Learning A Thing or Two

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Sun covered his reddening face, mumbling a million apologies. I decided not press him on what 'things' entailed; he seemed pretty close to a mental breakdown as-is.
I sighed, closing my eyes and placing my thumb and forefinger on the bridge of my nose. It was a relief that Sun hadn't done it on purpose, but it was rather concerning that Moon knew about...that.
"A-Are you mad at me...?" came the timid question, which snapped me out of my thoughts. His lip quivered slightly- he looked like he was about to cry. Seeing him like that made my heart sink.
"No, no, I'm not mad, Sunny! It was an accident-" I wheezed as his arms flung around me, constricting me into a tight hug.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!" He cried out, his head resting on the top of mine as he swayed me to and fro. I thought I was going to break a rib with how tight his embrace was. "I had just missed you SO much when I waited, and I couldn't bear to wait any more than ten minutes, and-" he glanced down, gasping as he noticed that he was holding on a just a little too tight. He let go and my lungs rejoiced.
"Just...don't do it again, please..." I sputtered out between coughs, watching him nod in compliance.
"Understood!" He paused for a moment. "Also...did you call me Sunny?"
"Oh! Sorry, I meant to say Sun." I corrected.
He smiled, patting my head delicately. "I don't mind!" He giggled, "I like when you give me nicknames." I could feel a smile form on my face, nearly mirroring his. Frankly, I really liked being around Sun, so much that I genuinely enjoyed my job. Well, the daytime part of it, anyway.
"I wish I could hang out with you all night, you're just so..." I struggled to find the right word as I felt my cheeks get hot.
"Fun? Silly? Unique?" He offered.
Sunny blushed, his eyes widening with surprise. "You think I'm cute!?"
"Well, yeah! You're just so nice, and you make the kids so happy, and-"
He jutted in, "I make you happy, too, right??"
A small laugh escaped me "Yes, of course."
He nodded, very happy with this answer. "Good! Just thought I'd check." He motioned for me to continue.
I looked away sheepishly. "Everything you do, it's just..." I shrugged,"It's cute, y'know?" I paused, taking in everything I had said. "I hope you don't think I'm weird for saying that."
Sun tenderly placed a hand against my cheek, turning my head to meet his giddy expression. "That has been one of the sweetest things I've ever heard! You aren't weird, I promise!" His thumb rubbed on my cheek as he prepared his next words, "If you're weird, then I'd also be weird...because...I think you're cute, too, Y/N."
He pulled me in for another hug, at which I rested my head on his chest.
It was a calming noise, and the sheer volume of it proudly declared how happy he was. I wanted to stay like this for the rest of the night. Hell, I could stay like this for the rest of eternity! However, we still had some cleaning to do...and I'd need to run for my life pretty soon once the lights shut off.
"Hey, Sunny?"  I pulled back from his embrace.
He tilted his head curiously. "Yes, sunbeam?"
"Why does Moon hate me?"
Sun looked surprised. "Hate you?! No, no, no! He's just not good at expressing his emotions!"
I wasn't convinced. "He seems to be really good at expressing anger, though."
"He used to be more friendly, if you could imagine that." came the gentle retort. "I didn't see anything, but something must've happened," he shuddered, "because one day he just...changed."
"Changed?" I prodded.
"Got dangerous, started attacking the night staff," Sun explained, "Never put kids in danger, no, but he scared them." He brushed a stray hair from my face. "I know he doesn't hate you, though."
"How so?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer.
"All the other people that worked your job never lasted through the first night."
Yeah, I shouldn't have asked.

Sun/Moondrop x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon