Derek: Alpha Trouble Part II

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(Previously: Derek goes to Stiles and asks if Scott has any news on the pendant. While at Stiles they’re able to find out who sent the text to Alison the night the alpha attacked at the school, and it leads them to Scott’s mother. Stiles skips on the game and he and Derek check it out and find out Peter is the alpha. Peter asks Derek to join him and Derek reluctantly agrees.)   

We move onto the school next and I don’t bother questioning Peter. I already know he is going to see Scott.  Peter won’t stop until Scott joins his pack. The Alpha’s strength depends on how many members there are in his pack.
We should take out Scott. It might weaken Peter and then maybe we can take him out.
Yeah because that worked out so well the first time. I hold in the scoff as I hear Scott moving around the room. We’re in the empty locker room and I roll the Lacrosse ball I took from the storage cabinet on the ground out towards Scott.
Scott starts heading in my direction and reaches me instantly. I have to hold back the guilt as I see Scott’s eye widen in surprise and relief. Scott doesn’t want to be a part of the pack. He doesn’t even want to be a werewolf but he’s going to have no choice.
“Thank god. Where the hell have you been? Do you have an idea what’s been going on?” Scott drops the ball and heads straight toward me. Would it kill him to put on a shirt? I guess I should be thankful he has the towel wrapped around his waist.
Peter practically appears out of the shadow behind Scott with a Lacrosse stick in hand and Scott looks completely confused.
“I really don’t get Lacrosse-” Peter starts and pauses.
“It was you.” Scott’s voice is very faint. 
“When I was in high school we played basketball. Now there’s a real sport. Still I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from a Native American tribe and that they played it to resolve conflict. I have that right? Hm. I have l little conflict of my own to resolve Scott. But I need your help to do it.” Peter replies and put’s down the stick leaning it against the wall beside him.
“I’m not helping you kill people.”
“Well I don't want to kill all of them. Just the responsible ones and that doesn't have to include-” Peter trails off forgetting her name, and looks at me for assistance.
“Alison.” I reluctantly reply and Scott looks at me in shock.
“You’re on his side? Are you forgetting the part where he killed you sister!?
I’ll never forget that but my choices are very limited. “It was a mistake.”
“WHAT?” Scott can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“It happens.”
“Scott I think you’re getting the wrong impression of us. We really just want to help you reach your full potential.” Peter says.
“By killing my friends.”
“Sometimes the people closest to you can be the ones holding you back the most.”
“If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you; I'm okay with that.” Scott replies and my Uncle start stepping towards him while Scott gives me a ‘what the hell is he going to do to me’ look.
Peter won’t kill Scott at least not yet.
“Maybe you could try and see things from my perspective.” Peter unsheathes his claws and teases Scott.
Maybe I’m wrong. No I’m not. Peter hasn’t finished trying to convince Scott yet. He is just trying to scare Scott.
Peter moves quickly and stabs Scott in the back of the neck with a claw before he walks away and all I can do is watch helplessly as Scott falls to the ground clutching the back of his neck- his breathing heavy. Scott must be seeing Peter’s memories. Kristin will never forgive me if something happens to Scott or to anyone she cares about.
Kristin! I have to get to her. Scott is going to be fine.
I start heading to Kristin’s house making sure I’m not being followed by Peter and I enter through the back door. Kristin is in the kitchen in front of the freezer and has a tub of triple chocolate ice-cream in her hand when she faces me.
“I think it’s time I stop being a shut in. I’m thinking of going to the shooting range tomorrow, and trying a few yoga poses. I think I got lucky. I don’t think I have any muscle damage thank god.” Kristin smile falters as she notices the pained expression on my face.
“What happened?” Kristin asks as her hand tightens around the cold tub.
How do I start. Where do I start?
“I think it is best you leave town. You and Belle and your mother need to get out of here. It’s not safe and I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“You know who the Alpha is.” Kristin’s eyes widen and I feel the shock and the pain in her hand from the frozen tub of ice-cream.
“You should probably put that back in the freezer.” I suggest and after a brief pause Kristin nods and places the ice-cream back in the freezer before she closes the door and faces me, and I take a few steps forward after locking the back door out of habit.
“So who is it?” Kristin asks although I can tell there is a part of her that doesn’t want to know. Part of me wishes I didn’t.
I’d rather a stranger be responsible for Laura’s death at least then I wouldn’t be feeling conflicted.
Kristin looks at me in disbelief and shakes her head, “That’s not possible. He’s in a coma Derek.”
“Not anymore.”
“No Peter wouldn’t kill his own niece,” Kristin replies and I take a step closer but Kristin takes a step back.
This is going exactly how I thought it would.
I hold in the sigh.
“I wouldn’t lie to you Kristin. He’s not the guy he used to be and it’s not safe to be here. Please you need to leave.”
Kristin shakes her head, “No besides he’s had his chances to kill me and he didn’t. I’m not going anywhere Stiles and Scott-”
“Aren’t your responsibility,” I interrupt harshly and Kristin looks at me shocked. I can feel the anger start to build within Kristin and her eyes turn narrow.
Good on you idiot. You better run.
“That’s easy for you to say. You have no one but yourself to look out for.” Kristin retorts and I feel her anger turn to guilt.
Well that’s a slap to the balls. Let’s just leave her and hope Peter deals with her.
You don’t mean that and she didn’t mean that.
Still . . .
“Why do you think I’m here Kristin?!”
“I’m sorry,” Kristin shrugs. “I can’t leave and you know that it doesn’t matter what I tell my mother or Belle. They’re not going to leave either. We all have people we care about in this town, and we can’t leave them completely defenceless.”
“They won’t be.”
“So you told your Uncle to go jump off a cliff?”
It’s not that simple.
“It’s complicated.”
Kristin rolls her eyes, “You should get back to him. He’s probably waiting on you to kiss his feet.” Kristin crosses her arms over her chest.
“I thought you might understand. I guess I was wrong.” Is all I reply with before I unlock the door and slip out into the cold night.
Well that plan failed. How the hell am I meant to protect her?

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