Belle: Progress

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(Previously: Belle has a dream featuring Isaac and they are just about to kiss before the howl wakes her. Belle goes to the school and finds a dead Derek who starts breathing again, and she gets him back to Kristin's house. Belle calls her mother and stays behind with Derek while Kristin goes to the school. Belle helps out and watches over Derek while Kristin is out.)

The school has been closed since the attack but now it's Monday which means school is back in session. My weekend consisted of me avoiding Zan and Isaac. I was a huge mess worrying about Derek, and I knew if I started talking to them, I might confess everything which can't happen. Not unless I want them to freak out.
My mother wanted me to stay home today. She said that this full moon will be different than the last but I had to come and check up on Scott and see Isaac and Zan. Of course my mother was right even though the day is barely half over I can literally feel the moons influence messing with my emotions and my self-control. I feel on edge and almost hyper.
Just don't think about it you need to be here and you need to know if the chemistry is there between you and Isaac. I order myself.
"Hey long time no see." I hear Jackson beside my locker and I resist the urge to try and climb in. At least I'm not feeling the urge to rip off his clothes anymore, that lust is gone and has been since I started making out with Isaac in my dreams. I wonder how long these feeling have been buried for or maybe they are just recent either way I'm done crushing after Scott; after someone who is never going to see me as more than a friend.
Moving on . . . Jackson is still the very last person I want to talk to. I'm proud of my progress. I've done a lot of growing up over the past couple of weeks and I don't feel like a child anymore. Of course the hardest part has been distancing myself from one of my best friends, but now I feel like my eyes are really open and I haven't felt this way since I moved to Beacon Hills and saw Scott for the very first time six years ago.
As corny as it sounds I've been reawakened and speaking of romance I know Kristin and Derek are totally dating again. It took them long enough. Kristin hasn't been the same since Derek left her. Not that she has ever admitted that before but sisters just know.
"What do you want?" I ask as I keep Jackson out of view behind my locker door of course after a few seconds he just walks to the other side making it impossible to block him out of sight.
Damn my great peripheral vision.
"You've been avoiding me," Jackson sounds outraged and I feel the sudden urge to smoosh his face between the palms of my hands or maybe just scratch of a few layers of his face or maybe . . . No enough of the violent thoughts. I get the feeling I'm in a state where I might actually act on those impulses.
Damn the full moon!
"I'm surprised you managed to get your head out your ass long enough to notice," I reply and I can practically feel the anger rolling off of him in waves. The good thing about having an outspoken older sibling is picking up the great lines.
"Excuse me?"
"I know you're kind of slow when it comes to the math but I thought you understood Basic English?" I can't hold back the evil smirk no matter how hard I try. I'm totally on a roll today. Although I am being a bit harsh but I've hardly slept and the power of the full moon is messing with my mind which means I can't be held responsible for my actions or my insults. Besides Jackson deserves it. It's about time someone pushed back and gave Jackson a dose of his own medicine.
"Oh please what you think you're better than me now?" Jackson asks and I finally stop avoiding direct eye contact and focus on Jackson. As usual his waxed hair is sitting spiked up and over styled as his blue eyes look menacing. Of course it could just be that I'm seeing him differently since I decided to stop fooling around with him.
"I don't think. I know. All you are is a man boy and a pathetic waste of space. I don't know why you think you are better than everyone else because you are no different than anyone else in this school!" I retort and quickly hide my hands out of view before I retract my claws and fight back the shift. Of course Jackson laughs in response, the annoying and over dramatic kind of laugh.
Does he really think he is better than everyone else? Wait that's a stupid question of course he does. It's the whole reason he is such an asshole. Maybe I should bring the claws back and put him in his place.
"It's almost sad how stupid you are. But you know what? Good riddance, you were just some free ass and now I'm done with you. In fact I'm even done with Lydia. My life is about to change for the better and I don't need either of you brining me down." Jackson gives me his best cocky smirk before he walks away and I have to use all my strength not to attack him and act on my rage.
What does he mean change for the better?
Lydia is going to completely freak out. I wonder if he's already broken up with her. If we were still friends I might even care about her feelings, to bas she doesn't care about mine at all anymore.
Maybe I should be scratching her face.
No I should talk to Scott and see how he is doing. Lydia can wait. Stiles told me about the attack and how the Alpha tried to force Scott to kill them all and finally be a part of the Alpha's pack. Stiles also told me about the break up.
I'm not going to ask Scott out or anything like that as I said earlier. I've moved on. He's my friend and I'm concerned and want to give him my condolences. I know how much Scott likes Alison. I've never seen him so smitten with anyone before.
Speak of the devil.
"Hey Scott," I give him a genuine smile as he opens his locker, and he grumbles in response as he shoves a book on the top shelf. Focussing on Scott is helping me fight against the moons hold over me, although I can't help but feel slightly annoyed that this is going to be a one sided conversation.
Here goes.
"I'm sorry about everything that happened. Alison is an idiot for breaking up with you. It's obvious how much you care about her. She was lucky to have you but I'm sure you will find someone better, someone whose father isn't a hunter-"
"She's not an idiot. I'm an idiot and I screwed everything UP," Scott is trying not to yell as the frustration tries to take hold of him. His heart is racing and if he's not careful the shift is going to start any moment now.
That's the last thing we need. I guess he is feeling the same way I'm feeling.
"Scott I-"
"I'm going to get her back!" Scott replies before he slams his locker and rushes down the crowded hallway and I'm meant to be the drama queen . . . Pfft I'm pretty sure Scott just stole the title from me.
Well that's the last time I try comforting him.
"What was that about?" Isaac asks as I close my locker and lean against it. It's lunchtime although I just lost my appetite completely.
Not even chocolate pudding will be enough to ease away my frustration and usually chocolate never lets me down. Zan must already be at the cafeteria saving us seats, she always gets the good table by the window.
"He is having Alison drama."
"You know sometimes I think girls aren't worth all the drama," Isaac replies and I feel slightly disappointed. Does he think I'm not worth the drama? I mean I don't think I'm the biggest drama queen in the school. Lydia and Jackson share that title along with Scott I guess but I also know I'm not a low maintenance kind of girl.
Or am I?
"There must be someone that you might think is worth the drama?" I ask.
God what is my problem I mean why can't I just ask him how he feels and if he likes me? I'm sure he does, it all makes sense now but there is a small part of me that wonders if I'm wrong and it would be humiliating.
It could also ruin our friendship forever if I'm wrong. Not even Zan knows about my dreams and my feelings. Of course I'm going to tell her but I've had so much werewolf drama going on that I haven't had the energy or the time yet.
"There might be someone." Isaac replies and I feel the butterflies begin to roam in my stomach in anticipation. There's always the chance that Isaac could be talking about Zan. I don't know what they get up to when I'm not there.
No way. Zan would tell me if she had feelings for Isaac and last I heard she was crushing on Stiles.
Ick . . . Totally gross. I mean Stiles really? Of course I can't talk. I had spent six years harbouring a crush for Scott. The sad thing is that Zan knows Stiles is in love with Lydia. Hence the reason she hasn't told Stiles and he is completely clueless of course just as Scott was of my crush.
"Who?" I ask.
"Why are so interested in my love life all of a sudden? Shouldn't you be following after Scott?" Isaac asks and I can tell he is literally confused by my very subtle flirting. Is he going to make me spell it out?
Is it ME?
Do you like ME?
"You really don't believe me do you?" I ask. I've explained to both Isaac and Zan that I'm completely over my Scott crush and that I'm never ever sleeping with Jackson again. In fact I'm angry that I wasted my first time with him.
I should have saved myself for someone that I really love and can't imagine my life without and I'm thinking that person is Isaac. If only I could convince him to report his abusive father. The werewolf stuff is bad enough without the worry of Isaac being beaten to death by his own father. If I reported it, Isaac would know it was me and never speak to me again, and that I can't handle and what if his father really does kill him this time after the police confront him with the allegation?
"I believe you about Jackson but it's hard to believe that your feelings for Scott are just gone. Six years is a long time-" Isaac starts.
"Well maybe it was just a stupid crush and maybe I've realised that Scott and I are never going to be more than friends and I'm fine with that. Liking Scott was safe because I knew he didn't like me back."
"And what was Jackson? Did you even like him when you two hooked up for the first time?" Isaac asks and I can see the hurt in his piercing blue eyes.
He is right of course but I don't have a time machine and I can't change the past. Although that would be totally cool if I could. Wait stay on topic!
"I made a huge mistake but I can't change it now. I wish I could." I reply and Isaac's hard expression softens as I try to hold back the sorrow and disappointment from my face but of course Isaac can see through my act.
He's always been able to.
"I'm sorry I just . . . Jackson is a dick and I didn't think you were into guys like that." Isaac replies and I can see the disappointment on his face.
How am I meant to explain it to him without him thinking less of me? I had too much to drink at a party and gave into Jackson's advances of course it's no excuse. I wasn't drunk and I knew what I was doing but I just didn't care or realise the mistake until afterwards, but it felt good being wanted by someone.
"Well I don't know if you've noticed but guys don't notice me and Jackson did. For that brief moment I felt special and every time I was with Jackson I felt that way. I know it sounds stupid-"
"It's not stupid but Jackson wasn't the only guy noticing you." Isaac replies and I can't help but smile. It's almost as if he is calming the moon's side effects. I don't feel agitated at all at least not at the moment.
"Why?" I ask and Isaac looks confused by my question.
"Because you're amazing," Isaac replies and the smile grows on my face as my heart skips a beat.
I've never had a boyfriend before maybe this is my chance.
"Come on guys Ron won't mind our table forever," Zan yells from the other end of the hallway.
"We better get to lunch maybe we can continue this conversation later?" Isaac asks and I nod in response before I walk by his side and head to the cafeteria. We will definitely be finishing this conversation later.

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