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I begrudgingly stepped out of the daycare, hesitant to leave Moon alone. For the first time ever, I had truly seen a more gentle side of Moon- he had gone so far as to express his concern with my well being. On the other hand, he was probably so concerned because he had strangled me to the point of passing out.
I rubbed at my neck again, well-aware that I would have a lovely hand-shaped bruise there soon enough.
I wasn't mad at Moon, though. I had seen the fear in his eyes- it wasn't his fault. If anything, I was scared of losing him and Sun to this...thing.
What if the virus permanently corrupts them? They'd probably get scrapped. What do I do, then? I could feel the panic tighten around my chest at the thought. I'd lose them both.
I couldn't have that happen.
I wouldn't have that happen.
I managed to escape my internal panic as I neared my destination, my pace picking up with a sense of urgency. I pushed against the entrance doors to gator golf, only to hear them rattle against their locked hinges.
"What!?" I exclaimed to myself before finally noticing the crudely-written note taped to the doors- 'Be back soon!'
Fucking hell. I mentally groaned, releasing a huff of exasperation; I couldn't seem to catch a break. I patted myself down as I searched for a pencil; I figured I could at least leave a message for Chris as well. Luckily, a pen was on the floor nearby. Looks like someone was in a rush. I noted as I grabbed the pen and scribbled a message below the note for Chris to find- 'Meet me in parts & service ASAP. Virus. Bring Monty. -Y/N.'
I figured I could rush Moon down and get him contained inside the protective cylinder. Moon's tough, he can hold off the virus. However, I wasn't convinced with Sun's ability to do the same. Speaking of which, I'll have to hurry back before the lights turn on in the daycare.
I was practically jogging back when I turned a corner and- whumpf!
Papers flew everywhere, accompanied by the sharp wheeze of someone having the wind knocked out of them.
"FuCK-" They gasped, doubling over as they slowly recovered from the impact.
"Sorry! Sorry." I immediately apologized, my face transitioning to a bright red hue when I realized who it was.
"Oh...I are." Vanessa replied venomously, lowering herself to her knees to collect the documents and catch her breath.
"I have a favor to ask." I blurted, cutting to the chase. It was painful to have any sort of talk with Vanessa, especially after she had seen me in a rather...compromising...position.
"What is it now?" She huffed with irritation as she stood, clearly not interested in the conversation.
"Well, uhm, I need you to close down the daycare for today."
"Again!? Listen, you're not getting paid just to get tied up and f-"
"Woah! Okay!" I butted in, feeling my face grow even hotter with embarrassment as I quickly redirected the conversation, "Sun has been acting a little off lately, and I just don't want a lawsuit on our hands."
Vanessa took a moment to shuffle the papers into a neat stack as she considered my request. She drew in a long breath, pinching her thumb and forefinger onto the bridge of her nose.
"...Fine."  She grumbled, caving at the threat of a looming lawsuit, "But if I get any heat, you're not getting any more favors from me."
I nodded, exhaling with relief. "Got it. Thank you, seriously. You're a life saver."
"Stop kissing my ass." Vanessa remarked gruffly, ending the conversation by walking past me.
"Good talk." I remarked insincerely before continuing back to the daycare. Frankly, I wasn't sure how to feel about Vanessa. On one hand, she had gone out of her way to help me. But on the other hand, she was a bitch. Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh. I scolded myself as I set a brisk pace towards the daycare entrance, the doors looming as I approached closer. I don't know why, but I felt...nervous?
I felt that my gut was telling me that something was off. I chalked it up to nothing, and then immediately regretted my ignorance when I pushed my way into the room.
It was bright in the daycare, and I could see a tall yellow entity bolt towards me almost immediately after hearing the doors open.
Oh fuck.

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