Kristin: Reunited

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(Previously: Kristin goes to the shooting range and runs into Chris Argent who is like an uncle to her. They talk and Kristin finds out Chris is in town on a job and that he knows that she is dating a Werewolf. Kristin goes home to Tane during the full moon and Tane is extra moody- even for a full moon.)

The past three hours have been filled with awkward silence and Tane staring at the television. He is refusing to shift and I can see that he is struggling somewhat. His knee hasn’t stopped jiggling for more than a few seconds in the last three hours.
“It’s because I haven’t given you an answer isn’t it?” I finally ask. I can’t take any more of the silence. It’s uncomfortable and completely unnecessary considering we were given voices and a mouth for a reason: to communicate.
I watch as Tane shifts uncomfortably before he finally tears his eyes away from the television screen and looks at me. His usual soft blue eyes still look dark and almost menacing, but I know it’s only because of the full moon.
“You know I get antsy on full moons it will pass,” Tane replies and smiles although it looks forced.
“It’s more than that, I know it and you know it.”
“It doesn’t matter okay. I know it was too soon. I shouldn’t have proposed and I’m sorry,” Tane apologises.
Is he taking the proposal back? Well that’s a relief so why am I slightly disappointed? What’s wrong with me? I should be jumping up and down in relief while praising the lord and what not.
“Are you taking it back?” I ask knowing the relief and disappointment are both showing on my face contradicting one another.
“For now I mean there’s no rush right?” Tane asks.
“No there’s no rush,” I reply as I dig around in my jean pocket for the ring. I know I shouldn’t have been carrying it around on me. I could have lost it but it’s so pretty that I can’t stop looking at it.
“What are you doing?” Tane asks as I retrieve the box from my pocket and hold it out for him.
“It’s yours, you should take it back,” I reply and wait for Tane to take it away. He looks like he is struggling with himself; even more so as the moon continues to mess with him.
Tane told me that his blood lust reaches its peak during a full moon and that he has to fight the feeling of wanting to kill anything that moves including me but he somehow manages to fight it. Tane’s never hurt me even on a full moon, sure he gets moody but that’s it.
He says it’s easier to control yourself when you are born a werewolf because you are taught from your elders. He says it’s completely different for new bitten werewolves; even new werewolves born with the gene. It takes time, patience and practice to learn to control it.
“No it’s still yours Kristin. I want you to keep it,” Tane closes my hand around the box and holds it. This is the longest conversation we have had tonight. I didn’t realise how much I have been missing his touch, how sad is that? It’s not like we didn’t snuggle last night when he finally came home drunk at two in the morning. I’m becoming one of those pathetic girls that needs affection constantly, not cool! I definitely need to break the habit.
I can’t keep the ring, knowing Tane it’s probably worth three months of his pay.
“Tane I don’t-”
“Please Kristin it’s yours to keep.” Tane interrupts. I know better than to argue. Tane is just as stubborn as I am maybe even more but it still doesn’t feel right keeping the ring.
I reluctantly put the ring box back into my pocket and Tane smiles, finally a genuine smile.
“Fine you win,” I reply. “Everything is fine between us right?” I ask and Tane kisses the back of my hand. Finally he isn’t focussed on the stupid television. His blue eyes are locked onto mine.
“Yeah of course why wouldn’t we be?” Tane asks and focuses on the television again. Well so much for that. What’s so interesting about a Procter & Gamble's Crest advertisement for whitening toothpaste anyway?
How am I meant to believe him when he can’t look me in the eye? I bet it’s because I didn’t give him an answer. He took back the proposal to avoid any chance of being rejected. What if he never gets over it? Why won’t he talk to me? Sometimes I really hate guys and their need to be macho 100% of the time.
“Okay,” I reply and roll my eyes. It’s just the full moon, he won’t be acting so weird tomorrow. I sigh in frustration and lean back on the couch. Guys are so weird why do I even bother?
There’s another half hour of silence before Tane’s phone starts ringing the cancan. It always gets stuck in my head and takes an hour for me to force it out.
“Hey,” Tane greets and I instantly grow curious. It’s time like these I wish I had super hearing like Tane.
“What happened?” Tane asks and I can hear the worry in his voice. Is it Tina or Phoebe? Or maybe his older brother who still lives in Brooklyn.
“Of course I’ll leave right now.” Tane replies and stands to his feet in a hurry before he hangs up the phone and puts it in his jeans pocket.
Where is he going? What is happening?
“What is it?” I ask worried as I watch Tane rush around the room, gathering his keys and jacket from the coffee table, and arm chair which sits on the other side of the room near the book shelf.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” Tane replies and rushes for the door although I intercept him. There is no way he is leaving without telling me what is going on first.
“Don’t lie to me, tell me what is going on!”
Tane exhales and rubs his eyes in frustration, “Kristin you need to get out of my way. This is something you can’t help with.”
“Was it my uncle? Is it police business?” I ask as I continue to stand in front of the front door. I’m not leaving until I get answers.
“No it’s not police business.”
“Fine I’ll just go around the back if you’re not going to move,” Tane starts to walk away but I grab his arm and force him to face me. If it’s not police business than it has to be something to do with Phoebe or Tina, did one of them lose control?
“Is it Tina or Phoebe? You know I can help.”
“Kristin I really need to go it’s important, please move out of the way.” Tane tries to move around me but I continue to block his way.
“I’ll move when you tell me what is happening.”
“It’s your sister okay she turned, tried to kill Mr Lahey and took off into the woods. Your mother called and asked for my help,” Tane stresses the word my, and I move out of his way.
Belle’s a werewolf?
Belle’s a werewolf!
Oh my god Belle’s a werewolf! I try to hide the shock from my face although I know Tane can not only see it but sense it. I was not expecting that, in fact anything but that. Why couldn’t the news have something to do with Phoebe or Tina being caught by a hunter?
Get your shit together woman. Now is not the time to freak out! I order myself.
“See was that so hard,” I smirk although Tane doesn’t move, instead he puts both hands on my shoulders and looks me in the eye.
“You have to stay here and let me and your mother handle this, I’m serious Kristin you can get hurt.”
“Fine just go before she hurts someone,” I reply and Tane kisses my forehead before he rushes around me and out the front door.
As if I’m just going to sit around while my sister is running around the woods all wolfed out. I have to help and I can look after myself. Belle’s been a werewolf for all of five minutes. I hunted them for two years. I know how to protect myself and Belle at the same time.
I rush to my room and open the wooden chest that is sitting at the bottom of my wardrobe. It contains my crossbows, arrows, wolfsbane bullets and my tazer that has enough voltage to take down a werewolf.
Belle’s probably scared and confused. I don’t want to hurt her but I need to bring back-up and I decide on my tazer before I slip into my fake leather pants and matching jacket and leave the house.
I don’t know where I’m going to start, but I can’t just sit around. I need to help especially since Chris and his hunting party are out tonight. I pray to god Belle hasn’t tried to kill any of the hunters. That could be very bad to say the least.
After much deliberation I decide to make my way to the half burnt down Hale house. I’m hoping Belle is starting to gain back more control and that she has headed for shelter to hide, and it only takes me five minutes to drive there plus another ten minutes to walk through the woods.
I haven’t bumped into my mother, Tane or Chris and his hunting party yet so I guess that’s a good sign. “Belle? Are you here? It’s me Kristin. I don’t want to hurt you. I’m here to help you,” I call out as I reach the front of the house and my hand is grasping the tazer that is sitting in my belt as they say: it’s better to be safe than sorry.
“Belle?” I call out again as I walk up the steps taking them one by one. It’s dead quiet but I have a gut feeling that Belle is here hiding or maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part.
Come on Belle please be here. I silently hope.
“Kristin?” I hear a male voice that almost sounds like Derek, but it can’t be. I mean why would Derek be in this house considering there is no electricity and half the roof is missing.
It’s not until I walk back down the stairs that I see the man under the moonlight as he steps out onto the porch.
It is in fact Derek Hale, an older and even more attractive Derek Hale. Wait stop thinking that! I shouldn’t be lusting over him.
What the hell is he doing back anyway?
“Derek,” I reply trying to hide my shock although I’m pretty sure he heard it loud and clearly.
“You don’t sound happy to see me.” Derek looks clearly amused by the awkwardness that I’m radiating. I am the pathetic one after all. I’m the one that waited for six months for any contact from Derek before giving up. I didn’t even have his address and I refused to be that girl, the one that goes to Brooklyn searching for a guy who doesn’t want to be found.
“Should I be?” I reply, “Never mind I’m looking for Belle, have you seen her?” I ask skipping the small talk. As much as I want to converse and stare at Derek for a few more hours I can’t and I won’t.
I used to think that I would have some witty remark the next time I ran into Derek but seeing him again after six years, well I have no idea what to say. I’m still pissed, annoyed and hurt. I thought I was over it but seeing him again has brought all those feelings of betrayal back.
For a long time it made me wonder if Derek ever really cared about me and if he had forgotten about me as soon as he moved to Brooklyn. I even assumed he and Tina had got involved. I was angry for a long time.
“I’m okay Derek helped me,” Belle replies as she steps out onto the balcony and stands by Derek’s side. She is completely human and I gather I have Derek to thank for that but I'd rather poke out both my eyes than utter anything closely resembling the words thank you.

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