Tangled Up

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"SUN!" I yelped, feeling my bones beginning to pop. He snapped out of the haze, dropping me. I coughed as I slowly rose to my feet, and he was immediately all over me.
"I'm sorry! So sorry! I didn't mean to- oh my gosh, what if you're hurt? Did I hurt you!?" He spun me around, worriedly checking me over.
"Sun, I'm fine!"
"I w-wasn't thinking, and I missed you so much and-"
"I had to leave because I ran out of clothes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."
"A-And you won't leave again?"
I shook my head. "I don't think I'll need to, but I'll tell you if I do."
Sun nodded, his shoulders slumping to a more relaxed state. "One question, though."
"Why did you leave with him?" Sun's face twisted into a frown- a very rare expression. He must be talking about Chris.
"...Him..." he repeated with the gravelly tone of Moon. Sun finally succumbed to the darkness, his figure shaking as Moon emerged, who looked down at me with a growl.
"I didn't leave with him. We just left at the same time."
"He's following you." He rasped bitterly.
Ooh, he's really jealous. Consider this payback for dropping me!
"Oh no, I just really love his company."
I hadn't planned on taking the teasing much farther than that, but apparently that single statement was enough to set Moon off.
"You WHAT!?" He exploded with a snarl, already reaching for the cable that was lowering.
Time to run, move your damn feet!
I spun around to dart off, but he had already managed to hook an arm around my torso.
"MINE!" He roared, pulling me backwards into his clutch. Moon sunk his teeth into the skin on my neck, causing me to evict a sharp cry of pain. It wasn't necessarily a hard bite, but it was enough to dig into my skin; I could feel the blood dampen the collar of my shirt.
He made a noise that surprised me- It was almost like an angry whimper; his voice broke mid-growl, adding a note of desperation to his tone.
"You are not going anywhere."
"Okay! Okay! I understand the punishment!" I half-whimpered as I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but it appeared that he didn't plan on letting me go just yet.
"Punishment isn't over, starlight!" He cackled harshly as we began to lift off the ground.
Seems like punishment was over, after all.
Sun had let go of me in his confused panic, but luckily we were low enough so that I wouldn't sustain any injuries from the fall. That didn't stop me from landing clumsily with a whumpf!
"Sun!" I exclaimed, quickly rising to my feet, "Oh, thank goodness, Sunny! I-"
I looked up and quickly cut myself off. Sun was flailing about, tangling himself worse and worse into the cable that suspended him. After a couple moments he gave up, expelling an exasperated sigh.
"A little help...!" He whined, twisting his head backwards to look at me. Despite his predicament, I didn't rush to his aid quite yet.
I had an idea.
A horrible idea.
I turned heel and walked towards the switch.
"Y-Y/N?" Sunny called after me in dismay. I could hear him grunt as he continued to frantically thrash about, "Y/N!"
I heard Sun make a small yelp before Moon shuddered into view. The struggling ceased as Moon quickly realized what had happened.
It got reeeeeeeal quiet.
His eyes had betrayal written all over them as he settled his focus on me.
"Stop looking."
I didn't, which only added to his frustration. "Quit it." He hissed sharply, issuing his one and only warning.
"Stop dropping me and I'll consider it."
"Who said I was going to drop you?" The innocence in his voice betrayed the cruel smile that nagged at his lips.
"You were going to drop me again!" I pressed angrily, taking a threatening step forth with my finger pointed at him. He shrugged nonchalantly.
"Perhaps. Perhaps not."
"Don't play dumb, fucker!" I snapped, shoving him so that he swung around like a piñata.
"You bit me, and I know damn well you were going to drop me!"
"He didn't get the message." Moon hissed coldly, as if I should've expected that to happen, "And neither did you."
"Did you think I was going to leave?" I redirected, allowing my anger to simmer. Moon didn't respond; instead, he huffed and refocused on getting himself loose. I grabbed the cable, causing him to stop and look at me.
"I didn't mean to leave without telling you. Hell, I didn't want to leave in the first place! I just needed some clothes..." I rambled, somewhat uneasy with how quiet he was.
And then, he grumbled something. It was quiet and quick, so I didn't catch it.
"What was that?" I prodded, leaning closer. He casted an irritated sideways glance.
"I might have overreacted."

Sun/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now