Nat smirked. "Isn't this the one with the berries?"

Clint gasped. "It is. Right, Bucky stay on watch, Tony do your thing, and everybody else, see what you can find and present it in the kitchen in half an hour."

They all went their separate ways, and then reconvened with their findings.

"They're all a bit stale - not that I would know - but I found a bunch of tortillas in a store cupboard," Sam said, waving a hand at his mountain of chips and causing a small avalanche.

Natasha silently stepped aside, and Tony whistled in appreciation. "Look at all those chicken soup cans."

"I smell like beef," Bucky complained as he showed off the many packets of corned beef he'd hauled in from the other roof.

Clint was next. "Well, I still haven't found my berries, but there were some other frozen fruits. We should eat those first, seeing as we had to seal off the gas and electricity supplies." He opened the freezer to demonstrate, and a bunch of frozen lemons tumbled out, hitting him on the head. Clint looked deeply unimpressed. 

Bad Spidey. No quips. Bad Spidey.

Steve stepped up. "I ransacked all the cupboards and found some carbs." On the table behind him were some undoubtedly stale waffles and pastries, and a mouldy looking potato.

"Can I get a waffle?" Sam asked Steve, who shook his head. 

"Like Clint said, we should use the fruit first. And really, you shouldn't eat unless you really need to."

Peter raised his hand. "I have enhanced metabolism and I haven't eaten all day." I'm also dying inside from all the vines you keep unknowingly referencing.

Clint nodded in understanding and tossed a couple of half-frozen apples to him. Peter looked down at them and shrugged, biting into the first with some difficulty.

To Sam, Clint threw a frozen avocado. Sam looked at it in mild horror. "An avocado. Thanks. Really."

"Come on Sam," Bucky laughed at his sarcasm. "Fresh avocado is a delicacy. Or should I say freeze-avocado?"

Sam shot him a death glare, and Peter sat quietly eating his apples and internally perishing. He finished them quickly and at his stomach's continued complaints he quietly took a lemon and ate it like an orange (bad idea, don't try at home(no seriously I tried this it's nasty)).

"Tony, what did you find?"

"Still working on analysing the data, but it's looking hopeful," Tony promised.

"Good. We should probably try to get some rest. Eat as much fruit as you want, then find a place to settle for the night."

"We should all stay in one room to preserve heat," Natasha suggested.

"The sitting room is the largest," Clint nodded. "We'll take it in turns to keep watch in case the suspects comes back."

"Is there a torch or something?" Sam asked.

"I think I saw one earlier," Steve nodded. "Everybody search the cupboards."

They split up again. Peter found some matches and a ball of string and was on his way back to the kitchen when he heard Clint yell "Oh my god, I found my berries!" followed by a chorus of 'ew's from the rest of the team as they arrived to find a baggie of mouldy blueberries that had definitely not been left in the freezer.

"Got the torch," Bucky handed over a long, solid black torch. "It doesn't have any batteries, though."

"That's okay, I found some." Steve laid out several packets of torches. "We have AA, AAA or AAAA." Peter clenched his teeth tightly to keep from screaming.

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