Drop Dead

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The sudden weightlessness of free-fall made my breath catch in my throat. I suddenly missed his crushing grip around me; as much as it hurt, it was much better than this. I screamed- how could I not? The floor was getting closer. I squeezed my eyes shut and begged for this to be a dream.
I stopped falling.
The weird thing, however, was that there was no thud, crunch, or snap. My eyes shot open, staring down at the floor, which was only about a foot away.
Moon had grabbed me at the last second, his mischievous chuckle echoing in my ears.
"W...Wh-" I barely managed to sputter out, a flash of rage rushing upon me. "Y-You're a fucking-" I started shakily, balling my hands into white-knuckled fists.
"You are alive because I allow it. Remember that." Moon cut me off with a hiss, smothering my flame of anger back to fear.
I swallowed hard, still choking on tears. "I understand that you-"
"You do NOT understand ANYTHING." He snapped, "You do not know me. You do not understand me."
I nodded shakily, barely managing to squeak out a wavering "okay".
"Punishment is over." He grumbled dismissively, allowing his grip to loosen so that I dropped to the floor. He walked away, scaling up various items after disconnecting his cable and disappearing into his tower.
I didn't make a move to get up right away; instead, I sobbed on the floor, curled into the fetal position with my hands over my head. Fuck this job. Fuck Moon. I didn't want to die. I should just quit. I laid still for a moment, debating the pros and cons of just walking out of here.
No. I sighed shakily, picking myself off the floor. I won't find another well-paying job like this...and I can't leave Sun. At least Moon was gone for now. Might as well rinse off. I was relieved to finally be alone as I shook off the nervous edge that remained in my system.
It was silent in the daycare as I walked to my room, which was unlike Moon. He must feel so accomplished with himself. Prick. I scoffed as I shut the apartment door behind me, making sure to lock it; I didn't need Moon walking in on me showering. At least not right now... I caught myself, throwing out the thought. No! He almost killed me! As much as I wanted to punch him, I couldn't extinguish the spark I felt; those moments of intimacy were definitely genuine...at least I could push it aside for now.
I ate whatever I could find in my fridge, feeling that I deserved to gorge after a near-death experience. I should treat myself, I've been through it all.
I stripped myself of clothes after eating, practically running to the shower to finally cleanse myself- I was more excited than I'd like to admit. I went to turn on the shower, but I hesitated.
A voice.
I looked around, immediately on high-alert. I was naked, tired, and virtually unable to defend myself, but hey, I was alert. Thank god.
I was able to follow the sound, which led me to the vent over my shower. I stood directly beneath it, straining to listen.
I could hear a conversation resonate through the vent. Moon. He must've been fighting with Sun.
"You're going to scare her away." Sun scolded.
"Good." Moon retorted. The sound of his voice made me shudder.
"We both know you don't mean that."
"She needs to be tough if she wants to stay."
"Well, yes, but-"
"She must know how to protect herself."
"From what!?"
There was a beat of silence.
"You know the answer." Moon said bitterly.
More silence. I stood on the edge of the tub to try and get a better listen.
"She's started fighting back, right?" Sun ventured. I could hear the slight worry in his voice. Fight back!? This wasn't sounding good.
"No. I'm considering upping the intensity." Moon sighed, "Might spark something."
I went on my tiptoes in hopes to listen better, but my foot slipped off the bathtub edge. I nearly ripped the curtain off its rungs as I sloppily regained my balance, knocking over various shampoo and soap containers.
The conversation above halted.

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