Alligators and Agreements

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Monty flashed a cocky smile as he lowered the shades on his snout.
"So, who's the fresh meat?" He rumbled with a hearty chuckle.
"This is my friend, Y/N." Chris introduced, giving Monty a look that had 'don't be a dick' written all over it.
"Y/N..." Monty repeated, "I like that name...but I still think Monty is the best name anyone could have." He laughed. Chris rolled his eyes, chuckling.
"Of course, Monty." Chris quipped, turning to me, "We can talk about names later. What's wrong with Sun?"
"I-I don't know! He plugged himself into an arcade console...a-and then..." I stifled a small sob, "...H-He just wasn't turning back on..."
"Ah, he's just being a wuss! I've had plenty of viruses, and I'm as good as can be!" Monty proudly declared, leading the way to the arcade.
"Yeah, and I'm the one stuck fixing you." Chris bickered tauntingly, "You whine like a little kid when I have to fix you! Remember when-"
"Let's NOT talk about that, heh..." Monty interrupted hurriedly, casting a sheepish glance backwards as he leaned over to Chris. "Gotta impress the ladies, y'know..." He mumbled. I let out a short laugh, which made Monty raise an eyebrow at me.
"Super impressed." I affirmed sarcastically, which made Chris laugh; their banter made me feel a little better about the situation.
"Y'know what? I am impressive!" Monty argued, flexing his biceps, "C'mon, look at this!" He turned around so that he was now walking backwards to face me, smacking over a trash can with his tail during the process.
"Shit- DARN! I SAID DARN!" Monty corrected, holding his hands up innocently as Chris narrowed his eyes at him. Lucky for Monty, we had reached the arcade doors before Chris could dish out a reprimand.
The group hesitated, somewhat apprehensive to find what waited for us on the other side. Oh, but he's all alone...! I couldn't bear to leave Sun be for a moment longer; I pushed open the door, taking a couple steps in.
Sun was sitting on the floor, gingerly rubbing his head as he looked around.
"Sunny!?" I gasped, relieved to see him awake.
"Y/N!" He responded excitedly, quickly rising to his feet. Sun darted towards me, arms outstretched, but the other two put themselves between him and I.
"Woah, hey!" Chris raised his voice, weary of Sun, who cocked his head quizzically.
"Y-Y/N...?" Sun whined, desperately wanting to have me in his arms. I shifted from foot to foot.
"You're gettin' a check up, buddy!" Taunted Monty.
"It's Sun." Sunny corrected lowly, taking a step back as he sized up Monty, who was shorter but bulkier. "I'm not doing repairs with you." Sun flicked his weary gaze between Monty and Chris.
"Too bad! You're-" Monty started, but cut himself off when I squeezed myself past the two of them, finally reaching Sun.
"Can I have a moment with him, please?" I whirled around to face Monty and Chris. They hesitated, then nodded; thankfully they were understanding enough. Then again, maybe it was the red glow from the emergency lights paired with Sun's slightly threatening smile that convinced them. Regardless, they slipped out of the room without a word. Sunny visually relaxed once we were alone.
"I don't like them." He muttered softly, casting a worried frown. I didn't respond as I shuffled up to him, squeezing him into a tight hug as I fought back tears.
"I-I thought y-you..." I stuttered shakily. Sunny returned the embrace, gently running a hand through my hair.
"I'm okay, I promise." He looked down, noticing the silent tears. "Hey, hey... I'm made for wear and tear! And I can handle myself perfectly fine!" He noted dramatically, puffing out his chest in hopes to cheer me up. I laughed slightly, wiping the moisture from my cheeks.
"I just want to make sure you're okay. I...It scared me to see you like that..." I grabbed his hands in mine, giving a small squeeze, "But I don't know how to check your software, and I need their help."
Sunny grimaced, certainly not enjoying the situation. He glanced distrustingly at the doors, then back to me. I took note of how much his expression softened when his eyes settled on mine.
He's still so nervous...
I needed to give him some incentive.
Consequently, I beckoned him to lean down to my level, at which he hesitantly obliged. I cupped my hand to the side of my mouth as I whispered to him.
"I'll do a sleepover tonight if you do this..."
He blinked as I pulled away, registering the commitment that was being bargained.
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
And so, a deal was made.

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