Derek: Arrested

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(Previously: Scott warns Derek to stay away from Alison and Derek replies by telling Scott that he is looking out for him. Moments later Tane arrives and wins Derek back who is unable to hate him anymore. Derek also finds out that Kristin isn’t Tane’s soul mate, and instantly knows Phoebe is. Derek confronts Tane about it and in response Tane gets angry and leaves.)

Part of me isn’t surprised that Kristin shot me with an arrow last night. She is the type of person to shoot fist and ask questions later. I’m also not shocked that she went after the alpha herself of course it’s an idiotic move. What would Kristin know about hunting anyway? Unless of course she took after her father and joined the hunting business- no that can’t be it. Kristin’s mother and grandmother are both werewolves there’s no way she would hunt them down and kill them for a living.
I snap out of my thoughts as I hear cars heading towards the house. I guess I have visitors.
Just moments later I hear a car door close and many more. Who the hell is here and why are they here? It could be hunters.
I take the time to listen and hear someone talking over the radio, asking if they have arrived at the Hale house yet. It’s the police. Why are the police here? I’ve done nothing wrong.
This should be interesting.
“I need you to step out of the house.” I hear a voice yell as they walk up the cement steps.
“What’s the problem officer?” I ask as I open the door and lean against the door frame. I know he is the sheriff because of the badge pinned to his chest. I also know he is Kristin’s uncle Stilinsky.
“You are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you, do you understand these rights?” The Sheriff asks as he gets the handcuffs from his belt.
My instinct is to fight but unfortunately I know better than that. Fighting won’t help me in fact it will just make the situation worse for me anyway. I listen carefully and hear another small group talking and digging up the dirt.
They found Laura.
Scott! That annoying child! I guess that’s what you get for helping people-stabbed in the back.
I reluctantly put my hands behind my back and turn around. At first the metal is cold against my skin as he closes the handcuffs around my wrists. If I really wanted to I could break out of them without even breaking a sweat, but I don’t. Instead I let some older guy with grey hair lead me out across the porch and down the steps towards the car.
Scott is gawking and leaning against Stiles piece of crap Jeep. I should have noticed something was off. Why didn’t I realise the dirt had been dug up? I’m such an idiot. God damn it Scott!
I make sure to glare at him as we reach the car and the grey haired man opens the door as I drop my head and slide into the back seat. Scott and Stiles are idiots. There’s no proof linking me to Laura’s murder. I’m innocent. I would never hurt my own sister.
This should be entertaining. I roll my eyes as soon as I spot Stiles heading towards the police car. Is this the part where he warns me to stay away from his boyfriend Scott?
“Okay just so you know, I’m not afraid of you.” Stiles speaks from behind the metal grid that separates the culprits, and werewolves in my case from the police officers.
I don’t talk, instead I just glare at Stiles. The kind of glare that makes most people fear for their life. It’s one of my many talents. What can I say I’m good at intimidating others.
“Okay maybe I am. Doesn’t matter. I just want to know something. The girl you killed, she was a werewolf but she was a different kind wasn’t she? I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf and I know Scott can’t do that. Is that why you killed her?” Stiles asks and I refrain from rolling my eyes. He really does think he has all the answers doesn’t he?
“Why are you so worried about me when it’s your friend that’s the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they are going to do huh? Just keep cheering him on? I can’t stop him from playing but you can.” I reply hoping and praying that Stiles has taken in every single word that I just spoke. It’s crucial that Scott doesn’t shift on the field. Our existence is meant to stay secret from the humans- not be shoved in their faces. Every one of them will turn on Scott, they fear what they don’t understand.
I lean forward so my face is now just inches from the barrier that is separating us. “And trust me you want to.” I add just before the passenger seat door is opened and Stiles is pulled out of the car by the sheriff/ his father.
Will they hurry up already!

“I’m going to ask you again, why was there a body buried in your yard?” the Sheriff asks for a second time. I’m sitting at a table in the interrogation room and the Sheriff is sitting across from me trying to look mean although I’m not buying it.
“I told you already I don’t know!” I reply for the second time. I’m also a natural liar and I have no tells or signs that make it obvious when I lie, well that’s not 100% true. Kristin could always tell when I wasn’t being truthful and so could my parents and my now deceased sister Laura, but they were and are the only exceptions.
“So you’re saying that the killer randomly picked your house to bury the body?” the Sheriff asks in disbelief.
“I don’t know. I have no idea how the body got there. All I know is that I had nothing to do with it.” I continue to lie.
“I don’t believe you. You dated Kristin Sparks didn’t you?”
Instead of sitting back in my seat, I lean forward and let a mischievous grin surface. “So what if I did? Is that what you are going to arrest me for? Dating your niece?” I hold back the chuckle as the Sheriff’s nostrils begin to flare and his cheek flush red.
“You stay away from Kristin you hear?”
“Kristin is a grown woman, and I will stay away from her when she tells me,” A cocky grin surfaces and the Sheriff bangs his fists against the table outraged by my response. In a perfect world Kristin and I would be together, but were not. Because being with Kristin would make me happy, make my life complete but I don’t deserve happiness. No matter how much I want Kristin, need Kristin I can’t have her. There’s a reason why I never gave Kristin my contact details, and why I never contacted her. The idiotic part is that even though I know this I can’t let go of Kristin, the mate bond makes sure of it. Reminding me every minute of the crucial person that is missing from my life. It’s relentless and the pain is almost debilitating at times.
Not that the Sheriff needs to know any of that.
“Why did you kill that woman?” The Sheriff shouts as he leans over the table trying to show his dominance as he towers over me. Instinctively the wolf part of me wants to put the Sheriff in his place but I fight against it and tame him/me. Until they find out the cause of death they can’t charge me at least not without proof, and at the moment the Sheriff has nothing, well other than the body being in my yard.
“I didn’t.” I reply calmly and I can see the annoyance in his eyes. He has been trying to get a reaction out of me and has failed every time.
Another man enters the room: a short stocky man with a buzz cut and I assume he is here to play good cop.
“Hi Derek I’m officer Smith,” he introduces himself and takes a seat beside the Sheriff who also sits back down and crosses his arms over his chest in defeat.
“Let me guess you are here to help me?” I ask Smith as I sit casually in my seat- ignoring the pain in my wrists. My hands are still cuffed behind my back, and they are dying for freedom.
So am I.
“I am and all I need is some answers; do you want anything to drink?” He asks me and I can’t help but look at him as though he is the dumbest person in the world. How exactly am I supposed to drink anything with my hands cuffed behind my back?
“Oh right we can chain you to the table if you would like a drink?” Smith offers like it is really going to make a difference.
“You can ask me all the questions you want but the answers are going to be the same. I didn’t kill her and I did not bury her in my yard.” I reply. At least the first part wasn’t a lie.
I’m still not 100% sure who killed Laura but when I find out for sure I am going to make the murderer(s) suffer for killing my sister.
After another few hours of questioning the Sheriff finally calls it quits and puts me in a cell, luckily I have no cell mates and my hands are finally free of those binding cuffs that were starting to give me cramps.
Scott will have played and finished his game, and I gather he didn’t shift on the field, or if he did he got away before anyone could see because there have been no calls about a wolf boy.
Thank god!
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