mean you haven’t killed any humans lately right?” I smirk but Tane is still frowning and refuses to look me in the eye. Instead his gaze is fixated on the television.
What the hell is his problem? I wonder.
“Yeah,” Tane replies which is when I grab his face and force him to look at me. He’s more grumpy than usual even for a full moon.
“Tell me what’s wrong?” I demand as I stare into his ocean blue eyes. They don’t have the usual sparkle to them instead they are almost dark and menacing.
“Nothing it’s just the full moon. I’m just having a mood swing I guess,” Tane replies.
“That’s it?” I ask unconvinced.
“That’s it,” Tane replies and I let go of his face. His eyes go straight back to the television and I sigh in frustration, and they say women have mood swings. In my experience men can be 100 times worse.
It must be his time of the month.
“Okay if you say so,” I reply although I get the feeling Tane is still annoyed since he proposed last night and I told him I needed time to think about it. I’m still unsure. I mean I love Tane and the ring is absolutely gorgeous but I don’t know if I’m ready for marriage. We have only dated for a little over six months or maybe it’s the fear talking.
Maybe I should just say yes.
No I can’t do that can I?
I shouldn’t say yes unless I’m sure- 100% positive. There’s no point saying yes otherwise. I’m surprised Tane hasn’t brought it up again. Why hasn’t he brought it up again? I thought we were drifting apart but it must just be me, he wouldn’t have proposed otherwise right?
Is he starting to have doubts? Is that why he hasn’t asked me for an answer again?

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